Questions about you
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 25 Mar 2011
Age: 54
Gender: Male
Posts: 65
Location: Seattle WA, US
What is your first name? lets go with Leech for now
Location: Seattle WA USA
Hobbies and Interests: Music, picking (just like on american pickers only smaller scale), psych lectures, astronomy lectures, GTHC P-ball
Why are you here? Sigh, the eternal question. Haven't figured that out yet, but being the catalyst in the divorces for a pair of twins (so not making it up) seems to have been part of it.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Not officially, being broke and on charity health specialist referals are tricky and few between, HOWEVER a recent friend who worked with AS kid(s) took me aside and said something and it all looks very very likely.
Favorite subjects: Music, fixing stuff.
Year/Grade: class of 89
Favorite music: How long have you got ? Current Favorites are Eliza Rickman and Maja Toudal, but that will cycle around.
Books: Non-fiction. Fan of Drew Pisnky, Douglass Addams, Terry Pratchett.
TV shows/Movies: House, Pi, Sun Ra, Donnie Darko.
Instrument: Guitar.
Do you like sports? Only 1. GTHC Pickleball. Go to and look under geek out
Family: Mostly can't stand them except one uncle, an aunt and my neice.
Clothing: Slacks, T-shirt, long sleeve button down all year. In the winter I add thermals.
How did you find this website? Google.
Job: Self employed picker, mechanic, tech.
Plans for the future? Play our shows on the 16th and the 30th.
Any comments? I don't seem to have as many friends problems these days as many seem to. That's only because
I figured out most people need a fair amount of time to figure out that my odd or apparent lack of reaction is
not disinterest but distraction and invest the time whatever the outcome. It sucks ass but it's the best I've got for
now save a precious few who've been able to see right past it all. Here's to the twins. They opened up an emotional world
I didn't know existed. How I have NO idea
What is your first name? David
Age: 14
Location: Falkirk, Scotland
Hobbies and Interests: electronics design, technology in general, Internet etc.
Why are you here? I'm in the process of diagnosis of (possible) Asperger's syndrome. Within school I was referred by multiple teachers to a speech and language therapist, who after a while realised that I had some of the traits of a person with AS, and referred me to a psychiatrist who I have had a few appointments with and he says while he is not ready to come to a final conclusion, it seems quite likely that I may have AS because of the difficulties I have in social communication, interaction and imagination (or something like that)
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): as I explained above, In the process of possible diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome just now.
Favorite subjects: maths, technological studies
Year/Grade: S3
Favorite music: I enjoy lots of music but my favourite artist is Lady Gaga
Books: don't read fiction. Most of the books I own are reference books...
TV shows/Movies: various teen dramas, Bones, Glee, various documentaries
Instrument: keyboard + glockenspiel, for music class.
Do you like sports? Nope.
Family: mum, dad + two sisters
Clothing: whatever's comfortable.
How did you find this website? Google.
Job: N/A
Plans for the future? I want to become an electronic engineer.
Any comments? No.
Age: 15
Hobbies and Interests:
Pharmaceutical chemistry, UVERworld, and making video game ROM hacks.
Why are you here?
I believe I have Asperger syndrome.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
This year, with GAD and social anxiety disorder. Soon to be Asperger syndrome, I believe.
Favorite subjects:
English. I also like science, math I dislike but excel at.
Favorite music:
Anna Karenina
TV shows/Movies:
I like a select number, but I am very interested in the ones:
South Park (seen every episode, listen to the DVD commentaries for each episode)
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (I think it may have psychologically scared me)
I also like documentaries.
Guitar and keyboard, I started out and I am still make music using DAW programs on my PC.
Do you like sports?
Not really, I do enjoy biking though.
Eh, not very functional.
Whatever I have available.
How did you find this website?
Well a friend of mine believes I am autistic, and my counselor is starting to think so also. So, Google.
No job.
Plans for the future?
To either be a pharmaceutical chemist or in a band.
Any comments?
I really like this website.
What is your first name? Susan
Age: 42
Location: PA
Hobbies and Interests: Cooking, Reading, Walking, Art
Why are you here? I have two children on the Spectrum and wondered if I should have been diagnosed when I was a child, always had difficulty with making friends, attention deficit.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): self-diagnosis
Favorite subjects: lately I am really drawn to Science and Chemistry, computer
Year/Grade: Graduated 1986
Favorite music: Jazz
Books: Uncle Tungsten, Oliver Sacks, Origins, Annie Murphy Paul, The Brain That Changes Itself, Norman Doidge, M.D., Proust was a Neuroscientist, Johah Lehrer, AudioBooks, The Immortal Life of Henrietta
TV shows/Movies: Any cooking shows,
Do you like sports?
Family: My Husband, two children
Clothing: Not too flashy, wouldn't want to draw attention to myself
How did you find this website? Through a link from Autism Speaks
Job: Not working used to be a CNA, trying to find something not as stressful.
Plans for the future? Would like to go back to school.
Any comments? We can never be truly comfortable with ourselves unless we figure out what is hindering us from complete success. What we thought might be a weakness, may turn out to be our greatest strength. WIth two children on the Spectrum, just pondering about a misdiagnosis became an active search. I hope to find many here who I can friend and support.
What is your first name? Kyle
Age: 19
Location: Maryland
Hobbies and Interests: Gundam models, Biking, Baseball, Video Games, Studying...haha
Why are you here? Always been an outcast, though I don't think I have AS, but I think I can relate pretty well to a lot of people here.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
Favorite subjects: Math, Literature, and History
Year/Grade: In my first year of college
Favorite music: Depends, but mostly anything other than hip hop, rap, goth, hardcore deathmetal, and country
Books: Not too big on books
TV shows/Movies: Terminator 2, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, South Park, and Cash Cab
Instrument: Guitar, though I can barely play it.
Do you like sports? I like watching sports, but I'm way too nonathletic to play.
Family: Mom, dad, and sister. Living with them tends to be an overly strenuous chore.
Clothing: Whatever's comfy.
How did you find this website? I don't really remember...I was probably doing a google search for something related to AS when this site popped up.
Job: Used to work at a daycare, which wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. The kids were pretty easy to watch since they entertained themselves for the most part. I had one coworker who was kind of crazy though.
Plans for the future? Get through school and move the hell out. Travel and learn about all kinds of different cultures. Hopefully, learn how to deal with my many mental issues.
Any comments? Umm...not really.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 6 Dec 2010
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 64
Location: Ashley Falls, MA
I've already filled this out, but stuff has changed.
What is your first name? Marissa
Age: 20
Location: Southern Berkshires of Massachusetts (Formerly from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)
Hobbies and Interests: Photography, Reading, Exploring, Learning, Researching
Why are you here? To make new friends, share experiences, etc.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I was around 11 years old.
Favorite subjects: Geography, Earth Science, Art, Biology
Year/Grade: Grade 11 (I quit when I was 16, and I just started going back to school)
Favorite music: Tarja Turunen, Sarah Brightman, Korn, Evanescence
Books: Maximum Ride series by James Patterson, Twilight Saga, Ellen Hopkins,
TV shows/Movies: Lord of the Rings, Inception, Twilight saga, Star Wars
Instrument: None. I wish I could play the piano though.
Do you like sports? Hell no. I like to swim though.
Family: My Dad most likely has Asperger's but he denies it.
Clothing: My style is quite different. It's a mixture of punky and earthy.
How did you find this website? Google, probably.
Job: Unemployed
Plans for the future? College for Photography <3
Any comments? I'm a vegetarian.
What is your first name? I have two different names actually - my friends know me as Pip
Age: 19
Location: Cheshire, UK
Hobbies and Interests: Writing, cosplay, watching movies/anime, reading. Interested in gadgets and technology, cats, chocolate, and discussing deep spiritual subjects and science.
Why are you here? Mainly to gain some insight, get to know more people and generally have fun and make friends
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I'm an NT, self-diagnosed with GAD since last year.
Favorite subjects: ICT, Media Studies, English Language
Year/Grade: I'm an apprentice now, in business admin.
Favorite music: Metal, 80s, an array of soundtracks, Jpop.
Books: Fantasy and manga
TV shows/Movies: Whatever is on usually. Big fan of Back to The Future.
Instrument: Cant play anything.
Do you like sports? : - is Zumba a sport?
Family: 2 brothers, 1 sister, all younger.
Clothing: Can range from feminine floral things to baggy comfy stuff.
How did you find this website? I did a google search and found my way here
Job: Finance Officer and Assistant Project Manager for a charity for my apprenticeship.
Plans for the future? Get a proper job, move out, build up from there...earn more money for books and days out.
Any comments? None - thanks for reading this introductory questionaire thing ~
What is your first name? Sam
Age: 15
Location: Northern Oklahoma
Hobbies and Interests: Computers, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Psychology, Electronics, TV (watching and production), Video Games.
Why are you here? I have always related best to people with autism and aspergers, and I am beginning to believe that I have aspergers myself. I hope to find more about my differences and how to improve my understanding and coping skills.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Began to suspect this year.
Favorite subjects: Math and Science!
Year/Grade: High School freshman, 9th grade.
Favorite music: Wow...let's just say alternative rock and electronic music, this post is big enough.
Books: Just about anything I can get my hands on. I particularly enjoy scifi/fantasy.
TV shows/Movies: Star Trek, Doctor Who, get the idea.
Instrument: I enjoy playing around with keyboards.
Do you like sports? No.
Family: Mom, Dad, and little brother, all very outgoing.
Clothing: I like polo shirts, solid colors or conservative patterns with khakis. Not that I really care, but when I have that outfit as a choice I always pick it.
How did you find this website? I don't really remember; I visit "over 9000" websites daily and only return when I have a need to.
Job: Student, I might get a part-time job this summer.
Plans for the future? College, probably a physics or computer-related degree.
Any comments? Not really.
What is your name? JP
Age: 26
Location: Ecuador
Hobbies and Interests: Reading, Writing, Wondering
Why are you here? I'm new to this, I haven't gotten the user's manual yet.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Aspergers—last monday; plenty of other goodness before then.
Favorite subjects: Well, let's see: Anthropology, Art, Biology, Chemistry (I recently found out I know none), English, French, German, History...ok, I'll stop. I love/write poetry, fiction and creative non-fiction (whatever that means). I studied, mostly hate and stubbornly hold on to loving hope for economics. I'm writing my thesis on it.
Year/Grade: 26 shadowy ones, as I said.
Favorite music: Classical and pretty much anything else.
Books: my latest favoritests are Unberto Eco's Il nome de la rosa, Margaret Atwood's The Blind Assassin and Kay Ryan's Uncle
TV shows/Movies: I actively try to stay away from TV, except for John Stewart and Colbert. Movies? Damn...I guess Dr. Strangelove, The Royal Tenenbaums and The Big Lebowski were all pretty great. I love Pulp Fiction and Monty Python's Holy Grail and Life of Brian, and so many others.
Instrument: (very poor) guitar, (little to no) keyboards, but I'm proudest of my tenor windpipe and vocal chords.
Do you like sports? Indeed...Yoga, which I don't know if counts as sport, is my strongest. I also play football and gym (do you play gym? I play mostly with myself, but every now and then with a dude with a cute blonde wife that keeps checking me out). I love watching tennis and any football match involving Barça.
Family: some brothers and parents.
Clothing: cotton
How did you find this website? wikipedia
Job: Unemployed
Plans for the future? 1. thesis 2. graduate 3. novel 4. grad school
Any comments? What, what?
What is your first name? Laura
Age: 40
Location: NJ
Hobbies and Interests: Reading, Writing, Roleplaying, Crochet, Music
Why are you here? To try and make a social connection and read up on aspergers and autism.
When were you diagnosed? just this year!
Favorite music: Joe Jackson, The Elected, The Beatles, Johnny Cash
Books: Kurt Vonnegut is my favorite author. I've been reading a lot of mysteries lately, and I'm just starting to get into graphic novels.
TV shows/Movies: Monk, I Love Lucy, and various documentaries about science, nature and history
Family: Husband, Aus - and kitty cat, Katzen
Clothing: jeans and t-shirts
How did you find this website? internet search
Job: freelance writer
What is your first name?
Hobbies and Interests:
game design, language
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
At some point in the past
Favorite subjects:
Latin and linguistics
I've sort of lost track. After a while, time gets blurry
Favorite music:
Pink Floyd
I love the Vertigo imprint.
TV shows/Movies:
The Prisoner; Yes, Minister
My favourite instrument is the violin, but I learned the piano
Do you like sports?
Full time student
Plans for the future?
Stick to academia until I die. Make games in my spare time.
What is your first name? Kirsty
Location:Leeds, England
Hobbies and Interests:Playing toontown, watching documentaries about space, drawing( even tho i can't draw ), listening to music, reading
Why are you here?: Aspergers
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): About a month ago but knew from about age 7 or 8
Favorite subjects: Music, drama, english and science
Year/Grade: Hoping to go back to college (fingers crossed)
Favorite music: Anything from disney musicals and pop
Books: The Immortals and Harry potter
TV shows/Movies: Mostly anything on Disney Channel , Harry Potter and Tim Burton movies
Do you like sports? Nope
Family:Mum, 2 brothers older brother had aspergers younger brother has autism
How did you find this website? Random search on google
Plans for the future? Want to become an actress
Any comments? Hi everyone
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 12 Apr 2011
Age: 61
Gender: Male
Posts: 60
Location: Tarzana CA USA
What is your first name? Robert
Age: 47
Location: Camarillo CA USA (but born in Toronto ON Canada, and lived most of my life in Yellowknife NT Canada)
Hobbies and Interests: Music (especially playing!), hockey, news, trivia, politics
Why are you here? Community, ideas, etc.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Not officially diagnosed (the psychologists et al. who studied me at age 6 didn't know about Asperger's back then). Unofficially a few years ago via the Autism Research Centre's online Adult Asperger Assessment ("passed" with flying colours).
Favorite subjects: Math, history.
Year/Grade: B.Sc. computer science, Victoria, 1985; MBA, British Columbia, 1991
Favorite music: All sorts, but especially jazz, baroque, Rush, and Kraftwerk
Books: Anything by George Orwell. SF generally, esp. Orson Scott Card, William Gibson, Robert Sawyer. Reference books, esp. about science or mathematics.
TV shows/Movies: Twilight Zone (the original, although the remakes were OK too), Monty Python's Flying Circus, Fawlty Towers, Hockey Night in Canada
Instrument: Mostly trombone, but also French horn, baritone/euphonium, tuba, trumpet, electric bass, recorder, piano/keyboards, and others.
Do you like sports? Yes. Love watching hockey, Canadian football, Australian football. Used to referee hockey.
Family: Oldest of 3 children, others NT. Father of 6, one boy then five girls. 3rd girl/4th child now 16, diagnosed at age 5 with high-functioning autism. Married for 19 years.
Clothing: For work, golf shirts and Dockers. At home, t-shirts and jeans or shorts. Suits only when absolutely necessary, including church.
How did you find this website? Heard about it a lot from various places, decided it was time to jump on board.
Job: Actuarial Analyst with a large health insurance firm.
Plans for the future? Finish the exams etc. needed to become an Associate of the Society of Actuaries (ASA) and then a Fellow (FSA). May just stay here in California; nice weather you've got here.
Any comments? I'm sure I'll think of lots of stuff later.
What is your first name? David
Age: 42
Location: Nevada
Hobbies and Interests: Tech, Sci-fi, my family
Why are you here? to help autism, we just started a news website for autism advocacy and a non-profit and need support and guidance
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
Favorite subjects: science, computers
Year/Grade: graduated college in 1992
Favorite music: Techno
Books: Scifi
TV shows/Movies: Stargate, Star Trek, Fringe
Instrument: Clarinet
Do you like sports? Sort of
Family: Wife, 3 autistic kids
Clothing: ? usually
How did you find this website? via twitter
Job: In sales for a software company, and just started an autism non-profit
Plans for the future? make the non-profit take off, maybe be in a movie like the next Temple Grandin
Any comments? we need support for our website and non-profit, ideas, articles, and donations.
What is your first name? Natalie but you can call me Thilie (please not Nat, duh!)
Age: 21
Location: Washington. I always just say Seattle.
Hobbies and Interests: I am an artist. I like most all forms of art. I love music, animals, games, anime and I also like sewing stuffed animals. I am also a poet who knows it.
Why are you here? My bf is an Aspie (at least I am sure) and I follow wrong planet on twitter so I decided to join. I like making friends..
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I have BPD (borderline) and it's NOT the same as bipolar >.< I also have other disorders. I'm not technically diagnosed because doctors here are stupid.
Favorite subjects: art, English, World History ?
Year/Grade: n/a
Favorite music: i like most all genres. Lady Gaga, T. Mills, AFI, La Roux, Crystal Castles, Breathe Carolina, Breathe Electric, Britney Spears, The Devil Wears Prada, Asking ALexandria, Escape The Fate, nevershoutnever, City and Colour, Enya, Celtic Women, Lights, Owl City, FFTL, Nickel Creek etc etc. just ask.
Books: Twilight saga, Harry Potter, and various classics, children's books
TV shows/Movies: I watch Disney channel mostly and Disney movies. I like comedies like Hot Rod, Zoolander, The Sasquatch Gang, The Gentlemen Broncos or like any Tim Burton movie lol. I like anime.. idk Ouran Host Club, FLCL, Excel Saga, some .Hack, Kyo No Go No Ni, There's No Way My Little sister Can Be This Cute(I think that's it) KissXSis etc.
Instrument: my pipes. I sing.
Do you like sports? no.. not really @_@
Family: mom&dad, two sisters, a brother, 2 nieces and a nephew and pets
Clothing: I'm a Victorian/Lolita influenced emo kid I have no idea call me a hipster whatever
How did you find this website? twitter
Job: I usually worked as a cashier who knew everything. I'm an "amateur" artist and poet.
Plans for the future? The Fame, family and happiness
Any comments?
I'm all over the internet so if you googled me under Natalie Christine, Thilie Christine, ErisonxxxLain, Erison Lain you'd probably see everything I ever commented on, joined or did who knows. Even my pics pop up. Most important though? I just love my boyfriend a lot, and I want to marry him. I don't want to be that 80% of failed Aspie marriages.
What is your first name? Taylor
Age: 18
Location: Texas
Hobbies & Interests: reading, writing, and drawing
Why are you here? I have ADD and AS
When were you diagnosed? I was diagnosed with ADD when I was 4 and with AS when I was 11
Favorite subjects: social sciences & english
Year/Grade: 12th grade
Favorite music: mostly pop and some country
Books: The Plague, Emma, & A Tale of Two Cities
Do you like sports? no
Family: my mom, my dad, and my 15 year old brother
Clothing: casual
How did you find this website? through autismspeaks
Job: student
Plans for the future? college
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