I was the weird kid. A year younger then everyone else, as I was put into school early because of my ability to learn quickly, and then being placed in advanced classes AND getting the top grades...well, there went any chance of a social life for me! I did try - I either tried to hard, or just shut myself inside, because I was always confused on whether people were joking or not, or if I was boring them. I did have friends here and there, but looking back I am sure their either were Aspies too or people who could overlook my lack of social skills and liked me for my other qualities. I had obsession after obsession from My Little Ponies to Breyer horses and on and on.
Went to college, finally made some very close friends, as I was still the weird kid, but at my university weird and different were cool. I did pretty well in the working world until the mortgage collapse and I joined the military. I've been from CA to NJ to NY to MI then back to CA and currently in KS, where I'll be until 2014 at the latest. I love getting to move every few years and starting over. Boot camp was a godsend: totally regimented, and even the constant chance of surprise was still a constant. I did well after boot camp, and met the most wonderful man who was also serving, and I got out of the military to marry him. It was he who brought my attention to Asperger's. I had never heard of it, but my BIL has a pretty severe case of it and my husband noticed the similarities between him and me. I am still debating on whether to get an official diagnosis. I just turned 28.
So...that's me.