Of course You're nervous! - You're about to have an examn. Are Your conclutions correct, does You really have a diagnose hanging over Your head, ect.?
I had exactly the same speculations half a year ago. After i found out that i had diagnosed myself, as being AS, and consulted my MD as to be preassessed.
What i did, were to take the tests i made on the net (AQ, SQ, EQ, and Aspie-quiz), and print them out. Then i made a brainstorm, turned it in to a nice little novell, about my life, and all the fazettes of it that substantiated my suspicion.
Told tthat there were certain treats that i recognised from my father, his brother and their mom...
And 4. mar. i got my "new identity" as Officially dx'd Aspie.
Hope You can use this little story to calm Your nerwes a bit! - And remember You are who You'we always been, no matter if you're diagnosed, or not!
Best regards
And best of luck!! !