Hi Halley,
I've asked the same question in another forum! Seems that many aspies
concern themselves with that issue, because of communication problems.
What do you think is your special problem with that? I think, my problem is,
- except for keeping the relation alive - that I'm looking for another type of friends,
than others do. In effect I don't like lukewarm, superficial relations.
So I subconsciously avoid it, or break the tie, even though it took much effort in the run-up.
On the other hand, I don't like too much contact. So it is very hard to find people,
who understand or tolerate this.
I cannot give you an answer to that question, but theese are my thoughts to that.
Try to find out, what you really need. Maybe same interests can help!
I hope you understand what I wanted to say - excuse my mistakes in writing (I'm german)