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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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29 Mar 2011, 10:03 pm

thank you!


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29 Mar 2011, 10:11 pm

If you're seriously questioning, you probably have AS. If your parents are the understanding types, I would bring it up to them. Even if you don't have every single one of the symptoms, you still have a good chance of obtaining a positive diagnosis. BTW I scored 136 on the aspie quiz, and it looks like your score is much higher than mine.

In my situation, I was already seeing a therapist for social problems before I even thought about AS. I was researching sound filtering techniques at the suggestion of my therapist, and I found myself on this site. I started looking around, and found people with similar problems. I do not have all the symptoms that others experience, but it was enough to talk to my therapist about it. I brought it up at the next session, and she already had an AQ printed out. I'm pretty sure she was just waiting for me to come to the realization on my own, instead of telling me herself.


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29 Mar 2011, 10:12 pm

HelloLovely wrote:
I scored a 37 on the first test...
"an extreme case of aspergers"
goodness gracious.

That's what I scored too. :)

HelloLovely wrote:
on the other test, 175 of 200.
very likely an aspie"

Mine was more "mid-range" on that one--about 110-113. I think that's because I've learned how to "pretend" more over time (which isn't ALWAYS a "good" thing, believe me).

(Take a look at what the OP had to say in this posting:

HelloLovely wrote:
Im 15 years old
im in the tenth grade
I play the guitar and the piano
I enjoy reading, tv & video games.
and I hope to make some friends. (:

My bf is a musician too--mostly guitar, but some piano. What musical styles are your favorites?

Which tv shows and books do you enjoy? I'm not asking about video games because I'm not familiar enough with them. Also, the few times I've tried to play ANYTHING I...didn't do very well. :oops:

Regarding female AS traits, which can be somewhat different from male, take a look at this: ... d4f6a.html

You will find friends here. PM me if you ever just want to talk. :)

Again, welcome and glad you found this site.

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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29 Mar 2011, 10:28 pm

i really like the beatles, a ton.
and I read a lot of utopian novels, think the idea of an alternate reality is amazing.
I watch sitcoms, and the science channel. EVERYTHING on the science channel. hahah, I like 30 rock and community though, too (:

and my parents are understanding, but i would, for some reason, feel awkward saying, "I was on the internet and came accross something called aspergers...i think i have it". Am I the only one who feels this is off for some reason?

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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29 Mar 2011, 10:31 pm

Its amazing how many things on that chart seem to fit me perfectly!
thank you all for helping me to make sense of this (:


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30 Mar 2011, 12:32 am

HelloLovely wrote:
and I read a lot of utopian novels, think the idea of an alternate reality is amazing.

8) Same here. Which novels are your favorites? Also, ever watch the show SLIDERS?

Btw, when you say "utopian", do you include "dystopian" in that category?

HelloLovely wrote:
and my parents are understanding, but i would, for some reason, feel awkward saying, "I was on the internet and came accross something called aspergers...i think i have it". Am I the only one who feels this is off for some reason?

That might seem a bit...sudden. Take some time to fully grasp it yourself before bringing it up. When you do, make sure you have a lot of information about AS at your disposal--it'll make things easier on all of you.

HelloLovely wrote:
Its amazing how many things on that chart seem to fit me perfectly!
thank you all for helping me to make sense of this (:

You're very welcome.

Most of the items on that chart fit me exactly, too (with the exception of two or three, I think).

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30 Mar 2011, 9:06 am

I managed to score 40 on that first test, but am diagnosed with Social Anxiety not asperger's.

I hope you manage to figure out if you have Aspergers or not. Personally I am wondering if I have it to a degree myself. Its either that I am a VERY weird neurotypical lol, weird enough that I am on disability and unable to work due to my social difficulties. Been weird all my life and at 35 Im still weird though lol.

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30 Mar 2011, 12:26 pm


Reading of You surely made my own past pop up... :)

Could'nt keep friends from my own peer, but had a couple of friends several years older than myself. (adult persons)
Adored reading detectivebooks and solve it before revealed. Electronics and PC/computers were also really big obsessions ect ect.

My scores are 42 (AQ) and 152/200. I'm male, so are supposed to score higher in AQ. And yes, im diagnosed Aspie...
But would recommend You to see if you could find a AS-group in Your hometown, to find out more. - Also whom to go to. - As not all professionals are used to work with Autism Stectrum Disorders!

- And best wishes...

Tufted Titmouse
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30 Mar 2011, 8:47 pm

conundrum, ive never seen sliders, Ill have to look it up! and I do also like dystopian novels.

I was wondering what happens when you go to get diagnosed?
Do you call a psychiatrist? Do they ask you questions face to face?
How do they determine if you're aspergers positive or not?
How did you ask your parents about it?

and thank you for helping!

Sea Gull
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31 Mar 2011, 2:33 am

Hi again!

What happened when i got Dx'd?
Well, to make a long story short.
I took a lot of tests online. Found a site that explaned all the most common treats here and took it all to my MD.
He sent me to a psykiatrist, who walidated the tests i'we already had taken online, and performed a series of interwievs with me. A single one with my wife, and would have had one with my parents. - if they were accessible... - In stead i were given some questions, to ask my family. questions about my early childhood: when did i, walk, talk ect.
And after five months (all in all) i were given my dx.

But since the healthcaresystem isnt working in a similar way, for all of us, i think You're best off, if theres a assosiation in Your area... Where are You from? Maybe someone here know...

Best regards!

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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31 Mar 2011, 5:35 am

Im from maryland.
So you think I should just take my online tests and diagnose myself?

Sea Gull
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31 Mar 2011, 12:57 pm

I think You should see the tests as a guidance! - If You took all the tests at the net, it would still not be a diagnose! - That will You get, only by seing a professional!
What i did were to take the tests, just to support my conclutions. I made a brainstorm over how i looked at myself, and my life. Took the tests (AQ, SQ, EQ,and Aspie-quiz)
And build a case supporting my wish, to get diagnosed by a professional psykiatrist.
All this, only, to make the Medical Doctor write the papers, to send me to the psyk...

Once i were there, the rest came by itself... Interwiews, more tests, and what i'we looked for. - A confirmation that i were indeed an Aspie...

And as stated before, thats what i'd adwise You to do as well!
And yet again. Find some Aspies in Your local area, who can help point out whom to go to, as theres a lot of pros out there, and a lot of these dont have the qualifications to diagnose AS/ASD!

Hope this helps. Since i'm not familiar with the american healthsystem, this is the best i can doo...

Best regards

Tufted Titmouse
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31 Mar 2011, 7:24 pm

Thank you very much!


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31 Mar 2011, 7:30 pm

Here is a guide to SLIDERS: Sliders: Welcome to Earth Prime

I like BRAVE NEW WORLD, 1984 and FAHRENHEIT 451. What are some of your favorites?

Wish I could tell you more about the diagnostic process but, like I said, I stopped with the online tests. (However, a professor did identify me as having AS the first day he met me because a member of his family has it.)

What Hauge is saying about getting diagnosed makes sense, especially at your age (after 18, it gets harder). Again, wait a bit before bringing it up to your parents so you have had enough time to get used to the idea.

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04 Apr 2011, 12:52 pm

Welkome to WrongPlanet. :)

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The Family Enigma

Sea Gull
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04 Apr 2011, 3:17 pm

HelloLovely wrote:
Thank you very much!

You're wery welcome! - And i hope You find out exactly what You're up against!! !

Best of luck! :wink: