Questions about you
What is your first name? Melinda
Age: 31
Location: New York
Hobbies and Interests: Cooking, gardening, math, painting, my kids.
Why are you here? My son and I both have Autism (HF).
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): About a year ago. The same day my youngest son was diagnosed.
Favorite music: Blues, New Orleans Jazz.
Books: I just started reading "A Game of Thrones".
Instrument: I'm starting to learn the piano.
Family: My fiance, 2 sons (ages 6 and 9), and a daughter (age 6). Our 2 pitbulls, Toad and Tetra.
Clothing: Mostly casual. Things I can cook, or paint, or dig dirt in.
Plans for the future? Immediate plans: I'm getting married on July 9th of this year.
What is your first name? Dan
Age: 27
Location: North of Sydney, Australia
Hobbies and Interests: Deadpool (Comic), Foreign Languages, Comedy, Reading, Writing, Body Surfing at the Beach, Playing Guitar, Samurai/Japanese History.
Why are you here? Curiosity about AS and whether I have it. To share and care.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Not Diagnosed. I plan to be this year some time.
Favorite subjects: Foreign Languages, Reading, Deadpool Comics, Playing Guitar.
Year/Grade: N/A
Favorite music: Bob Dylan, Xavier Rudd, RATM, Interpol.
Books: Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa, Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, poetry of John Shaw Neilson.
TV shows/Movies: Dexter, Mighty Boosh, I.T Crowd, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, Documentaries.
Instrument: Guitar and Harmonica.
Do you like sports? Surfing, Body Surfing.
Family: Too large and dysfunctional to warrant mention here.
Clothing: Summer; Plain T-shirt, board shorts, thongs (flip flops, lol). Winter; Cargo pants or blue jeans, hooded jumpers or woolen "fisherman' jumpers as I call 'em.
How did you find this website? From related sites.
Job: Does struggling musician count?
Plans for the future? Hopefully a simple, happy life on the coast somewhere with a home of my own one day. I wouldn't mind a little missus and a couple of kids either.
Any comments?
What is your first name?
Location: Lincolnshire UK
Hobbies and Interests: Gym, Reading, surfing the internet and being with friends/family
Why are you here? found it on another forum and dont know many people with asd
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2007
Favorite subjects:
Year/Grade: National dipolma in childcare level 3
Favorite music: anything thats on the radio
Books: varitey of different authors
TV shows/Movies: Top Gear, Come dine with me
Instrument: dont play one
Do you like sports? yes, swimming
Family: mum and dad 3 sisters 1 brother
i wear my own style
How did you find this website? from another forum
Job: customer assistant at a retail outlet
Plans for the future? dont know
Any comments?
Nice thread!
What is your first name? Joe
Age: 22
Location: Chicago
Hobbies and Interests: Soccer, getting in shape (for soccer), reading, internet,
Why are you here? long story.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): About a month ago, only by myself though ~.~
Favorite subjects: math/physics
Year/Grade: n/a
Favorite music: honest/expressive - anything?
Books: The Idiot, <3 Russian writers
TV shows/Movies: Chungking Express, Scrubs, etc. been losing interest in staring at TV's though.
Instrument: negative
Do you like sports? Love*
Family: What about 'em?
Clothing: Who doesn't wear clothing?
How did you find this website? Dumb luck I guess
Job: n/a
Plans for the future? Play soccer for a living, romantic relationship.
Any comments? Nope
Age: 23
Location: Poland
Hobbies and Interests: Drawing, Composing, Reading, Genetics, Viruses,Medicine,Art ,Antropology,Microbiology,Psychology,Music,Violin,Ballet,Broadway Musicals,Great Inventors and Composers,South Korea and Japan, Aviation,Astronomy,Literature but mostly Science,Film,Theatre
Why are you here? Asperger Syndrome and OCD ,trying to cope with it
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2004 Asperger, OCD when I was 10
Favorite subjects: Biology/Science/History of an Art, Antropology/Chemistry/Languages etc.
Year/Grade: Bachelor History of an Art, still studying, Bachelor Cultural Studies:Film and Theatre
Favorite music: Indie, Classical,Piano, Violin, Contemporary, Baroque pop,Electro,Ambient .it seems there's too much
Books: Everything about Science, Theatre, Film, Art ,Music and Composers, Biographies etc.
TV shows/Movies: Donnie Darko, old movies from 1930 till early 1970 , too much, I can't decide it makes me feel anxious
Instrument: I don't play any , not enough patience to learn, but I 've tried violin and piano
Do you like sports? I do . Baseball, tennis, running
Family: Sisters ,parents and 2 red cats
Clothing: Casual, but I have a quirk wearing all the time something green or violet on me.
I like hoodies and black pants.
How did you find this website? Just came across by accident , well I was searching...^^
Job: Student/Just ditched my job
Plans for the future? I'm completely lost person but what I would like , is to invent something or write a book and illustrate it:)
Any comments?
What is your first name? Andrew
Age: 21
Location: Maryland
Hobbies and Interests: Internet,art,comic,anime,history,martial arts and wreastling
Why are you here? trying something new
When were you diagnosed?when i was 12
Favorite subjects: History and art
Year/Grade: 2th college
Favorite music: all
Books: comic books
TV shows/Movies: 300 and sucker punch
Instrument: guitar
Do you like sports? If so which one? Wrestling and martial arts
Family: A mom, dad, and brother
Clothing: bright happy and once in awhile dark cloths
How did you find this website? wikipedia
Job: salesman
Plans for the future? artist, auther, and etc..
Any comments? I am new here so just looking for people to chat with
What is your first name? Finn.
Age: 21.
Location: Somewhere in Europe.
Hobbies and Interests: Animals, music, genetics, transgenics, anatomy, eating, sleeping, arbodopsis, drosophila, ceanorhabditis, E. coli, etc.
Why are you here? I have no idea.
When were you diagnosed? 2 years ago.
Favorite subjects: see hobbies and interests.
Year/Grade: 3rd year university student, researcher for life sciences and molecular genetics.
Favorite music: tool, opeth, limp bizkit, goa, trance, dubstep, metallica, children of bodom, disturbed etc.
Books: none.
TV shows/Movies: I currently do not own a television.
Instrument: nope, I don't have anything like rhythm or anyhting.
Do you like sports? yes, judo, muay thai, swimming.
Family: 5 blood relatives. That's about it.
Clothing: shorts, cotton T-shirt/sweater depending on the weather.
How did you find this website? Google.
Job: Working in the super market and collection keeper at a museum.
Plans for the future: keep breathing and paying bills!
Any comments?
I'm new here, would be cool to meet people!
What is your first name? I'm Hannah (which is a very common name haha)
Age: 2-digit number I swear
Location: Washington! I'm not where it's green though, which is depressing
Hobbies and Interests: I write, draw, sing, act, learn. I don't know, I love a lot of things
Why are you here? I'm quirky and different, and I like to talk to people whom I can relate too
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I was 2 years old, when I was diagnosed with High Functioning Autism
Favorite subjects: English, French (oo la la), History, and anything artsy fartsy
Year/Grade: I'm in High school!
Favorite music: Where to begin??! !! I love all types of music!! Except, Country and Rap. Yeah unfortunately where I'm from, that's all they listen too. Arrgghhhh
Books: Classics! Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Les Meserable, Monte Cristo, Hunchback of Notre Dame, any Jane Austen book! I am a hopeless romantic, so I love romance books! And of course, The book of Mormon and Bible
TV shows/Movies: I love House! That show is uber cool. As for movies . . . I love anything with a good story
Instrument: I play piano, learning guitar, and I sing!
Do you like sports? Unfortunately, I am not a big sporty type of gal. I like to watch Basketball, but I'm terrible at sports!
Family: I love my family! I have my parents, and 2 older brothers, and one little sister
Clothing: My clothes? Well I am pleased to inform you all that I do wear clothes (haha). My style however is very quirky, but I'm very fashionable, and i dress pretty nice. However I am modest, and I don't dress totally provocative.
How did you find this website? I was doing research for school on Autism and I found it. Voila here I am!
Job: Currently under the work of my parents . . . haha
Plans for the future? I want to go to a nice college, become a teacher, go on a mission for my religion, hopefully settle down and start a family, and write novels
Any comments? You all are awesome!! !

Joined: 21 Jun 2011
Age: 28
Gender: Non-binary
Posts: 14,565
Location: O'er the land of the so-called free and the home of the self-proclaimed brave. (Oregon)
What is your first name? Makayla
Age: 15
Location: Scappoose, Oregon
Hobbies and Interests: I play guitar, I'm a closet gamer (particular place of interest is in 3d platformers), and I usually ride my bike.
Why are you here? Need a place to hang out on the internet where I don't have to explain AS to anyone.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 11
Favorite subjects: Math, Social Science
Year/Grade: 10th (becoming a sophomore)
Favorite music: Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Santana, Wheezer, the occasional 90's boy band.
Books: Mists of Avalon, The Inheritance Cycle
TV shows/Movies: AFV, Daybreakers
Instrument: Guitar
Do you like sports? I do track
Family: Sister Hannah (Does not have disorder), Mother Lisa (does not have disorder), Father Tony (May have disorder, he might be undiagnosed), Step-mother Christy (Does not have disorder), Step-father Clayton (Does not have disorder), Step-brother Chandler (Again, does not have disorder), and Courtney, my step-sister (does not have AS)
Clothing: Tank tops, straight leg Old Navy jeans (tags cut out of course), a pair of Converse.
How did you find this website? Did some searching around on google
Job: Currently looking for one
Plans for the future? Go to college
Any comments? There are a lot of awesome people on here, I'm glad I joined.
Hi there! Please refer to me as Moss. Unable to change my username to reflect that change. Have a nice day. <3
What is your first name?
Age: 41
Location: Georgia, in the woods
Hobbies and Interests: Knitting, reading, writing, walking, jewelry making
Why are you here? I've recently been diagnosed with Aspergers and discovering the reasons for many of my more puzzling behaviors--and ones I've always thought were normal yet were not. My children are autistic as well.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Two, maybe three months ago, by a psychiatrist. My medical doctor put me on Risperidone several years before.
Favorite subjects: I'm not in school, but when I was I loved math and art.
Year/Grade: Master's degree, Library Science.
Favorite music: Everything. There's something good in every genre. I listen to classical music more often than anything else these days.
Books: Harry Potter, Brothers Karamazov, Anything by Terry Pratchett.
TV shows/Movies: Doctor Who, Torchwood, Blake's 7, Harry Potter movies, Lawrence of Arabia, Spartacus, LOTR, Star Wars.
Instrument: Not very proficient at playing anything, but I took piano lessons as a kid. Favorite instrument to listen to is cello, although just about any instrument, played well, can be interesting.
Do you like sports? No.
Family: Husband, twin boys.
Clothing: Jeans and T-shirts. Period clothes.
How did you find this website? Google.
Job: Haha, none. I'm a professional librarian and have worked in that position in the past.
Plans for the future? Not to become senile for as long as possible. That may already be a lost cause.
Any comments? Hoping to meet more folks who think the way I do.
What is your first name?
Hobbies and Interests:
Computers, pc games especially rpg and mmorpg's.
Why are you here?
Cause it's a perfect fit for me
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
2011, Asperger's syndrome and social phobia
Favorite subjects:
Fantasy, and games
lower than I deserved 1988
Favorite music:
Electronica, Synth-pop, EBM. Basically love technology music
Mostly fantasy but also sci-fi
TV shows/Movies:
Anything sci-fi, fantasy and most action but also sentimental drama (though I feel uncomfortable at moments and have to pause for a few seconds during the most emotional scenes)
Well did once learn how to play the flute but forgot everything, if I got another shot I'd like to learn to play keyboards.
Do you like sports?
Was a runner in my childhood, after that mostly just to watch, but my other interests is more important. Like hockey and athletics most and curling...
Closest to my sister, but renting upstair's apartment in my parent's house.
Whatever feels comfortable and don't smell too much.
How did you find this website?
Working to get social welfare, so no job with a salary.
Plans for the future?
No big hopes until we get a different government, if we do, I hope to get a job especially for people like me with asperger or early pensioneer.
Any comments?
Not much for small talk unless it's one of my special interests.
What is your first name? Andrew
Location: Pennsylvania
Hobbies and Interests: Philosophy, Books, Technology, Art, Music, Hiking, Biking, Wilderness survival, Astronomy and Amateur Telescope Builder, Welding, and much more.
Why are you here? A friend recommended this site.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome at an early age...and have had all sorts of troubles along the way....but I am not sure of any other disorders.
Favorite subjects: Philosophy, Math, English/writing
Year/Grade:Grad 2005
Favorite music: Jazz
Books: Too many to list...currently reading One Man's Wilderness, An Alaskan Odyssey by Sam Keith from the journals and photos of Richard Proenneke
TV shows/Movies: LOST...I really miss that show, anything Clint Eastwood including his directed movies as well. Anything heartfelt...or something informational...documentaries and ETC.
Instrument: Trumpet, Guitar
Do you like sports? Baseball, Go Phils!
Family: I am with my parents, and my two sisters..I am proud of my great loving family and they have always been there for me.
Clothing: What is this suppose to mean? I dress casual when I can...but I like to look professional ...and neat and clean
How did you find this website? A friend recommended that I join.
Job: Unemployed
Plans for the future? Who really knows? I have the most trouble trying to figure out "plans for the future".
Any comments? I am very excited about this site and cant wait to meet everyone on here.
What is your first name? Tony
Age: 47
Location: Wiltshire, United Kingdom
Hobbies and Interests: Computers, Electronics and SciFi
Why are you here? Don't know.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 47
Favorite subjects: Physics, Maths
Year/Grade: 1986/Grad
Favorite music: All, but best 60's, 70's and celtic (Enya, Camel etc)
Books: Dont read much, Douglas Adams
TV shows/Movies: SciFi, Comedy (to try and understand it)
Instrument: No time
Do you like sports? No
Family: Single, Living in my own home. Two kids (one of each) that I see when I can. My son also has Aspergers.
Clothing: jeans & tees when relaxing, shirt and trousers when working.
How did you find this website? Search engine
Job: PCB Design Engineer/Sales Assistant
Plans for the future? A Life partner (female) and a stable home life.
Any comments?
What is your first name? I am hardly ever called by my first name...
Age: 24
Location: Travelling all the time but go to school in Texas
Hobbies and Interests: Learning a new language
Why are you here? Stumbled onto the site randomly and just got stuck
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): In may 2011
Favorite subjects: Chemistry, Neuropharma and Bioengineering
Favorite music: Classical
Books: Sci-Fi, self-help and philosophy
TV shows/Movies: Can watch anything except horror
Instrument: Piano
Do you like sports? Yes, basketball
Clothing: what ever I am comfortable in...
How did you find this website? randomly stumbled upon
Plans for the future? No plans yet
Any comments?
What is your first name?
Hobbies and Interests:
graphics design - reading- vedio games - architecture
Why are you here?
well............. it's happy to know i'm not alone in that world
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
i discovered while i was reading about sociology about 2 years ago
Favorite subjects:
any thing contains the word tutorial , or learning any thing , 3ds max
the secret , 101 things i learned in architecture school . aasho fe hayate (anes mansor)
TV shows/Movies:
friends , according to Jim , scrubs , malcom in the middle , usually funny shows
movies --- u can say none
Do you like sports?
watching not doing
mum , dad , one brother
How did you find this website?
studies architecture
Any comments?
i didn't answer all the question as i dont like telling alot about my self sorry
First Name: Lilith
Age: 17
location: On a mountain
Hobbies: Poetry, Web Design/Scripting, Drawing, Recording, Thinking
When were you diagnosed?: I was first diagnosed at age seven, I believe.
Favorite subjects: artistry, philosophy, computer-related subjects
Year/Grade: 11th
Favorite music: Synthpop/Electropop, Celctic, Folk, Indie, Rock, Post-Punk, Alternative, Techno, Trance
Books: A Wrinkle In Time
TV shows/Movies: A Wrinkle In Time
Instrument: Pianos, Synths (I like)
Do you like sports? I don't do sports, but I like dance
Family: Dad, Mom
Clothing: Neon this, Neon that.
Job: a student at home
How did you find this website? Friend
What are you planning to do when you get older? scripting, drawing, poetry
Any comments? Keep it tight! The muse is 'right!