Hi, my name is Marie, 40 years old, undiagnosed but have researched for a few years now......fit the criteria. Asperger's explains a LOT in terms of my life, especially social stuff with other women.....which I am absolutely NO good at/generally not interested in. However, I work full-time in the engineering field and working in an office requires social skills I absolutely have to fake to get by (but certain I still miss a lot of things). I hate it but if I want to continue working, it has to be done. It wears me out. I'm also very introverted so the social/work crap adds to my fatigue. The only person I can tolerate being around for any length of time is my husband of 16 years - I believe he is also on the spectrum, although slightly more extroverted than I am. I could go weeks without dealing with other people in any capacity, perfectly happy on my own. I'm sure being an only child contributes greatly to that aspect of my life. I also have obsessions that drive other people crazy, mostly my husband at times. I don't talk that much about whatever my current obsession is, mostly because I would rather do what it is rather than talk about it. BTW, my current obsession is landscaping and I could work on my yard from sun up to sundown (and often have), which is the part that drives my husband crazy. However, he has obsessive interests but they don't bother me at all.....leaves me more time to do what I want to do. I know that sounds kind of selfish but I've helped raise 2 kids (1 NT/very extroverted bio daughter [19] from my first marriage and 1 introverted, very likely AS stepson [18]) and figure I've earned the right to focus on myself for once in many years....but I often lose sight of everything else going on while engaging in my obsession.
Family background.....I have an uncle who is definitely on the spectrum and my dad was diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder about 5 years ago, after he ended up in a clinical situation. I was mostly raised by a very extroverted and bipolar 2 diagnosed mom who I don't get along with to this day. I really don't get along with my dad either, the rare occasion we do get together. None of us really "get" the other and I've given up trying to the point I'm no longer interested - haven't seen either of them in years. I don't know if all of their issues contribute to mine but it was definitely a different environment to be raised in.....and difficult......my mother has been married 4+ times and is getting ready to get married again to another BP guy.
Anyhow, for not being a big talker......I've noticed I've started to ramble. Interested in and looking forward to reading all the posts here, so far it's been very informative!