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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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05 Dec 2010, 2:19 pm

What is your first name? -E

Age: 22

Location: Reykjavík

Hobbies and Interests: The list is enormous... it includes biology and linguistics and way too much other stuff. I need to cut back on hobbies, soon.

Why are you here? I don't know. I'm lonely.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 19.

Favorite subjects: Icelandic, English, German, Mathematics, Biology, History, Physics. Most of them, I guess. :P

Year/Grade: It's... complicated.

Favorite music: Classic stuff, from a few hundred to a few decades year old.

Books: Harry Potter, anything P.G. Wodehouse, dictionaries, Wuthering Heights.

TV shows/Movies: A Clockwork Orange, IASIP, HIMYM, House.

Instrument: Piano, guitar, cello. I like the sound of trumpets and horns, though.

Do you like sports? Mnyah. Depends.

Family: Live with my boyfriend, have a mum and a weird array of strange family members all over the place.

Clothing: Comfy, nothing that's tight around the neck, no runny materials and no fleece *squirms*, but lots of t-shirts and hoodies and comfy jeans and warm, thick socks.

How did you find this website? I can't remember!

Job: Student.

Plans for the future? Next summer I'm going to study biology... or literature, or medicine, or anthropology... or whatever. I'm not sure. It's scary to think about it!

Any comments? Mneh.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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06 Dec 2010, 7:09 am

What is your first name? Jayne

Age: 30

Location: Scotland

Hobbies and Interests: a whole bunch of things! I'm really interested in health/medicine, webdesign, music, circus skills.. but i love learning in general, so it's always changing!

Why are you here? Well, today, it's because I just randomly decided to visit. It's snowing outside, so I thought I'd cosy up in here & read stuff :)

When were you diagnosed? Haven't been, but am being assessed in a few weeks.

Favorite music: Depends on any number of things, heheh.. I really do like a lot of Ani DiFranco's stuff, & am heavily into Sage Francis at the moment..Generally, I'll listen to anything, though! :D

Books: Again, I'm not particularly fussy.. Going through a bit of an Iain Banks phase again lately, & have just borrowed my first Christopher Brookmyre from my partner.

TV shows/Movies
: I don't really pay attention to TV, but I do/did like Bones, Pushing Daisies, BSG, Farscape, Dexter, Would I Lie to You, Mock the Week...

Instrument: I sing & play guitar.. & have just started mucking about with MIDI..

Do you like sports? Not particularly.. martial arts are fun, though, and fire-poi. :D

Family: are a little complicated! I'm adopted, & have regular contact with both my adoptive and birth families, but they're scattered all over England, whilst I stubbornly refuse to trade in the hills & the snow for better weather. ;)

Clothing: I tend to get very attached to particular items of clothes.. At the moment I'm barely ever out of my thick, soft cardigan. :) On the other hand, I don't really care what I look like, so it's currently being worn over one of my boyfriend's baggy tops & a distinctly sorry-looking pair of flared black cords.. Sizing tends to be an issue as well.. I'm a bit of a gangly-lookin' creature, on account of having Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, so if something fits my body as it should, then the sleeves/legs will be way too short.. having said that, I'm not a fan of tight things anyway, they make my skin crawl.. ;)

How did you find this website?

Job: Student Learning Disabilities Nurse

Plans for the future?
I'm getting married soon! :D In terms of career....I'd like to work with people on the spectrum.. quite a lot of our clients with learning disabilities will have Autism, autistic traits, etc., & I'm starting to get quite defensive about some of the misconceptions out there.. perhaps my interest in this could lead to me being active in advocacy? There's also a Masters in Autism over at Strathclyde uni that could prove interesting in a few years.. Failing that (if my physical health prevents it), I could probably scratch out a decent living from my webdesign and/or music...


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06 Dec 2010, 3:36 pm

I redo this about every year:

First Name: Kevin

Age: 19

Location: Wyoming

When was I diagnosed: at age 5

Hobbies/Interests: Anime, Computers, Guns

Why I am here: I've been here for so long that I no longer need a reason.

Favorite Music: J-pop and Techno, as well as various pop songs

Books: Harry Potter, Inheritance, Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, Chronicles of Nick (Sherrilyn Kenyon)

Manga: Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni, bunch of others

Movies: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Inception, Harry Potter series

TV: Big Bang Theory, anything on Discovery Channel

Anime: Spiral, Last Exile, Book of Bantorra, Code Geass, Darker than Black, bunch of others

Games>DS: Infinite Space, Pokemon, any Shin Megami Tensei games

Games>PS2: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona series, Xenosaga, Kingdom Hearts

Games>Xbox360: Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Tom Clancy's HAWX, Tom Clancy's ENDWAR, Portal, Mirror's Edge, bunch of others

Instrument: I wish.

Sports: Snowboarding during the winter, Parkour during the summer.

Family: Freaking weird and freaking everywhere

Clothing>Standard Gear: Hiking boots, jeans, T-shirt, and half gloves (fingerless gloves) for biking/parkour

Clothing>Winter Gear: Heavy bubble coat, UW scarf, hat, gloves, ski goggles

School>Location: University of Wyoming

School>Grade: Sophmore

School>Major: Computer Science

Random: Waiting for the postman.

"Yeah, so this one time, I tried playing poker with tarot cards... got a full house, and about four people died." ~ Unknown comedian

Happy New Year from WP's resident fortune-teller! May the cards be ever in your favor.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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07 Dec 2010, 11:45 am

What is your first name? riad

Age: 20

Location: algeria

Hobbies and Interests: sport and cinema

Why are you here? i have asperger

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
4 months ago
Favorite subjects:


Favorite music: instrumental


TV shows/Movies: crazy in love ; ghost ; up in the air

Instrument: guitar

Do you like sports? i love it



How did you find this website? i write asperger

Job: student + i work in a cybercofee

Plans for the future? i search a love and after i want to enter in the world of cinema

Any comments? you are the best

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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07 Dec 2010, 3:33 pm

What is your first name? Marissa :)

Age: 20

Location: Massachusetts

Hobbies and Interests: Photography, writing, computers, nature, natural medicine, natural disasters, etc

Why are you here? To express myself.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I was in grade 7, so I was probably 12. That would be 8 years ago. But I never started accepting it until this year.

Favorite subjects: Biology, Geography

Year/Grade: Dropped out :/

Favorite music: Korn, Evanescence, Sarah Brightman, Metallica

Books: I like thillers.

TV shows/Movies: Star wars, LOTR, Twilight saga, Monty Python, etc

Instrument: I play piano by ear somewhat

Do you like sports? Nope

Family: I live with my husband Mike, and his mom and grammy. I also have my parents and a sister and half brother back in Canada.

Clothing: I wear a lot of purple. Love leopard print. Usually just wear jeans, a shirt with converse sneakers in the summer. Or jeans, shirt, a coat or a hoodie and uggs in the winter.

How did you find this website? Google

Job: Unemployed at the moment

Plans for the future? Recently married, get my GED, and go to college then possibly start a family in the next few years

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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08 Dec 2010, 4:23 pm

Hi everyone,
I am going to copy and paste the form of fleurbleue, which I find very interesting... I hope that fleurbleue will be okay with that, adding some translations in english as much as I can...
Je vais faire un copier-coller du "formulaire" de fleurbleue que je trouve très intéressant.... J'espère que cela ne la dérangera pas, en ajoutant autant de traductions anglaises que je peux....

Name? / Quel est votre prénom?

Age: 29

Where are you from? / D'où venez-vous?
from this old France / De cette vieille France

Hobbies and interests / Loisirs et centres d'intérêt:
Sciences, Maths, Theoretical Physics, Research, Neurology, Music, Universe and the beauty of Nature / Sciences, Maths, Physique Théorique, Recherches, Neurologie, Musique, l'Univers et la beauté de la Nature (désolé fleurbleue mais c'est tellement vrai que je ne peux que copier)

Why are you here? / Pourquoi êtes vous ici?
Looking for sharing with aspies / Je cherche à partager mes expériences avec d'autres aspies

When have you been diagnosed / Quand avez-vous été diagnostiqué?
September, 10th 2010 / 10 Septembre 2010

Favorite subjects / Les sujets de prédilection: I am curious about a lot of things but I focus particularly on the understanding of natural phenomena (Universe, space, time, matter...). Anyway, when I do something, I do it obsessively! / Je suis curieux de tout, mais j'ai tendance à me focaliser sur la compréhension des phénomènes naturels. Donc, un peu tout mais de manière obsessive!

Music / Musique: Beethoven, Soul, Jazz, Blues, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, The Who, Queen, Muse...

Books / Livres: Every book dealing with Science or Philosophy / Tout livre qui traite de Science ou de Philosophie.

TV Shows, movies / émissions de télévision, films: Every movie or TV shows dealing with Science or Science Fiction, of course! / Tout film qui traite de Science ou de Science Fiction bien sur!
Star Wars, Star Trek, Alien, Abysse, The Big Bang Theory, Chuck, House MD...

Instruments: piano, violin/violon,, voice/la voix.

Do you like sports? / Vous aimez les sports? trekking, biking / la marche, randonnées, vélo

Family / Famille: Single / Célibataire.

Clothing / Vêtements: no particular preference / pas de préférence particulière

How did you find this site? / Comment avez-vous trouvé ce site? Googling / En faisant des recherches.

Job / Emploi: PhD in Theoretical Physics, last year / Dernière année de Doctorat en Physique Théorique

Plans for the future? / Les plans pour l'avenir? Carpe diem. I don't have any idea except that I want to develop myself. / Je n'ai pas encore d'idée, je veux seulement m'épanouir!

Any comment? / Tout commentaire? I am a loner. I try to speak different languages. I feel misunderstood by the rest of the world in which I live, but now I know that I am no more alone. / Je suis un grand solitaire. J'essaie de parler plusieurs langues. Je me sens incompris mais je sais maintenant que je ne suis plus seul!

Adam Raki
"What I cannot create, I do not understand." R.P. Feynman (1988)


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08 Dec 2010, 7:39 pm

What is your first name? Lee

Age: 25

Location: Oz

Hobbies and Interests: the supernatural, poisons, writing

Why are you here? I can't leave!! !

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 3 years ago

Favorite subjects: English

Year/Grade: 3rd (college)

Favorite music: Classical

Books: Anything by Charles Dickens!!

TV shows/Movies: Home & Away!

Instrument: guitar

Do you like sports? surfing, walking. anything non-competitive

Family: yes

Clothing: baggy

How did you find this website? wikipedia link

Job: librarian *fingers crossed*

Plans for the future? work alone in a little library with very few customers

Any comments?[/b] nope!


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09 Dec 2010, 10:55 am

What is your first name? Brandon Michael King(i go by any of the 3)

Age: 17

Location: Atwater, California

Hobbies and Interests: people watching, video games, television, anyhing 80s related, transhumanism, welding, and mainly Politics

Why are you here? I have Aspergers syndrome and i came here to conect with other aspies so i dont feel so alone in this world.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 5 years ago, when i was in seventh grade

Favorite subjects: The Universe, space and time, transhumanism, politics, indefinite life longevity, space travel, welding, and marijuana fun facts mainly related to how useful it is and why its moronic for it to be illegal.
Year/Grade: Junior; 11

Favorite music: anything 80s, rock, techno, punk, swing, and classical

Books: almost anything Science Fiction related

TV shows/Movies: Azumanga Daioh, Attack of the Show, Law and Order: SVU, Family Guy, Looney Tunes, Animaniacs(mainly Mindy and Buttons, she is so adorable), Futurama, American Dad, Tom and Jerry, Batman Beyond, Batman The Movie: 1966 version with Adam West, Robin Hood: Men In Tights, Space Balls

Instrument: Guitar

Do you like sports? Swimming

Family: 2 older brothers, 1 older sister, and 1 younger sister all neurotypical

Clothing: anything i have in my closet

How did you find this website? randomly

Job: N/A

Plans for the future? Politician or political science teacher

Any comments? no

WP Strident Atheist
If you believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, have accepted him as your lord and savior, and are 100% proud of it, put this in your sig.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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10 Dec 2010, 12:00 pm

Age: 18
Location: I'm from Greece but i live in England
Hobbies and interests: Studying,Traveling,Writting,Reading,Drawing,Theater Astrology,Science,Philosophy,Psycology,Paleoanthropology,Evolution,Nature....
Why are you here? Although i dont have a diagnoses i think i do have some Asperger traits but i'm not 100% sure and i hope that this forum will help me to find this out .
Favorite subjects: Human Evolution and Biology
Year/Grade: I am studying English and then im planning to go to the University
Favorite music : International music African ,Native American ,Celtic,Irish Classic ,Instrumental.....anything old and natural
Books : The woman and the Ape , Singing Neanderthals,The secret ,The clan of the cave bear
TV shows/Movies: Documentaries( The Big Cat diary,The Incredible human journey , Darwins Nightmare , The rise of Man,L'odyssee de l'espece ) AO,the last Neanderthal, Nell, Out of Africa, Matrix, I dreamed of Africa,Beyond Borders, Quest for fire, The day after tomorrow,Planet of the apes
Instrument: Piano,Violin,Flute and Drums
Do you like sports? Yes i like them but i am i bit lazy to join them lol :)
Family: I have a mother ( who unfortunatly live with her because i dont fill strong to be indipendent ) a father who is very likely to have Asperger( i dont have a reletionship with him at all and i may see him once a year ) an aunt who has bipolar disorter and anorexia ( she is my fathers sister) and 2 new born brothers ( my father has a new family with another woman )
Clothing : Casual and sport
Job : I 'm a student
Plans for future : I have so many things i want to do ,first to find out what is wrong and what is right with me , i want to find my inner peace and the balance to feel strong and powerful to live in this world . Then i want to share my knowlege my wisdom and experience. I want to make a difference and a change in the world in general but i know that first i have to become this change who i want to see . I want to become a great person and take a part in the history of science,i want to fight for humans and nature , i want to make a discovery who is going to change the world ,i want to help people and myself ,i want to live and see this day that the world will be better place for everyone . ( Please forgive me for any mistakes i made with English )

Last edited by Wilma on 11 Dec 2010, 6:23 am, edited 1 time in total.


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10 Dec 2010, 12:21 pm

Guys, careful about revealing your whole name here! This site is public & in future anyone (e.g. your boss) who googles your name will find you here. Just a heads up

(btw if you want, you can go back & edit your posts for up to a week, otherwise, pm a mod)

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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10 Dec 2010, 1:38 pm

Hello there!

What is your first name? Hanne (call my nickname, I hate being called my real name)

Age: 19

Location: Denmark

Hobbies and Interests: I like quantum mechanics, the Universe. I want to know how the world works

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): My class teacher diagnosed me in 8th class and my cousin (who has AS) diagnosed me in 2009. non of this is official, but I think I have some sort of AS

Favorite subjects: math and physics

Year/Grade: 3rd year of technical high school

Favorite music: Muse

Books: I mostly read scientific books

TV shows/Movies: Angels and Demons

Instrument: I used to play flute and clarinet for some 6 years, but quit because of school

Family: Dad, mom, sister and a cat

Clothing: normal, not fancy

How did you find this website? I found it via a link from a Danish website for popular science

Job: Not yet

Plans for the future? Go to school of Engineering and become a mechanical engineer

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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10 Dec 2010, 9:39 pm

What is your first name?
20 (in 3 days)
Torrance, Ca, USA
Hobbies and Interests:
Music/Smoking Apparatus/Games/Anime/Manga/KITTIES!
Why are you here?
WP Helped me Understand myself a lot better. I Hope to learn more.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
This year I think, Maybe a Long time ago when I was Diagnosed with ADHD.
Favorite subjects:
Favorite music:
Progressive Death Metal/classical music
Anything written by Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Ayn Rand, or Piers Anthony.
TV shows/Movies:
South Park, Whitest Kids You Know, Azumanga Daioh, Gunbuster...I also like a LOT of Independent films.
Do you like sports?
Eh, not really.
? Too Vague?????????????????????????????
Dickies work pants and band shirts(Unless I'm looking for Work.)
How did you find this website?
Looking Up Good Aspie Jobs and Found this site.
Plans for the future?
Music...Don't have any other plans really. Work hard on music and nothin else really.
Any comments?
For some reason I have an Infatuation for cute things (Not as bad as teenage girls do though)
Thought I'd get this get to know me thing done. Sick right now and passing time.

Sometimes it feels like the world has blacklisted me...


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11 Dec 2010, 6:20 am

What is your first name? My name is Callum

Age: 20 years old, turned last novemeber

Location: Leicester,England

Hobbies and Interests: Music,Piano,Singing,Songwriting,Poetry,Gaming,Martial Arts,Art,Conspiracies,Alien/Ufo's,Paranormal,History,Documentaries,Science

Why are you here? To make friends,To find others with similar interests, have interesting conversations

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I cannot remember the exact age, but I was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome

Favorite subjects: Science,History,Music,English,Psychology

Year/Grade: National Diploma BTEC

Favorite music: I have too many to mention but I like anything that is different,weird,strange. IDM/Glitch/Dubstep/DNB/Swing/Jazz/Psy-Metal/Avant-Garde/Experimental everything really

Books: Anything that is knowledge

TV shows/Movies: Star Wars, V, The Matrix, From Hell

Instrument: Piano or Music Program

Do you like sports? Martial Arts or Snooker/Pool

Family: I love my family

Clothing: Anything unique and different

How did you find this website? Although I have been on and off, never actually posted on here. I have read peoples posts, and it has helped me understand myself better and accept who I am. I love this site :)

Job: None at this present moment, but A student in college studying music and technology

Plans for the future? Hopefully get to uni and study further in music,find a girl and have a family (not too early,travel the world,meet new friends etc..

Any comments? Yes this site is the best!!


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13 Dec 2010, 2:15 am

Hello there!

What is your first name? Julie

Age: 19 (20 on the 18th of Dec!)

Location: Alberta, Canada.

Hobbies and Interests: Neurological Sciences, Biochemistry, Burlesque Dancing.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Approximately a year ago.

Favorite subjects: Neurosciences, Psychology.

Year/Grade: 3rd year of University.

Favorite music: Billie Holiday, Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Juliette and the Licks, Sex Pistols, The Cramps, Stiff Little Fingers, The Sounds, The Distillers, Courtney Love, The Pretty Reckless, etc.

Books: Anything by Chuck Palahniuk, Classics, and Textbooks.

TV shows/Movies: Criminal Minds.

Instrument: Voice, Guitar, Drums, Kalimba (African thumb piano), Violin.

Family: Mum, Dad, Sister, two dogs, two kitty cats, and a chinchilla.

Clothing: 40s and 50s reproduction clothing, skinny jeans, flats, button up shirts.

How did you find this website? My therapist.

Job: Burlesque Dancer, FT student,

Plans for the future? Either be a neurologist or a neurobiologist and work with degenerative neurological diseases (particularly tremors and Parkinson's), adopt some kids (I'm not willing to pop kids out of my uterus due to the genetic jackpot I've managed to hit with this and an abundance of other issues), maybe convince some poor sucker to marry me.


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14 Dec 2010, 6:10 pm

What is your first name? Kevin

Age :49

Location: Wherever my dispatcher sends me... my drivers licence says Marana, AZ

Hobbies and Interests: Amateur radio, sportbikes, my computers

Why are you here? Recently (more like finally) diagnosed with AS

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): AS: Feb 2010, many other diagnoses of other psych problems since age 5 (ADHD, OCD, antisocial disorder, etc.)

Favorite subjects: When I was in school...electronics, biosciences

Year/Grade: Graduated HS in 1979

Favorite music: Metal/punk/grunge/alternative

Books: Those bore me very quickly.

TV shows/Movies: Not much of a TV person...movies, comedies keep my attention the longest

Instrument: Not musically inclined at all. Tried guitar once.... could not keep attention long enough to learn it.

Do you like sports? Footbal, baseball.

Family: Mom/stepdad 2 stepbrothers. Am an only child from my mother.

Clothing: Very casual.. jeans and shirt

How did you find this website? After I was diagnosed, I googled resources for Aspies and finally found this site...however In didn't log on here till very recently.

Job: Truck Driver

Plans for the future? Win the Powerball :lol:

Any comments? I can either be the most boring person you can meet, or the most fun. Your choice!


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15 Dec 2010, 1:58 am

What is your first name? Abigail

Age: 34ish

Location: Colorado

Hobbies and Interests: Cooking, Sewing, Dancing, Studying (just about anything. History, Politics, Linguistics, Metaphor, Maths, Sciences...)

Why are you here? Where?

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): By whom?

Favorite subjects: Food, Dance, Costuming, History, Linguistics...

Year/Grade: ?

Favorite music: Just about anything melodic. I listen to any style but don't like noise.

Books: Just about anything. Not so much into romances or sappy junk. I love non fiction and sci fi and fantasy and often westerns and mysteries.

TV shows/Movies: anything by Joss Whedon, psych thrillers for movies, Film Noir, Shine is one of the best movies ever. Not so big on romance, comedies, horror, or action (plotless ones as least) although I always have exceptions. I like war movies and westerns a lot.

Instrument: I wish I could play flute, piano, guitar, and drums (handheld). And violin. In this here-now, I can keep a beat on a dumbek.

Do you like sports? I love gymnastics and dance. And martial arts. And track. So yes.

Family: I've adopted a wonderful family.

Clothing: Natural fabrics, kind of an asian-victorian fusion. I just grew so I'm starting my wardrobe now.

How did you find this website? Magic 8 ball sent me here.

Job: at home call center. I'm hoping to get something off the phones soon :/

Plans for the future? Stockpiling food and supplies for when things go bad and then running for my friend's house to hide out. In the meantime, work and take dance classes. I guess if there is future that doesn't include apocalypse, I'll deal with it when it arrives.

Any comments? I'm extraordinarily opinionated. So hopefully I'll do better on a forum that expects that then most of them I've been on :roll:

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
Jiddu Krishnamurti