slasher666 wrote:
My main interests at the moment are maps/geography, travelling, and music. Others include cars, license plates, drama/movies, things that have the potential to destroy the world's environment, the future, and astronomy.
Yes, maps! I love staring at them and thinking of what they represent and tell you.
Especially when you can see the remains of an old fort in the elevation lines.
I like driving my vehicles, because of the motion, but also because of the connection I tend to build with them. When I drive, me and my car are together on some sort of adventure, it feels like that. I maintain and service them myself.
I like animals also, not for the transportation aspect (although I do have a horse), but for their honesty and companionship.
Reading can get me in high-energy states when I feel I really grasp the thoughts of the writer.
This happens usually with philosophically inclined books.
An unusual interest is my collection of those small kitchen knifes you use for potatoes. Their colours are mesmerizing to me. To prevent suspicion I only keep the top ranked ones, feeling somewhat bad for the discarded ones.