Questions about you
firefighting singing cooking
last month
foods and welding
music -deff everything
i dont really read cause i have double vision and its hard on me after a lil bit but i like the book boot camp ,hitlers daughter ,shatering glass, what happened to cass mcbride
i dont play any i used to play drums and flute
yes i play soccer and tennis
umm my fams big
haha idk yet i am a hick somedays with boots and a hat and the next in heels and all fancy trying to figure out what i am right now
they suggested it at my diagnosing
fire fighter
i dont have plans for the futer im trying to make it through today
any questions??
What is your first name? Chava (it's Hebrew, so the 'ch' is soft, kind of like a German 'ch')
Age: 48
Hobbies and interests: Fiber arts, beads, mysticism, paleo anthropology, archeology, history of religion/mysticism/mythology, evolutionary biology and related sciences, animal rights.
Why are you here: I'm here because I've been slowing accepting that I have undiagnosed Aspergers and it's really helpful to read what other people are saying and be in a community of people I can relate to.
When were you diagnosed: I'm self diagnosed - I started looking into it a few years ago. The information that has been coming out about girls and women with AS has been really helpful in allowing me to understand why I'm the way I am and to process a lot of my childhood, teenage and young adult issues and in dealing with current ones. I could go on about this, but you've probably all heard it before, lol.
Favorite subjects: Art, science, history.
Year/Grade: A long time ago! I graduated from the Art Institute of Chicago in 1985.
Favorite music: European Symphonic Metal and Gothic music. I'm an old Goth.
TV shows/Movies: Anything Joss Whedon does, Stargate, classic horror and science fiction.
Books: Lots - mostly non-fiction. I've read a lot of biology, archeology and paleontology stuff, a lot of cultural and religious history. I'm obsessed with Darwin, so I'll read anything by or about him. Fiction books I like are usually fantasy and science fiction. If I had to pick two favorite authors, they'd be Neal Stephenson and Ursula K. Le Guin.
Do you like sports?: Sports?
Family: mostly I'm not involved. I only have a brother left and we don't communicate. I'm adopted but stopped looking when I found out that my biological mother was also adopted. That makes me feel cut off, but there's not much I can do about it. The most important thing I know about my biological family is that they were artistic.
Clothing: Comfortable and dark.
How did you find this website: by looking up information on Aspergers.
Job: I'm a book scanner at a large university. I scan the books that Google isn't allowed to touch My real job is my artwork, but I can't make a living at it. Yet.
Plans for the future: To accept myself for who I am and continue to get my artwork out in view and make a living from it.
Any comments: It's a relief to find a group of people I relate to
What is your first name? Patrick
Age: 38
Location: Texas
Hobbies and Interests: Movies/Reading
Why are you here? Son as Aspergers
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Son was diagnosed in March
Favorite subjects: Movies/Games/Books
Favorite music: All kinds
Books: Bernard Cornwell
TV shows/Movies:
Do you like sports?
Family: Wife and three kids
How did you find this website? Google
Job: Entertainment website writer/editor
Plans for the future?
Any comments? Looking for other parents with children who have Aspergers
Age: 49
Location: Pacific Grove, California
Hobbies and Interests: birds (especially corvids, hummingbirds, storks, seabirds), echinoderms (especially sea urchins, sand dollars), plants (cycads, ferns, epiphytes, palms), napping, science, collecting beachglass, travelling
Why are you here? I want to learn more about Asperger's because I think am on the spectrum
When were you diagnosed? I haven't been diagnosed but I want to talk to a professional about it
Favorite subjects: science, literature, art history, philosophy, pottery
Year/Grade: college graduate
Favorite music: Cream, Rolling Stones, nature sounds, Native American, classical, world music
Books: Iliad, Death in Venice by Thomas Mann, non-fiction
TV shows/Movies: documentaries
Instrument: I have dabbled at a bunch of them but never took one up
Do you like sports? Some types such as snorkelling, swimming, kayaking, sailing
Family: my partner Larry(he is an Aspergian too)
Clothing: sandals (only the ones that go between the toes), shorts, vintage Hawaiian shirts, preppy, Japanese and vintage denim,
How did you find this website? I saw a link on another Asperger's site
Job: I am not working for money currently
Plans for the future? I want to move to Hawaii, improve my sailing skills,
Any comments?I would appreciate any information (books, websites, etc.) that people have found useful, and I want to learn about how one goes about being diagnosed
What is your first name? Brigita
Age: 15 yrs and 11months
Location:Vilnius, Lithuania
Hobbies and Interests: mental disorders, cosmos, writing down - trying to analyze dreams, art, poison
Why are you here? to learn more about autism, to get to know other Aspies.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): not yet.
Favorite subjects: english, art, physics, biology, lithuanian literature
Year/Grade: 9th grade
Favorite music: The Cure, Gary Jules- Mad World
Books:The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-time, The Shinning, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
TV shows/Movies: Donnie Darko, Sybil, Beautiful Mind
Instrument: none
Do you like sports? No, i don't
Family: 2 parents, 4 grandparents, aunt, cousin
Clothing: i like black and blue jumpers that are baggy and pants that are not baggy
How did you find this website? i was searching the information about autism on google
Job: none. I want to be a psychiatrist or psychologist or psychotherapist when I'll grow up
Plans for the future?(for my summer holiday:) to read about my interests, to find another psycho- doctor, to get off my medication, to walk a lot in nature, to go to the seaport and swim in the sea, to start drawing again, to re-decorate my room, just to rest and do things that i love!
What is your first name? Tiffani
Age: 21
Location: Helena, MT
Hobbies and Interests: Reading, writing, crossword puzzles, animals, music, photography, the paranormal
Why are you here? Nonverbal learning disorder
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): August 2010
Favorite subjects: English
Year/Grade: High school graduate
Favorite music: Punk, alternative, new wave, metal, pop rock, classic rock, some country
Books: It would take a while and my memory's not so good. Lol.
TV shows/Movies: NCIS, Gene Simmons Family Jewels, Charmed, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State, CSI, House Hunters, Law And Order: Special Victims Unit.
Instrument: I don't play one.
Do you like sports? No
Family: People who I live are my mom, younger brother, and my stepdad.
Clothing: Whatever feels comfortable
How did you find this website? I was looking for something about NLD and dysgraphia and this showed up in my search results.
Job: None right now. I'm in vocational rehab and they're helping me with training and finding one.
Plans for the future? My ultimate goal is to become a paralegal.
What is your first name? that would be telling
Age: 23
Location: havelock, nc. and seattle, wa
Hobbies and Interests: EE specifically power, ceramics, metal casting, chem, welding, cnc etc.
Why are you here? aspergers
When were you diagnosed? no, and that would not be a good idea career wise at the moment.
Favorite subjects: ap physics, math and the rest of highschool was a waste of my time
Year/Grade: High school graduate, don't need college to find a job in any economy.
Favorite music: most music is background noise to me, but old rock calms the nerves.
Books: i grew up reading old books on engineering,
TV shows/Movies: i don't watch tv.
Do you like sports? never have, and have issues playing games of any sort.
Family: 4 siblings, parents are still together.
Clothing: whatever doesn't have holes in it.
Job: working for an organization known for creating entropy.
Plans for the future? not really.
What is your first name? Cameron
Age: 21
Location: The country.
Hobbies and Interests: Hard question to answer. Everything, in small doses. I've been writing since I was a kid, and have gotten really good at it. I also like building, physical art (I can't draw - I do spriting and sometimes arrange objects for the lulz, though mostly I just fantasize about it), working out, doing manual labor, playing music, singing, and Minecraft. (Best thing ever since my urge to build outpaced my supply of Legos.) Reading interesting facts, especially medical ones. It's delicious fun having a leg-up on my family members when someone has an easily diagnosed problem that no one else has a clue about. Preparing for a possible downfall of society in ways that other people don't even think about because they're too busy hoarding food.
Why are you here? Suspect I have Asperger's. I'm hoping that by reading threads and learning more about it I can confirm or figure out another option. I also have SAD and cyclothymia. Possible Tourette's syndrome, OCPD, and social phobia as well, although those could all be explained pretty neatly by Asperger's.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Dunno. I'd forget my own birthday if my mother hadn't reminded me for years. Self-diagnosed on all counts.
Favorite subjects: The unspoken ones. (Just kidding.) English, easily. I am a huge language nerd. Aside from having an excellent grasp on the language (particularly in writing, according to standardized testing), I love finding out the origins of various words in the English language, learning pronunciation and predefined rules, bickering about said rules, inventing new words when there aren't words yet to describe a concept, telling other people off for inventing new words when there are already words to describe that concept, complaining when people use words whose parts have nothing to do with the whole meaning, or phrases that make no grammatical sense, and taking advantage of the fact that English contains many phrases that have no grammatical sense to popularize a few more. (In my book, anyone who says "Long time no see," but complains about "I know, right?" is just being a snob.)
I also like art and, to a degree, geometry. That degree being where it relates to art. "Art" including writing, spriting, constructing, and generally getting my geek on to create something that is worthy of display and evocative of awe and/or deep prognostication.
I like science as well, but I suck at it due to short-term memory problems.
Year/Grade: I am not in school, have never been in school. I have a middle-school math level and a graduate-school English level. I also find it annoying when people just assume that I am in school because I'm under the age of 25-ish.
Favorite music: None. There are so many different styles of music with different sound combinations, all of which evoke such a variety of feelings and ideas, that I couldn't possibly pin it down. I like witty lyrics, though.
Books: Fantasy, science fiction, thought-provoking writing, and any nonfiction that is relevant to my interests. Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West is one of my favorites.
TV shows/Movies: I enjoy a wide variety of movies over different genres. I'm more likely to enjoy a movie if it contains humor, yet two of my favorite movies of all time are Logan's Run and District 9. So I suppose that means I also like movies that have a compelling cerebral element. I have a soft spot for stuff made in the 80's, stuff that takes the time to examine and deconstruct (or at least make jokes about) the social idea of manhood, movies with characters who differ from societal expectations, and musicals. Oh, and stuff with vampires. I dig on stuff with vampires.
I have basically the same taste in TV shows (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, United States of Tara, Dark Shadows, The Fantastic Four) but I don't often find myself with the attention span to follow a TV show for as long as it's going to run before I find something else to do that's more interesting.
Instrument: Ocarina. One of the easiest instruments you'll ever play.
Do you like sports? That's a pretty vague question. For instance, are you asking if I like to watch sports (not really), or if I like to play sports (sometimes?) Honestly, the only things that interest me about sports are the art involved in playing, the precision needed to make your tools do exactly what you need them to do, the physical prowess, and the adrenaline rush. None of which are well translated to a spectator.
Family: Also vague. Immediate family, or extended family? Lineage? I'm descended from William the Conqueror, and through him a Norse king (the founder of Normandy, in fact). My dad's family is comprised of a lot of gossip-happy, vindictive folk who never seem to get along with anyone, and a few decent people, as well as my grandmother who is somewhere in between and convinced that I can't drive. My mother's family consists of basically good people, but they all have some messed-up worldviews, including endorsement of child abuse as "good parenting" and a way inflated opinion of their own perspectives. My mother is manipulative but denies it, abusive but denies it, often nice and exaggerates it, often fails to be nice and demands points for not meaning to fail. My dad is one of the nicest guys on the planet but has severe emotional repression and attachment issues. My siblings and I usually get along, despite our respective flaws, but two of us aren't very social and the third socializes mostly on the Internet, so mainly we spend our time knee-deep in our computers or hobbies.
Clothing: I think it's a silly social compulsion. Why do we arbitrarily declare that certain body parts are unacceptable to be shown? Also, the distinction that female chests should be covered but male chests need not is ridiculous. For purposes of not getting in trouble, and because I do like to employ fashion to evoke certain ideas, I wear clothes. But then it's a pain in the butt to find ones that fit properly and are the kind of things that I like to wear, and when I finally get those clothes and wear them my mother tells me I look like a lesbian because I haven't told her that I'm transgender yet.
I find that much, much more interesting than "what kind of clothes do you like to wear?"
How did you find this website? I found a link from a site I found via GoodSearch, where I had searched for "I think I might have Asperger's" or something like that. It said it was a good site to go to.
Job: Technically unemployed, but I write and I've been doing some freelance sprite work.
Plans for the future? Get my rear end out of my parents' house, get a real job and a real home where I can bring my dog and cat, move to Oregon (not necessarily in that order), get chest surgery and hormones so people will stop treating me like a fuggin' woman already, publish a book that I've been working on for years, learn to flair cocktails and ride a motorcycle and shoot a pistol and ride a horse and repair antique radios and fight with my bare hands and basically everything else that would probably terrify me but my headmates want to do and I do have to share the body with them.
Any comments? Nothing that I haven't said already, really. Nothing that would be polite anyway, and I think I've used up my "uppity criticism" points for now.
What is your first name? Brittnee
Age: 20
Location: BC, Canada
Hobbies and Interests: movies, baking, cooking, art
Why are you here? my sister told me about aspergers and said that this pretty much defines my personality, so i read up on it on wikkipedia, and agreed. i was diagnosed with ADD, but realized that its more than that and that most people with aspergers are misdiagnosed with ADD. and as i was searching, i found this website and find it really cool
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): im getting tested today
Favorite subjects: drama, art, foods
Year/Grade: graduated in 2009
Favorite music: punk, rock, hard rock, punk rock, some pop, hip-hop, some rap, christian
Books: ted dekker novels, harry potter, lord of the rings, frank peretti novels
TV shows/Movies: simpsons, seinfeld, big bang theory, futurama, master chef, hell's kitchen
Instrument: n/a
Do you like sports? nope. i like gymnastics though
Family: mom and dad, 2 sisters, 1 brother
Clothing: reitmans? anything...
How did you find this website? wilkkipedia search about aspergers, it was a link
Job: office assistant (i hate it)
Plans for the future? go to culinary school for pastry arts and do desserts section at my sister and brother-in-law's restaraunt or work in high-class catering
Any comments? not that i can think of lol
Ah, now I feel much more inclined to fill this in than to add to the flood of newbie threads.
What is your first name? Liz
Age: Eighteen years
Location: The big desk in my bedroom, in Powys.
Hobbies and Interests: Splitting that into the two categories:
Writing in any capacity, though I especially enjoy fiction and, obviously, writing about my special interests. Right now, for example, I'm working on a huge, fandom-wide stringboard for Doctor Who.
Drawing. I own a tablet and that does, in some aspects, make things easier - but it makes other things so much more difficult. As a general rule, lineart is easier drawn traditionally while colouring is easier digitally. I prefer, overall, traditional.
Spriting, also known as pixel art. I actually learnt to shade with sprites.
Archery. I've been told I'm a natural at this, but I think it's because I'm barebow. More people should take the nonsense of their bows - it makes everything so much easier.
Reading. I know that's vague, but trust me, that best describes my love of reading. Give me words and they shall be read, and I probably enjoyed reading them.
Cardmaking and papercraft skills are now mostly used in giftmaking. It's a win/win situation, in my mind - people get something they like and I enjoy making it.
I'm quite a collector - in fact, my psychiatrist once speculated that I might have some mild hoarding issues, but I think she was wrong. I collect TYs, interesting books (even if I don't get around to reading them for a year or two, I just take joy in owning them) and dragons. Models, mugs, paintings, books...I love dragons. It's fortunate that I moved to Wales, really. Most of all, though, I collect any and all Doctor Who paraphernalia.
I'm considering starting a pin collection, but I need to get the pin paper first.
Now, the problem here is, it could almost be said that I actually collect facts. I mean, I feel compelled to know as much about anything as I can. However, the big things/special interests would be:
Doctor Who. Oh, all of it! Any of it! Every college project that can be bent to focus around Doctor Who has, from English assignments to my communications essay.
Herps. That's reptiles and amphibians. Since I was about eight or nine, my biggest goal in life has been to become a herpetologist and I am finally making the first academic step towards that by starting my level two animal care course this September.
"Aspie art". I've had to make up that phrase to explain my unconventional notion of what's artistic. For example, earlier today I walked into the kitchen to find the kettle's indicator light on, two mugs arranged just so beside it, a random scattering of sugar granules on the floor below the counter and the toaster literally smoking. This I took a sort of mental photograph of, because to me it was just beautiful art. Sometimes I will rearrange the furniture in a room several times to achieve a certain artistic brilliance, to look at it for a while, save that picture in my brain, and then put it all back.
Learning. Literally. As I said, I practically collect facts - learning is itself a huge interest for me.
Why are you here? Well, let me think.
I've come across WP a few times whilst Googling one thing or another, stayed for a week or two to lurk and read and then moved on and forgotten about it.
This time, yesterday, I found a thread about trypophobia and learnt for the first time that I wasn't completely insane - though when I tried to explain it to Barbara she just called me weird.
I registered to express my delight at not being alone, and to ask if anyone else had symptoms quite as extreme as mine, but noticed the date on the most recent post too late.
I decided, however, that I would finally stay here for good and actually contribute - I'm terrible for lurking, I do it on some forums that have long since forgotten I existed at all.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Roughly one year and two months ago.
Favorite subjects: ...Subjects of conversation? Subject to terms and conditions? Subjects of experimentation?
Sorry, I don't know.
Year/Grade: Um. 2011. (Grade? In my GCSEs, you mean?)
Favorite music: Let's see...
...Yeah, that sums it up quite nicely.
Books: Yes please! I love books.
Especially Harry Potter (within which, my favourite book is either Phoenix or Prince);
Any and all Doctor Who books I can get my hands on;
Artemis Fowl;
Darren Shan;
Books about language, such as Eats, Shoots and Leaves or The Right Word at the Right Time;
Books about quotes, such as the QI Bumber Book of Insults;
The entire Worst Witch series
To Kill a Mockingbird;
The Animal Ark series, which I am still in the process of collecting;
TV shows/Movies: Doctor Who, as I think I've mentioned, is quite possibly the best thing in the universe. Besides that, however:
Murdoch Mysteries;
Sue Thomas, FB Eye;
Something Special;
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation;
Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind;
Blade Runner;
Drop Dead Fred;
Spirit: SotC
And an awful lot of anime, especially Ghibli.
Instrument: Of torture! : D
Actually, I used to play the flute, briefly played the trombone and now want to learn to play the keyboard/piano.
Do you like sports? Some of them. I love archery, swimming, running and anything that involves climbing; and when I was younger I did gymnastics for a while, but that's about it.
Family: Goodness. I have two parents, four grandparents (all dead save the one grandfather I wish dead; my maternal grandfather died of an aneurysm), two aunts (one on either side of the family, with my maternal aunt in a prison for those who have phenoketeneural disease), two uncles (one either side of the family, with my maternal uncle diagnosed with bipolar disorder), one great aunt who may or may not be dead by now (on my paternal side, though I haven't seen her for a few years) and at least seven cousins (that I know of, I may have more by now. Oh! My oldest cousin was pregnant well over a year and six months ago, so I now also have a cousin-one-degree-away. Second cousin, I suppose.)
Clothing: I'd rather not. However, as I usually do wear it, black always, jeans, and never jumpers. I wear a T-shirt with a jacket on top of that, but I don't just wear jumpers. They feel wrong.
How did you find this website? The way most people find most websites: Google.
Job: Ooh, yes please! I've worked in several charity shops, helped run the shop Robert used to own when we lived in Knighton, but no job is yet to want me.
Plans for the future? Go to this level two animal care course, obtain at least a B overall, move on to a more specified course and again obtain at least a B overall, then see which universities offer the qualifications I need. Thereafter, to find an apprenticeship or even real job as close to practicing herpetology as possible and eventually move on from that to preservation of species.
Meanwhile, to publish several books and illustrate them where necessary.
Any comments? Um. Yes. Stone Robot, a post or two above me, would appear to be a multiple owing to his mention of headmates. Hullo, thar, I expected this forum to be full of singlets! *Waves*
"We will become all-powerful! Crush the lesser races, conquer the galaxy, incredible power, unlimited rice pudding, et cetera, et cetera!"
What is your first name?
Southern Canada
Hobbies and Interests:
Reading, writing, drawing (with pencils, not with a tabet. Not that there's anything wrong with tablets), history, RPGs on the DS
Why are you here?
I want to talk to other people like me
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
Diagnosed with Asperger's at age 5
Favorite subjects:
History (I can talk about WWII until my lungs either give out, or you get bored and walk away), Biology, English, Art (although art classes are a little too structured for me)
Favorite music:
Too much to mention, but I like rock and alternative
Hoo boy...
The Discworld series, the Mortal Instruments, his Dark Materials, Dune, Coraline, Gormenghast, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel, the Abhorsen Chronicles, The Bitterbynde Trilogy, John Dies at the End, Abarat, Dracula, Going Bovine, The Gemma Doyle Trilogy, Fullmetal Alchemist, Jack Kirby's Fourth World, Watchmen
TV shows/Movies:
Dr. Who (2005 revival on), Danny Phantom, The Twilight Zone, Avatar: The Last Airbender, everything ever made by Pixar, Spirited away, Howl's Moving Castle, Beauty and The Beast, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Edwards Scissorhands, Paprika, Pirates of the Carrebean, Star Wars
Do you like sports?
Not at all
Mom, Dad, Younger brother, Dog
Unnhh... that's a creepy question
How did you find this website?
I was looking for an online Asperger's support group
None at the moment, I might start helping with administrative duties at my dad's office next year
Plans for the future?
Become a professional writer and illustrator, get married, have kids
Any comments?
What is your first name? er...I'll keep that one to myself
Age: mid 20s
Location: NSW, Australia
Hobbies and Interests: card making, drawing, anime, training
Why are you here? I was curious about how other people my age are doing - we get lots of support in high school but now...not so much
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): age 12
Favorite subjects: Languages, medical science
Year/Grade: post grad
Favorite music: J-pop, hard rock
Books: Austen, Dickens, Douglas Adams, Terry Prachett
TV shows/Movies: Black Books, QI, Friends (yeah, I'm cool like that) lifestyle documentaries, Die Hard, Zoolander, Kill Bill, The Girl who lept through time
Instrument: my voice
Do you like sports? Yes. Yes I do. But I didn't always
Family: mother, father, two nt sisters
Clothing: smart casual
How did you find this website? when I was released from hospital this website was suggested to me as a support network
Job: student/p.a
Plans for the future? Get a stable job, get fit, make more friends. Basically be the type of person who gives back to society.
Any comments? I want to learn from this site. But I hope I can give back in some way
Pileated woodpecker

Joined: 17 May 2011
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Posts: 192
Location: Hertfordshire England
What is your first name? Iain.
Age: 22.
Location: Hertfordshire, England.
Hobbies and Interests: Video games, movies, politics, current events, biology, psychology, sociology, philosophy, certain sections of history and music (see below),
Why are you here? I’ve been reading some of the threads here for a while and decided it made sense to register myself.
When were you diagnosed? (skip if you don't have a disorder): Around age 5 if I remember correctly.
Favourite subjects: N/A
Year/Grade: N/A
Favourite music: Mainly rock and heavy metal
Books: The Selfish Gene, The Prince, The Art Of War, His Dark Materials, The Elenium, The Tamuli, and Harry Potter.
TV shows/Movies: Nature documentaries, Myth Busters, Chris Nolan’s Batman movies, Japanese Anime, Tim Burton Movies.
Instrument: Learning to play the guitar and harmonica.
Do you like sports? Ten pin bowling.
Family: Mum, Dad, Step Dad and 2 sisters.
Clothing: Normally a shirt and neck tie with denim jeans.
How did you find this website? I found a link to one of the forum’s threads from a Google search.
Job: PDSA volunteer.
Plans for the future? Improve my CV through my volunteering before re-entering the job market.
What is your first name? Anniina
Age: 15
Location: Northern Europe, Finland
Hobbies and Interests: Im interested about psychology and hmmm.. I jogging every day.
Why are you here? I have asperger and ADHD features, I want to learn better english and I want talk with people who understand me.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): F.83
Favorite subjects: -
Year/Grade: 9 and last grade in comprehensive school will finish soon.
Favorite music: Many kind music. German band Rammstein is my fave band.
Books: Nonfiction and Sinuhe egyphtian
TV shows/Movies: Too much to list all them.
Instrument: nope
Do you like sports? Yeah.
Family: I live just with mom
Clothing: Well.. like teens usually.
How did you find this website? One person on adhd forum told me about this site.
Job: -
Plans for the future? No idea right now.
Any comments? no
I was looking for a good place to introduce/start posting. Guess this is as good as any.
What is your first name? Chris
Age: 30
Location: Scottsdale, AZ
Hobbies and Interests: movies, games, music, writing, photography.
Why are you here? My therapist recommended that I check out some online discussion forums. After some browsing, I settled on this one due to the diversity of topics.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): self-diagnosed myself last week after my therapist gave me an AS site to check out (AANE), formally diagnosed with AS this week.
Favorite subjects: history, film studies, english, digital art, photography.
Year/Grade: BA from Christian Brothers University (TN) in 2004, Associate's Degree in Film Studies from Scottsdale Community College (AZ) in 2010.
Favorite music: many different types from different eras, but I prefer 80s and 90s pop/rock the most.
Books: the Bible, books about film, books that were adapted into films.
TV shows/Movies: Really into movies if you haven't guessed by now. I still hold Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Pulp Fiction in high regard since they represent certain milestones in my life as a movie buff.
Instrument: just the instruments you play on Rock Band (mainly the guitar).
Do you like sports? Used to like pro basketball, but a number of personal meltdowns led to me disliking it now. I've kind of abandoned following team sports in general since certain teams/athletes get too much attention.
Family: Still close to my mom and dad (don't live with them though) and their two basset hounds. Have an aunt & uncle and their daughter/my cousin in town. Have another married cousin who lives in Kentucky and my grandmother who goes back and forth between here and Chattanooga, TN. (all of them are from Dad's side of the family) Save for an aunt in northern Georgia, I'm not very close with my mother's side of the family.
Clothing: polo shirts with a t-shirt underneath, khakis, and Merrell shoes. I always carry a jacket because it'll either be too cold outside (winter) or the AC will be cranked up too high wherever I go (summer).
How did you find this website? Googled "asperger's discussion" and came across it.
Job: Office assistant for my dad's company (specialize in HVAC service & maintenance for retail stores)
Plans for the future? something along the line of film analysis, hopefully in the form of a blog or another online format.
Any comments? No, not really.