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24 Mar 2011, 10:31 am

Hallo I am a 48 year-old male NT with what I think could be called some Aspie traits. Maybe NST (Neuro SEMI-typical) would be the better term for me.

Being (probably) on the spectrum (though at an intensity that will never make me "officially" an Aspie) is the best explanation I found up to this date for my being different from other NTs. I have always thought that it was my upbringing, but none of my siblings have it and we were brought up the same way. It is probably nature (the way my brain is wired), not nurture. Looking through the Aspie lens, everything makes a lot of sense.

I have been here since January. I read a lot, reflect a lot about what people say, but I don't write very often. Most of the time I just don't know how to add to the discussion since I don't experience the things being discussed in the same intensity as the people posting, though in a lot of cases I have the same issues, just less intense. So I will probably never make it to veteran! (You don't get points for reading, only for posting).

I thank you all for sharing your experiences, it helps me a lot. I hope I will someday be able to give something back.


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24 Mar 2011, 10:59 am

First of all, welcome, shy one! :wink: nice to have you here. 2nd-ly Being an aspie isn't really a matter of degree. Eaither you are, or you're not. If you suspect you are, and have traits that make you noticeably different from your sibling/ probably ARE. Take one of those AQ tests online and see where you fall on the spectrum. It may clear up some lingering confusion. NT or AS, you're always welcome here! :D

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24 Mar 2011, 11:19 am

Thank you, gnatterfly.

Well, I did take the test and it says that I am most likely an NT. I have looked at the graphical results many people have posted here of their tests and the area is more to the right side of the center, mine is more to the left side. I believe the confusion will always be with me.

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24 Mar 2011, 12:58 pm

Hi! - Welcome!

There's a lot of other tests out there! Among others these:
But they're not all the truth.

Theres a Aspie i know of, that scores raound 50/200 AQ, and 157/200 NT, and yet is Dx'd Aspie...

His graph looks like this:

If you want to be certain, only a real test, by a specialist, will show!

I tested AS 152/200 and NT 49/200 last time i "took the quiz", and yet has a job and a family, with tree kids, and a wife who has stayed for 17½ year...
Remember we all has our personality, beside being Aspies ect...

My graph looks this way:

At glenrowe... i tested: AQ=42, SQ=64 and EQ=7
Just to give some references...

Hope You can use the information, in Your own quest for knowledge!

Best of luck, and hope to see You around!

Last edited by Hauge on 24 Mar 2011, 1:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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24 Mar 2011, 12:59 pm


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25 Mar 2011, 2:46 am

Hauge wrote:
Hi! - Welcome!

There's a lot of other tests out there! Among others these:
But they're not all the truth.

Theres a Aspie i know of, that scores raound 50/200 AQ, and 157/200 NT, and yet is Dx'd Aspie...

His graph looks like this:

If you want to be certain, only a real test, by a specialist, will show!

Thanks, Hauge, that was some very interesting information!

My scores on this test were
Aspie score: 69 of 200
NT score: 136 of 200
So if your friend has been dx'd, this could apply to me, too.

I took the BaronCohen test and got
Empathy: 22 (Aspie range)
Systemizing: 33 (average)
Aspie: 32 (almost Aspie range=35)

So on these I am much closer to Aspie than on the former. Interesting that here I get average for systemizing, while at the "Systemizing (SQ) and Empathizing (EQ) Quotient Test" I get extreme systemizer.

I know we must take these with a pinch of salt, they don't replace a real Dx. I might go for one in the future, right now I am doing a lot of self-discovery, going back all the years, trying to get the pieces of the puzzle together.

It seems to me that I developed a lot of coping mechanisms for my social interactions, stuff I wasn't born with but that I acquired in order to function well. I am focusing on these right now.

Thanks again and see you around.


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25 Mar 2011, 2:47 am

Brainfre3ze_93 wrote:

Thank you, Brainfre3ze_93.


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29 Mar 2011, 7:02 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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30 Mar 2011, 7:52 pm


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30 Mar 2011, 8:10 pm

Welcome to WP!

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31 Mar 2011, 9:33 am

Thank you all!



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31 Mar 2011, 1:38 pm

Welcome. :)


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04 Apr 2011, 12:55 pm

Welkome to WrongPlanet. :)

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