Hi and Welcome to Wrong Planet
AusMama wrote:
Anyway, thanks for writing your opinions on here. I haven't got my tatt yet. My best friend (also an Aspergirl) mentioned that the puzzle pieces are often associated with Autism Speaks, and that one of their aims is to 'find a cure for autism'. I don't want anyone thinking that I support the idea of finding a cure, because I don't. Without ASD people, the world would be a very different, less-advanced place.
Isn't that the truth
AusMama wrote:
Instead, I decided I'd like to get a tattoo of a heart with a woven pattern on it, basically to symbolise that every part of my left has threads of Aspergers running through it, i.e. that Aspergers is part of my fabric of life.
What do you think?
Sounds like a good tattoo to have
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