Questions about you
What is your first name? TJ
Age: 24
Location: Here
Hobbies and Interests: Writing, art, music, stop-motion animation, anime, manga, comics, art, comedy.
Why are you here? I think I probably have Aspergers.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Undiagnosed, but I took a couple tests online this morning - reputable-looking ones, not ones on Quizilla or something - and both were highly positive. Also, I think I saw that someone mentioned they were "gifted" in this section or some other section, and yeah, I'm gifted too. I was in GATE as a kid and all that. Also they mentioned having ADHD and haha, me too! Small world.
Favorite subjects: History, languages, dreams, psychology, art, music.
Year/Grade: I'm in college! : D
Favorite music: Bands nobody has EVER heard of, like Silversun Pickups and Cat Empire. Also 70's rock. I go for darker stuff sometimes, like Rammstein and Rasputina.
Books: The ones that I make up. Also Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Chocky, Life of Pi, A Wrinkle in Time, The Girl with Glass Feet, PanDEMONium, The Giver - mostly weird scifis and kids books I never grew out of.
TV shows/Movies: Shows: Doctor Who, Avatar, One Piece. Movies: Paprika, Coraline, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle.
Instrument: Naw. I have a good amount of rhythm and am pretty good with bongos and other percussion stuff but I've never even touched a full drum set so I don't think it counts!
Do you like sports? YES - to play, not to watch. I love soccer and baseball and I'd like to play golf I think but I've never done that. I think I might like to join a local team or something but I am kinda shy!
Family: None.
Clothing: Black stuff.
How did you find this website? Google.
Job: Hahaha, no. Unless you count writing my books, and I do count that but I don't think most people would!
Plans for the future? Finishing said books, illustrating them, publishing them, and raking in the dough. Not that dough-raking is the important part.
Any comments? I wonder if anyone will stumble on this and reply to it? There's a lot of posts on here so it would be cool if someone does.
Hey Brigita,
I am also highly interested in dreams and dream analysis! Though I am wondering about how you put "poison" as a hobby/interest. That sounds dangerous! D:
Also, Donnie Darko is indeed pretty sweet. >:]
Age: 15 yrs and 11months
Location:Vilnius, Lithuania
Hobbies and Interests: mental disorders, cosmos, writing down - trying to analyze dreams, art, poison
Why are you here? to learn more about autism, to get to know other Aspies.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): not yet.
Favorite subjects: english, art, physics, biology, lithuanian literature
Year/Grade: 9th grade
Favorite music: The Cure, Gary Jules- Mad World
Books:The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-time, The Shinning, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
TV shows/Movies: Donnie Darko, Sybil, Beautiful Mind
Instrument: none
Do you like sports? No, i don't
Family: 2 parents, 4 grandparents, aunt, cousin
Clothing: i like black and blue jumpers that are baggy and pants that are not baggy
How did you find this website? i was searching the information about autism on google
Job: none. I want to be a psychiatrist or psychologist or psychotherapist when I'll grow up
Plans for the future?(for my summer holiday:) to read about my interests, to find another psycho- doctor, to get off my medication, to walk a lot in nature, to go to the seaport and swim in the sea, to start drawing again, to re-decorate my room, just to rest and do things that i love!
I am also fed up with not having people to talk with and also enjoy esoteric arty nonsense. So. Let's talk?
Ross (as far as i'm aware of, though perhaps i have some silent pre-name i've not be told about)
south, hampshire, uk
Hobbies and Interests:
oh, er... alot of things. music, the arts, philosophy, useful computering (sequencers, illustration etc)
Why are you here?
Fed up wondering around and not having people to talk with. Very close to diagnosis one way or the other (damn it takes time!)
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
Am towards the end of the process. limbo. thats me. limbo boy. lol
Favorite subjects:
i'll gladly chat for hours about anything, but it's usually some esoteric arty nonsense, or frustrated rant (i'll keep those to myself here)
Suprisingly, i was teaching for a while. so.. grade....old. lol
Favorite music:
Jazz, Rock, JazzRock, Experimental, Ambient, Progressive, Electronic, Indie... mostly things from the 70's the last few years. not that i was there at the time.
Sartre, Kafka, Pirsig, anything about music, philosophy et al.. or of course, something absurd like the pythons or charlie brooker (uk tv writer/host - hes such an angry fellow)
TV shows/Movies:
Documentaries, weird comedys (the mighty boosch, flight of the conchords etc)
movie wise... well made things, usually older, kubrick etc
ooo, i can answer this one...
1) guitar
2) drums, bass, keyboards, flute, sitar? lol its all great.
Do you like sports?
Sports? god no. well, i would probably enjoy them if i wasnt so bad at them all. though i did pretty well when i did archery years ago. i guess thats more my style
yes. lol
usually. scruffy and neglected usually.
How did you find this website?
searching the internet and mentioned in other sites
teacher/gainfully unemployed ner do well
Plans for the future?
try to get some kind of handle on things and decide what i should be doing with the rest of my weird life. and lots more music.
Any comments?
This site is amazing! alex, if youve not been thanked already... please... consider this a huge thank you!
T H A N K S A L E X ! ! ! !
What is your first name? Reckon I'll keep that to myself for now...
Location: Earth.
Hobbies and Interests: Reading, rambling, drives, socialising (gasp!), internet.
Why are you here? I want to make friends with people like me.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): AS, 2004.
Favorite subjects: History, politics, philosophy... humanities and social sciences in general.
Year/Grade: I'm not at school any more.
Favorite music: The Beatles, The Kinks, The Stones, The Who, The Doors, The Yardbirds, Dylan... you get the general idea.
Books: Mostly things related to interests.
TV shows/Movies: Documentaries generally go down well, as does any satire or comedy with a political flavour. The Thick of It is my current favourite TV show.
Instrument: None proficient.
Do you like sports? You're joking, yes?
Family: Some.
Clothing: Ideally.
How did you find this website? T'internet.
Job: Unemployed.
Plans for the future? Be happy. Learn things. Perhaps find some meaningful employment.
Any comments? I do like croutons, but not actually that much...
What is your first name?: I go by Dani
Age: 21
Location: East Coast, by the beach.
Hobbies and Interests: Music, Theatre, Live Action Theatre, Singing, Drawing, Writing, Learning, Languages
Why are you here? I'm hoping to find out more about myself, and what I can do to get past this road block called Asperger's.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Asperger's, Diagnosed in 2010
Favorite subjects: Music, Theatre, English, Science (even if Chemistry makes my brain itch), Languages (I've studied Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, and American Sign Language).
Year/Grade: I just got my Associates of Science in General Education, I'm hoping to go as far as a Master's, maybe even get my PhD
Favorite music: Rock, Punk Rock, some Metal. I'm not really picky, and I'll give anything a listen. I usually find that I don't like Rap, Country, or Pop music, but there are usually exceptions to the rules.
Books: A Song of Ice and Fire series, the Harry Potter series, Scar Tissue, American Gods, Good Omens, The Stand, Brave New World, 1984, and several others.
TV shows/Movies: House M.D., Scrubs, Mystery Diagnosis, Whose Line is it Anyway, a smattering of Japanese television shows, including Anime.
Instrument: I learned to play the piano when I was 8, though I'm a bit rusty, and I played guitar for a few years when I was 17.
Do you like sports?: Not really. I never could move my body the right way (but from what I hear, that's rather common for people with Asperger's), and I never really got into watching them. The only one I ever could understand was hockey.
Family: I still live with my Mom and Dad, and my grandmother on my Mom's side lives next door.
Clothing: I like jeans and t-shirts. Comfy stuff. Usually with a band name on it, or a silly phrase, or something from a video game.
How did you find this website?: I was looking for a website where I could talk with other people who go through the same stuff that I do, hoping that someone else has come up with a solution, or at least a quick fix, to get around the stuff that stops me in my tracks every day.
Job: None. I'm having a real problem with this. I either get fired for my social awkwardness, or I wind up agitating an old injury. I had to quit my job as a CVS cashier yesterday, because I can hardly move the fingers in my left hand.
Plans for the future?: Recovery is on the top of my list of priorities. Right under that is understanding Asperger's and how to deal with it. Right under that? Is helping other people in the same boat that I'm in. I've been trying and trying to find someone to talk to, but there's no one in my area, and the closest person is out of state. So I want to offer help to people who are dealing with what I go through as well.
Any comments?: I need a pick me up right about now, because even after over a year of being diagnosed, I've just gotten a lot of "Well, you can't do that", or "We can't help you". Even with Asperger's, I've got some physical issues that are keeping me back (numbness and pain in my left arm that leaves it almost unusable), so just once, I'd like to hear "Of course you can do that."
What is your first name?
Twix is my nickname, I'm happy to answer to that.
Late 30s
Hobbies and Interests:
Outdoors stuff like camping and I sort of like engineering history and stuff, (but not in an obsessive way! )
Why are you here?
I think I may be comorbid AS and I want to chat to other people and work out what's going on and stop driving my BF up the wall!
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
I was diagnosed combined ADHD 2 years ago
Favorite music:
Lots of things depends on my mood, RHCP 80s stuff, all kinds of things really
Neil Gamain, Kate Atkinson, and lots of others, I like to read
TV shows:
The big bang theory, One foot in the grave, Last of the summer wine, House, Saturday kitchen
I struggle to sit still for a whole film but I really enjoyed Leon, Sherlock Holmes, Point Break.
None (I like to sing in the car though)
Do you like sports?
I like individual stuff like walking climbing swimming kayaking. I never really got competitive sports. I am not diagnosed, but I'm probably dyspraxic as well, so I find ball sports difficult.
Family:I live with my dog. My family are mostly ND in different ways. I have been with my BF for about a year. Before that I got divorced.
Clothing: I like my jeans and t shirts best. I have sensory issues so I like comfy clothes. I get too hot so I like vest tops.
How did you find this website?
I think it was mentioned on a ADHD site I use a lot
Job:Working with teenagers
Plans for the future?
Any comments?
I don't like people being nasty and I will say so, but sometimes I am blunt. I get misunderstood and inadvertantly upset people. I am a nice person, but I find communication difficult sometimes.
I need my timeout
I am learning a lot about myself and thank you to everyone for this.
Tufted Titmouse

Joined: 29 May 2011
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Posts: 32
Location: Manchester, UK
What is your first name? Anthony
Age: 20
Location: Manchester, UK
Hobbies and Interests: Guitar, heavy metal, anime, art, reading up about mental disorders, playing pool/snooker, video games, collecting rock/heavy metal patches for denim jackets, playing at jam nights.
Why are you here? I wanted to find other people with Asperger's.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): About 3 or 5.
Favorite subjects: Well, in School I was bullied enough to lose the will to think about any "Favorite subjects" to be honest. Most of the people in my school were arrogant, numb-brained, dumbfounded, narrow-minded and/or self-obsessed. The teachers weren't much better either. To be honest, I got the impression that most of the school (Except for the Yu-Gi-Oh! club that I eventually became leader of) were just full of s***.
Year/Grade: Finished College last year after 3 years of doing the wrong subject.
Favorite music: Most types of metal, classic rock, prog, blues, jazz fusion.
Books: Fighting fantasy novels, manga, Led Zeppelin Uncensored, rock star autobiographies, anything to do with Asperger's or Autism.
TV shows/Movies: Anime (Initial D, Black Lagoon, Death Note), Robocop, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, School Of Rock, Tenacious D: Pick of Destiny, This Is Spinal Tap, Lethal Weapon movies, The Fast And The Furious (First 2)
Instrument: Guitar
Do you like sports? Not unless you count Pool/Snooker as sports
Family: Mum, Dad, 3 brothers, one sister
Clothing: Mostly denim/leather with paisley shirts, usually heavy metal shirts, and sometimes studded leather gloves.
How did you find this website? It was mentioned on quite a few Asperger's/Autism pages I "Like" on Facebook, so I came here, and to be honest, I haven't looked back.
Job: None yet.
Plans for the future? To be honest, I've never gone about life with the future in mind, just want to see where it takes me.
Any comments? Not really.
Last edited by Guitarmaniac91 on 02 Jun 2011, 8:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
What is your first name? Andrea
Age: 32
Location: St. Louis, MO
Hobbies and Interests: Writing, psychology, cats, painting / drawing, metaphysics, astrology, magic and others.
Why are you here? I’m writing a book about my journey and I thought it was fitting to seek support with others who have gone through the whole repressed memories and then the whole ‘hey wait, I might have autism’ thing.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I’m undiagnosed, but I realized it in late February this year.
Favorite subjects: universal unconscious, magic, physics (at a high level), psychology, autism, cats, movies
Year/Grade: Muhahaha! I’m done with school…it only took…well, forever. I have my Masters in Organizational Psychology and my Bachelors in Human Resource Management.
Favorite music: I’m all over the place on that – pretty much anything that is not hardcore rap or opera. I typically fall back to techno (e.g., Orbital), NIN or Enya if I’m feeling kinda Zen.
Books: ‘Think Right, Feel Right’ got me on the path to healing. For fun I love Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files, Harry Potter series and Lord of the Rings.
TV shows/Movies: I loved Lie to Me before it got cancelled – it’s the psychologist in me. Firefly (#1), Farscape, Game of Thrones, True Blood, Archer (Comedy Central), House, Haven (Sci Fi), Mentalist, and a few others for the shows. Movies: Star Trek 2009 (man, I’m such a geek!), Poltergeist, Thor, the new Batman movies, Matrix, The Day After Tomorrow, Inception, Watchmen and others for Movies.
Instrument: I used to play the piano, but I gave that up a long time ago, now I enjoy listening to others play wonderful music!
Do you like sports? I go to the gym but I was never big into sports. I'd like to get back into cycling though...
Family: My husband, who is also a high functioning autistic and our two cats.
Clothing: Optional! Well, okay, I like what is comfortable and detest professional / dressy kinda stuff. I have no idea why other females enjoy high heels – I find them odd. I’m pretty minimalist but enjoy some color.
How did you find this website? My husband.
Job: My main ‘job’ for myself is to write and learn. The other job is just to pay the bills, which I’m trying to change careers now – I’m a Performance Improvement Manager in a company that is dysfunctional and doesn’t want to change. I’m looking for something that is more the data analyst kinda thing.
Plans for the future? Write and learn, write and learn, write and learn.
Any comments? I’m looking to learn more about myself and others around me, especially in regards to autism. I’m enjoying life now that I know I’m not wrong / broken, just different. Life is good and I’m looking forward to seeing where I go now. I am also very grateful for this site, thank you.
What is your first name? Tom
Age: 24
Location: Belgium
Hobbies and Interests: studying (logic, mathematics, statistics, philosophy), long distance running, Star Trek, reading, board games, WW1/2
Why are you here?
1) To observe and learn.
2) Find additional people to connect with.
3) Curiosity.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder) 2000: Asperger syndrome. Still unsure about the correctness of additional diagnoses.
Favorite subjects: in School? Mathematics.
Year/Grade: 2nd master Statistics
Favourite music: Classical music (Rachmaninoff, Mozart); Darkwave & early Gothic music; Doom Metal and Dream Pop.
Books: Omnivore. Favourite: Omega Minor, Paul Verhaeghen
TV shows/Movies: Star trek / South Park / Family Guy
Instrument: Recorder (Treble, Soprane)
Do you like sports? I don't like to practice sports, except running. I like to watch cycling though.
Family: two sisters, living with parents
Clothing: Pragmatic
How did you find this website? Unsure.
Job: \ (student)
Plans for the future? Short-term: Graduating and finding a job, moving out. Longer-term: I have several plans; depending on how my life evolves. The most important thing is that i can become a better person, gradually becoming more aware of what better could mean.
Any comments? None.
What is your first name? Kirk
Age: 43
Location: Scotland
Hobbies and Interests: history, philosophy, literature, music, I really love maps and always have a lot of maps on my walls, also used to play a lot of World of Warcraft but not so much now,
Why are you here?
Just to make contact and I like the discussions
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder) 2007: Asperger syndrome.
Favorite subjects: in School? english and history
Year/Grade: I'm going into 4th year of Honours History BA degree
Favourite music: All kinds...I like the Beatles, Depeche Mode, Erasure, Queen, Bach, 50s sounding music
Books: Everything. Favourite author is Dostoevsky. I've recently got really interested in banking history.
TV shows/Movies: Family Guy, Prison Break, South Park.....favourite movie director is Ridley Scott
Instrument: Guitar, Piano...I like making music and programming on synthesizers
Do you like sports? Cycling
Family: I have a daughter I see every weekend, a brother in America.
Clothing: Comfortable
How did you find this website? Recommended by a social worker.
Job: \ Undergraduate student
Plans for the future? I'm doing an MSc and Phd in history after the current degree. Mainly trying to be a good dad.
Any comments? None.

Joined: 2 Jun 2011
Age: 1027
Gender: Male
Posts: 1,820
Location: Возможно в будущее к Россию идти... можеть быть...
What is your first name? (Refuse to answer)
Age: 30-something-ish
Location: Puget-Sound
Hobbies and Interests: Anomalous-Research, Languages, Linguistics, FFXI/Mabinogi, Quantum-Mechanics, Para-Psychology, Paranormal-Research, Psychology, Paradigm-Growth, Non-Rigid Mental-Structures, Psychological-Analysis of Pseudo-Skepticism, Spiritual-Reality, Russian-Style Electronic-Dance-Music, Absolute-Pacifism, Zeteticism, Meta-Physics, Martial Arts, Kung Fu, Reality, Facts, Logical-Cohesiveness, Context, Universal-Law, Physical-Fitness, Medical-Knowledge, Hybrid-Skilling, etc.
Why are you here? Within the context of this universe (here in this universe) to attempt to «save» the «few» (very few if any at all) who will listen and are willing to accept that permanent surcease from all future suffering requires that all negative «karmic» debt (and all of its collateral-damage/suffering) must be paid off via suffering and forgiveness until all karmic-debts are cleared (with NO further complicity too the causing of suffering otherwise one's suffering will continue in perpetuity).
Within the context of being here specifically within these because I would like to find «intelligent/wise» honest discussion about honest research on genuine para-normal/parapsychological-research that doesn`t degrade into a bunch of double-standard pseudo-skepticism if at all possible (the minds who've been taken over to become cynical of the genuine studies/research of these anomalous phenomenae remind me of the Milgram Shock-Experiments and give me the impression that they have been over-taken by a sinister hypnotic-force that intends to keep them trapped into eternal and perpetual-suffering without surcease...I was hoping that there are at least some people within this universe with at least a little bit of a sense of sanity where they do not make automatic pre-judgments about others based on some a priori belief or disbelief-system).
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I don`t exactly believe that psychiatry is exactly a valid field the way it is practiced and heavily controlled by pharmaceutical companies today but the «official» (via government-definition) diagnosis was something like back in early 2004CE...
Favorite subjects: I think I covered this already under Hobbies & Interests.
Year/Grade: ??
Favorite music: Half of the stuff that can be heard on the Russian radio-station...
Русское Радио
(sorry but they won`t let me include the link to the streaming link until my post-count is higher)
Books: Anything authored by Dean Radin, Marcello Truzzi, Michael Prescott, Frederick Myers, Sir William Crookes, and books/materials/publications by honest non-pseudo-skeptical authors such as Dr. Ian Stevenson, Dr. Helen Wambach, Dr. Arnall Bloxham, Professor Ian Currie (PhD), amongst a spectrum/variety of other lesser-known sources.
TV shows/Movies: Not so much interested. I will view some animé sometimes. I follow Bleach-Episodes but otherwise doing other activities.
Instrument: n/a
Do you like sports? I find them boring to the extreme...playing them used to be fun but I`d now rather work on improving my skills and expanding my mental-paradigm.
Family: Limited Interaction
Clothing: Business-Suits and other such formal-attire (when I used to work full-time/over-time in particular). Been mainly semi-casual/semi-formal lately though.
How did you find this website? I don`t remember the search-criteria but from Bing (probably with the key-words: Asperger's Syndrome Community)
Job: Semi-Retired/Hybrid-Skilling
Plans for the future? Translations, Book-Writing, Further Pursuits Into Research, Teaching, Educating, Preparation For World-Wide Catastrophe via Off-Grid Living With Wind/Solar-Powered Electric-Generators & Knowledge of Farming For Food, etc.
Pay me for my signature. 私の署名ですか❓お前の買うなければなりません。Mon autographe nécessite un paiement. Которые хочет мою автографу, у тебя нужно есть деньги сюда. Bezahlst du mich, wenn du meine Unterschrift wollen.
What is your first name? Sam
Age: 26
Location: near Atlanta
Hobbies and Interests:
Why are you here? No one I know understands me, and my own company can wear thin from time to time.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Hopefully the near future.
Favorite subjects:
Year/Grade: Just got back in school, but might be on my way out again.
Favorite music: Rock. Zeppelin, Sabbath, Foreigner, Tool, Rise Against, the list goes on and on.
Books: Mostly fantasy, but some sci-fi.
TV shows/Movies: TV: The Simpsons, That 70's Show. Movies: The Matrix, The Shawshank Redemption.
Instrument: Not for a while.
Do you like sports? I'll play or watch just about any sport live, but baseball is my favorite and I only watch the St. Louis Cardinals on TV.
Family: Just my parents and a sister and brother
Clothing: Rock tee and jeans. Simple. Comfortable.
How did you find this website? through Craig Kendall's newsletter
Plans for the future? Big.
Any comments? Only that it's impossible to be me when society demands I be someone else.
What is your first name? Most people just call me Taz
Age: 33
Location: Pacific NW, USA
Hobbies and Interests: chemistry, ice hockey, horseback riding, Disney
Why are you here? Asperger's
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Not dxed yet. Working on that.
Favorite subjects: Chemistry, biology, algebra, floor hockey in PE
Year/Grade: undergrad in college
Favorite music: rock, movie soundtracks, Hawaiian
Books: Harry Potter, Kingdom Keepers
TV shows/Movies: NCIS, CSI, House, Say Yes to the Dress, Hockey Night in Canada, Dancing with the Stars, So you think you can dance, Miracle (movie), Secretariat (movie), Slapshot (movie)
Instrument: None, I have NO musical talent whatsoever
Do you like sports? YES! I love playing hockey, curling and taekwondo. I also golf and do tons of other sports.
Family: Yeah, I got some. My parents are good. To have my own family it would require a date, which is pretty much an impossibility.
Clothing: jeans, t-shirts, anything plaid, Vans shoes
How did you find this website? Mentioned on another website
Job: Student studying biochemistry
Plans for the future? Graduate, go to medical school, become an endocrinologist or go to grad school and become a phD in biochemistry and study pituitary and adrenal disease which I have
Any comments? Pretty much, I'm a freak that not many people understand.
What is your first name? Raina, but I go by Rai
Age: 21
Location: US
Hobbies and Interests: Hockey, German individuals of WWII (particularly Goebbels, Himmler and Heydrich), cell phones and taking apart/building computers.
Why are you here? Supposed AS, but I have not been officially diagnosed.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Not diagnosed (as of yet), but it's been suggested by my physician.
Favorite subjects: Microbiology and WWII German history.
Year/Grade: College Sophomore
Favorite music: Techno/Break beat/Trance
Books: Demon in the Freezer
TV shows/Movies: House MD
Instrument: Flute & Piccolo
Do you like sports? Yes, hockey. Indoor soccer.
Family: Mom, Step-dad, two younger step brothers, and my opposite sex partner (living together for 2.5 years now).
Clothing: Most of the time, jeans, tshirt/tank top with a hoodie thrown over it for flexibility between heat and cold and sneakers (most of the time), unless it's very warm out, then flip flops as I hate the feeling of socks that get sweaty worn with sneakers during the hot months of the year.
How did you find this website? Research
Job: Sales (rough).
Plans for the future? Graduate from college, start my masters degree, and move up in the company I work for.
Any comments? No
What is your first name? John
Age: 30
Location: Las Vegas
Hobbies and Interests: Computer programming, yo-yo's, and mathematics
Why are you here? For something to do
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Not yet, but I've always suspected I have AS and I scored very high in every self diagnosis test I've had.
Favorite subjects: Computer Science, number theory and e-commerce
Year/Grade: N/A
Favorite music: I use music as background noise. I prefer rock, but I will listen to anything other than oldies.
Books: Wheel of Time series and anything pertaining to science and mathematics.
TV shows/Movies: Highlander, various reality shows(specifically food shows) and the cape(until they cancelled it)
Instrument: None. I don't care for music.
Do you like sports? no.
Family: oldest of three boys. My niece has been formally diagnosed on the autistic spectrum.
Clothing: Whatever's clean. I view clothing as a checklist.( Am I naked? NO? Let's rock!)
How did you find this website? Researching Michael Burry and Grigori Perelman on Google.
Job: part time for a major internet company.
Plans for the future? I am working toward creating a program that makes me money using publicly available information.
Any comments? I have no comment at this time.
Your Aspie score: 181 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 30 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
Myers-Briggs: INTJ
AQ: 44
What is your first name? Malinda
Age: 39
Location: Joplin, Missouri
Hobbies and Interests: video games, internet, learning new things. The more random the better, camping, travel, drinking wine
Why are you here? Looking for new friends.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2009
Favorite subjects: foreign languages
Year/Grade: Graduated college
Favorite music: very diverse,: Enrique Iglesias, taio cruz, lady gaga, ozzy, enya, middle eastern music, juke cartel, AC/DC, just not rap and country.
Books: Read different types of books but most are supernatural/paranormal books. Wicked Lovey, Hunger Games, Eragon series, Identical, Looking for Alaska, The house of night series, Sookie stackhouse, Thirteen reasons why, Xanth series, the body finder
TV shows/Movies: Very diverse also: What dreams may come, avatar, the breakfast club, Paranormal activity, the saw movies, lord of the rings, silence of the lambs
Instrument: played the flute
Do you like sports? no way
Family: Two kids, one on spectrum and I am currently divorced.
Clothing: dress nice for work but a bit more casual at home.
How did you find this website? friend told me about it
Job: Teacher
Plans for the future? Enjoy life, meet new friends and see more of the world.
Any comments? Just want to say Hi and hope to get know you folk
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