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25 Feb 2011, 12:49 pm

What is your first name? Bex

Age: 13

Location: England

Hobbies and Interests: Writing, Philosophy, Psychology, Quantum Physics, Cosmology, Maths, Genetics, Qestions and annoying NTs :wink:

Why are you here? To communicate.

When were you diagnosed?: 2 or 3, didnt find out until 13

Favorite subjects: On the curriculum? None, they keep getting easier.

Year: 9 (would be grade 8 in US?)

Favorite music: My Chemical Romance, Beethoven, Bruce Hornsby, Paramore, The Eagles, Phil Collins. Anything really, so long as it's not justin bieber.

Books: Far too many. Fiction - Hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy, Harry Potter, The sparrow, any Terry Pratchet, A tale of two cities etc... Non-fiction - Anything presented in an interesting format.

TV shows/Movies: The Simpsons.

Instrument: Piano

Do you like sports? Rowing, Badminton, Swimming, Cycling, Netball, Running, yes.

Family: Mother and brother. (suspect they might be aspies)

Clothing: No preference, but can't be asked to follow NT styles.

How did you find this website? Via my old friend, google.

Job: Still in school.

Plans for the future? Live. Then die.

Any comments? Hey :D


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25 Feb 2011, 12:52 pm

and telekon, i love your picture :D


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28 Feb 2011, 4:20 am

Age: 21

Location: Jönköping, Sweden

Hobbies and Interests: Psychology, The Netherlands, Nutrition and Training.

Why are you here? I probably have AS + ADD, waiting for an investigation. I also want to practice my English skills.

Favorite music: Trance, but I listen to all kinds of music.

Job/school: Both.

How did you find this website? Someone mentioned it at a Swedish Asperger forum.

Books: Mostly technical literature.

Plans for the future? Move to the Netherlands.

If you want further information send a pm.


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28 Feb 2011, 3:55 pm

What is your first name: János [yah-nosh]

Age: 37

Location: Budapest, Hungary, East-Center Europe

Hobbies and Interests: Cycling (mountain, road, country tours), listening to music, self-tweaked audio equipment, records, books, astronomy, RC-helicopters

Why are you here: To learn more about myself and practice English

When were you diagnosed: Not yet. Possibly mild AS plus some ADD and/or Memory Disorder.

Favorite subjects: Transportation, cars, cycling, audio equipments, electronics, astronomy, physics, maths, philosophy, politics, lastly phsichological disorders :-)

Year/Grade: 2005 MBA, 2011 Certified Auditor (on financial reporting)

Favorite music: Classical (Mozart and the impressionists), medieval, baroque (Hesperion XXI), folk, country, reggae, ska, word-music, soundracks like Rain Man, Ice Age, The Time Machine, Jazz, e.g. Dave Brubeck, Sony Rollins, Glenn Miller big band, mild-rock such as Mike Oldfield, Zeppelin, Pál Utcai Fiúk (boys from Pál street), Pink Floyd etc.

Books: Many sci-fi, I like best Stanislaw Lem's writings: Solaris (a classic), Eden, Dr. Lymphater's Last Formula (very flabbergasting and eye-opening), Invincible, Cyberiad (modern Voltaire), his philosophical writings like Summa Technologiae and its followings, secondly I like Asimov: I, Robot (the best), Foundation trilogy, the Baily novels (very nice mondern Sherlock Holmes), Foundation and Earth, Currents of Space, Strugacki brothers: Stalker, compiled novel books like The Train Heading to Hell, Not sci-fi: popular scientific and astronomic books like Gribbin: Schrödinger's Kittens or In Search the Reality (awsome on modern philosophy of quantum-physics), S. Hawking: The Short Story of Time, Our Unknown(?) Solar System (from the time of the Voyager probes), classics like Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes writings, Dickens: Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, A Christmas Carol, Hungarian classic writer Móricz Zsigmond: Légy jó mindhalálig! (be good until death), Lothar-Günther Buchheim: Das Boot, books on transportation (planes, submarines, trains, cars).

TV shows/Movies: Star Trek TOS & DS9, old Battlestar Galactica, Star Wars, 12 Monkies, Hunt for Red October, The Beast of War, Casablanca, The 5th Element, Time Machine (both), Downfall (Hitler's last days), Das Boot, Hungarians: A Pál utcai fiúk (boys from Pál street), Valahol Európában (somewhere in Europe), Üvegtigris (Glass-Tiger, contemporary social-comedy).

Instrument: I used to play the slide-trombone, now I only play harp/harmonica to the joy of the neighbours :)

Do you like sports? Cycling, I even participate in races a little, swimming, I don't like TV-sports too much.

Family: Mum and Dad, and a twin sister

Clothing: Never got it "right", I'm happy when I don't clothe awkward. Still need help when shopping.

How did you find this website? Wikipedia

Job: Financial Controller

Plans for the future? Family

Any comments? I wish all you there good luck, I wish I had a good memory, just to be a Feynman or Einstein... :roll:

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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28 Feb 2011, 8:28 pm

First name: Joe
Age: 43
Location: Beautiful Flint, Michigan
Hobbies/Interests: Gardening, poker, autism, writing, researching/devouring information.
Why am I here: To learn, and possibly help others.
When dianosed: About a year and a half ago.
Books: "Motherless Brooklyn", Jonathon Letham; "Without Feathers", Woody Allen; Kafka, Thomas Ligotti, Russian lit.
Tv shows/movies: House, Dexter, Law and Order:CI, w/ D'Onofrio, Love and Death - Woody Allen, Rounders
How I found the website: A search result, I think.
Job: Public Health
Plans for the future: Workin' on it

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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02 Mar 2011, 1:23 am

What is your first name?

Age: 35

Location: Winston-Salem,NC

Hobbies and Interests: Hiking,Camping, Geocaching, Ghost Hunting,Watching TV

Why are you here? To connect with other Aspies

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Self diagnosed two years ago.

Year/Grade: Graduated from Forsyth Tech in 1997

Favorite music: eighties, old school rap,shinedown,casting crowns,skillet,

Books: anything by Stephen King

TV shows/Movies: TV:Big Bang Theory,How I Met Your Mother,Modern Family, American Pickers,CSI
Movies:Horror,Field of Dreams, Shawshank Redemption, Ferris Beuler's Day Off, Transformers,

Instrument: none

Do you like sports? Love them. fav teams:Carolina Panthers,Wake Forest, Texas Rangers, San Antonio Spurs

Family: mother,father,sister,stepmom

Clothing: whatever is comfortable.

How did you find this website? google search

Job: currently on leave of absence because of back problems.

Plans for the future? Not sure but would like to start my own business.

Any comments?

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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02 Mar 2011, 7:34 pm

What is your first name? Jeff

Age: 51

Location: Alaska

Hobbies : Photography, Gaming, My Children, and My pets.

Why are you here? Trying to talk to people who get me.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): AS self diagnosed 2010

Favorite subjects: Physics, Weather Forecasting, Environmental Sciences

Year/Grade: N/A

Favorite music: Almost Any

Books: Robert Henliens Stanger in a Strange Land, Dune series, any Forgotten Realms Books,
The Davinci Code

TV shows/Movies: History Channel, McGyver

Instrument: None

Do you like sports? Yes, I Hike and Camp. played Soccer, Lacross, Football

Family: Brothers

Clothing: Casual

How did you find this website? Found the site while Googling Aspergers

Job: Fire Fighter

Plans for the future? See what happens!

Any comments?

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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02 Mar 2011, 10:03 pm

What is your first name? Rachel

Age: 16

Location: Connecticut

Hobbies and interests: reading, running, writing, psychology, biology, medicine, animals

Why are you here? I want to connect with other Aspies

When were you diagnosed?(skip is you don't have a disorder): when I was 4 (I think). However, my parents neglected to tell me until a few months ago.

Favorite subjects: Biology, Psychology, Neuroscience

Year/Grade: 11th grade

Favorite music: nothing in particular

Books: I'll read just about anything. But I really like Harry Potter.

TV shows/Movies: Lost, 24, House, Scrubs, V. All the Harry Potter movies, 300, I am Legend, V for Vendetta, etc.

Instrument: I used to play alto sax

Do you like sports? I run cross country and track. I also do archery. And I watch football.

Family: Dad, Mom, two older brothers (twins).

Clothing: nondescript

How did you find this website?: Google

Job: nothing until summer.

Plans for the future?: Go to college, get into med school, become a Neurologist

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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03 Mar 2011, 6:38 am

What is your first name? Gabrielle

Age: 15

Location: New Zealand

Hobbies and Interests: Writing short stories

Why are you here? I like hearing (well reading) the opinions of people I can relate to. i.e other aspies

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I actually wasn't diagnosed. I actually found out what Asperger's Syndrome was through wikianswers. Someone had asked the question "why am I so awkward?" In addition to their question they asked "could I have asperger's syndrome?" I was curious to know what asperger's syndrome was so I done a google search and found out I had every symptom.

Favorite subjects: By subjects do you mean school subjects? Math's, English and History. I hate language subjects and P.E Bleh :roll:

Year/Grade: Grade is American right? I'm unfamiliar with what age you are in the particular grades. Anyway in New Zealand you have 13 years of high school (that's if you don't drop out). I've just began my 12th year. :)

Favorite music: All the current pop music of today. Mainly RnB. Rihanna is my favourite singer. I also like techno music XD. I like a couple old songs too.

Books: Too many to name and you probably wouldn't have heard of them all. But I'll name a few. Ishmael and The Return of The Dugongs, Don't call me Ishmael, Numbers, Thirsty, Making Sense, Hotmail, Goosebumps, The Twilight Saga and many more...

TV shows/Movies: Year One, Dance Flick, Nutty Professor 1&2, Slum Dog Millionaire, Twilight Saga, Scary movie 1-4, Harry Potter 1-7, Iron Man, Avatar, Simpsons Movie, You Got Served, Stomp The Yard and more

Instrument: I can play the keyboard

Do you like sports? Not really

Family: Brother (age 14), two sisters. One is older than me (age 21) the other is younger than me (age 12).

Clothing: Fitting pants, baggy t-shirts

How did you find this website? I did a google search for "Asperger's Syndrome"

Plans for the future? Not sure yet.


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03 Mar 2011, 9:24 am

Welcome to WP, new members!

Who’s better at math than a robot? They’re made of math!


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04 Mar 2011, 10:53 pm

What is your first name:Rene
Age: 21

Location: Flevoland
Hobbies and Interests: Internet, reading, drawing and movies

Why are you here? I feel i belong here
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):

Favorite subjects: Biology/psychology/antropology

Year/Grade: 1st grade
Favorite music: Nothing spectacular, as long as it sounds good (Enya/Enigma/Karl Jenkins)

Books: Informative

TV shows/Movies: Many


Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: I like to swim

Family: A mom 2 sisters and a brother

Clothing: Mostly casual. Nothing spectacular

How did you find this website? By accident

Job: Don't have one.

Plans for the future? I am not sure yet

Any comments? Nothing much to say. I enjoy this website very much and I hope all of you find this icebreaker fun


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05 Mar 2011, 12:34 am

What is your first name: Liona

Age: 32

Location: Australia

Hobbies and Interests: listening to music, gardening, movies, making music videos for youtube, reading

When were you diagnosed: I read 'the Curious Incident of the Dog In The Night-time' by Mark Haddon in 2009 and a light just went off in my head, more from the main character's view towards other people rather than having any great mathematical skills...after this I started doing a little research on Asperger's and the Autism Spectrum and read 'Asperger's from the Inside Out' by Michael John Carley and just knew I was on the spectrum. Since then I have made some attempts to see someone actually qualified to give a dx but at my age, I feel it doesn't matter anymore. I'm quite happy just being the neighbourhood eccentric.

Favorite music: Really varied, but mostly rock of all kinds; I like Rammstein, Marilyn Manson, Sisters of Mercy, Metallica, Guns N' Roses, Fleetwood Mac, Gnarls Barkley, Madonna

Books: Mostly horror or crime; my favourite book is Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman

TV shows/Movies: TV Shows - Dexter, South Park, Family Guy; Movies - Mostly horror but my favourite movie is The Big Lebowski

Instrument: Currently learning the piano (occasionally)

Do you like sports? Hells no but I swam alot in school and played netball; I like being active but many sports require teamwork and that's a concept I've never grasped

Family: None; my mother died last year. I've always thought she was diagnosable, though not necessarily with Autism (sounds terrible, I know) and I have no contact with my father or older sister

Clothing: All black in any style

How did you find this website? Typed 'Forrest Gump autistic' into the google search box

Job: Occasional Cook, currently studying Business

Plans for the future? ...

Any comments? ...

What we've got here is.....failure to communicate

Last edited by Bill_Bailey on 05 Mar 2011, 2:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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05 Mar 2011, 1:56 am

...Hello... I am a new member and since I don't know how to start I'll try to answer to those questions about me.

What is your first name?: Chiara

Age: 26

Location: Italy

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, studying Japanese, playing with my cat, being online.

Why are you here?: I have AS (but did you mean the cause or the purpose?).

When were you diagnosed?: in 2009 but not officially (not easy to be diagnosed as an adult in my area)

Favorite subjects: I love Japanese language and culture, recently with a special focus on history from 538 to 1868; I try to learn about AS for self-help purposes; I am a Law student and I'd enjoy that too, except I find it harder to be focused when a topic becomes my "duty"; I love reading; I generally welcome any "meaningful" topic, even if it's out of my usual area of focus, as long as it can save me from the need of a casual conversation ;).

Year/Grade: I have a degree in Philosophy and I am about to graduate in Law.

Favorite music: recently, I am listening to Green Day, Placebo, Linkin Park, CocoRosie, Michael Nyman.

Books: Anything related to Japan; then good novels in general, unless those who are too romantic because I don't "get" them; manga (but I didn't get into Japan due to manga, rather the opposite)

TV shows/Movies: TV: House MD, Bones, The Big Bang Theory, Being Human; Movies: Greenaway, Kurosawa, Cronenberg - and many others - I like cinema even though not a "special interest" level.

Instrument: None

Do you like sports?: I hate sports. Sometimes, just not to be a too total couch potato, I try to run a bit, since it's the activity that is less demanding in terms of coordination.

Family: I live with my mother, who doesn't understand very much about AS - whenever I try to explain I just make it worse.

Clothing: Yes, I wear clothes ;). Joking aside - Casual or a bit more formal doesn't matter, just I can't deal with 1. wool on my skin (need to explain?) 2. heels (I can trip myself up even while barefoot, let alone about darn heels).

How did you find this website?: It's quite famous; I am alredy in several AS groups on FB so I knew it existed and finally decided to give a try.

Job: I am still a student, but next year I'll be in the crazy unsrtuctured world and I'll have to find my way.... UGH!

Plans for the future? Finding a way to be independent and moving out from home (not easy though).

Any comments? Not by now.


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06 Mar 2011, 7:12 am

What is your first name? If I told you, I would have to kill you.

Age: Mid 20's

Location: Earth

Hobbies and Interests: It changes quite often. Mostly stuff to do with either university or my children.

Why are you here? I am quite sure i have aspergers and my son has autism.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): i am hopefully going to get dx'ed this year.

Favorite subjects: Midwifery!

Year/Grade: Undergrad.

Favorite music: Counting crows. followed closely by whatever tickles my fansy. I love 12 tone rows.

Books: Recipie books. esp ones from before the 70's

TV shows/Movies: I am addicted to big love at the moment.

Instrument: Trombone.

Do you like sports? No.

Family: 2 children. one HFA, one NT

Clothing: Whatever fits my crazy height. I love bell bottoms.

How did you find this website? Google.

Job: Slave to my children.

Plans for the future? Hopefully to be a midwife and a good mother.

Any comments? NIL.

I love diggin' in the dirt
With just a pick and brush
Finding fossils is my aim
So I'm never in a rush


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06 Mar 2011, 5:28 pm

Hello - this is my first post into this thread so will follow the established pattern, if that's OK?

What is your first name?: Aspie

Age: 41

Location: London

Hobbies and Interests: Work, work, work, original research, work, my dog

Why are you here?: I have AS and, as a recent diagnosee (is that a word?) am keen to connect to the community

When were you diagnosed?: 2010

Favourite subjects: Mathematics, statistics, physics and astronomy.

Year/Grade: Degree in mathematical sciences: working on my PhD now.

Favourite music: Green Day, Eminem, Kanye West, Snow Patrol, Kings of Leon

Books: With the exception of anything that contains too much mush (e.g., "chick-lit") and anything I've written (text books), then almost anything. Particularly like Carl Hiaasen.

TV shows/Movies: TV: House, The Big Bang Theory (aka "my experience of uni"), Being Human; Movies: Recent favourites include: The Kings Speech, Inception and Paul

Instrument: Saxophone at variable levels of incompetence

Do you like sports?: Rugby, now as a spectator rather than a player though

Family: I live with my dog

Clothing: Office casual / preppy

How did you find this website?: Google

Job: Own company.

Plans for the future? Keep on keepin' on. Or, as Bill Hicks, RIP, said: "Good evening, my name is Bill Hicks. I've been on the road now doing comedy 12 years, so, uh, bear with me while I plaster on a fake smile and plow through this s**t one more time"

Any comments? Nope.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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07 Mar 2011, 1:37 am

What is your first name? Cassy


WA state

Hobbies and Interests:
Art (various mediums), reading, hiking, cooking, and watching the world around me.

Why are you here?
I was searching on how to get a diagnosis - and found this site.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
I have not had a diagnosis, as I cannot afford it, but I am very confident that I have Asperger's.

Favorite subjects:
Philosophy, psychology, spirituality, Literature, and bizarre/random facts.

I have a B.A. in Humanities with a minor in Psychology from Washington State University. ('07)

Favorite music:
<<< I love music . >>>

Anything thought provoking.

TV shows/Movies:
I haven't had t.v. for a little over a decade now...but movies I like are... too numerous to list! >:D

Used to play a 5 string bass guitar in a garage band back in high I'm just surrounded by a lot of musicians/artists whose talents I get to enjoy. :)

Do you like sports?
Yeah I love to be physically active - but sadly - my endurance is nothing to brag about atm... >_>

I'm engaged - no kids.

I wear whats comfortable. (I.E. T-shirts, jeans, sandals and socks)

How did you find this website?
I was looking for an affordable diagnosis.

I'm a cook. It's not what I want to do, however. :(

Plans for the future?
I spend too much time worrying about this - as I have yet to find 'my niche'.

Any comments?
Just glad to be here. :)

?I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.?

Albert Einstein

It's not what you know -
....But what you believe.