Hauge wrote:
Hi! - Welcome!
There's a lot of other tests out there! Among others these: glennrowe.net/BaronCohen.aspx
But they're not all the truth.
Theres a Aspie i know of, that scores raound 50/200 AQ, and 157/200 NT, and yet is Dx'd Aspie...
His graph looks like this:

If you want to be certain, only a real test, by a specialist, will show!
Thanks, Hauge, that was some very interesting information!
My scores on this test were
Aspie score: 69 of 200
NT score: 136 of 200
So if your friend has been dx'd, this could apply to me, too.
I took the BaronCohen test and got
Empathy: 22 (Aspie range)
Systemizing: 33 (average)
Aspie: 32 (almost Aspie range=35)
So on these I am much closer to Aspie than on the former. Interesting that here I get average for systemizing, while at the "Systemizing (SQ) and Empathizing (EQ) Quotient Test" I get extreme systemizer.
I know we must take these with a pinch of salt, they don't replace a real Dx. I might go for one in the future, right now I am doing a lot of self-discovery, going back all the years, trying to get the pieces of the puzzle together.
It seems to me that I developed a lot of coping mechanisms for my social interactions, stuff I wasn't born with but that I acquired in order to function well. I am focusing on these right now.
Thanks again and see you around.