It felt a bit creepy just lurking, so thought I would say hi.
I'm a 31 year old male currently living in a remote area of Western Australia for work.
A quick summary of how I ended up a smoking mess..."different" all of my life, very few friends in my youth, no friends in adult life, misdiagnosed in my teen years with depression, poor relationships with women, one long string of rejection by others, diagnosed with sleep apnea and narcolepsy last year, been sitting in my car in isolated spots at night lately wondering why I can't hook the hose up and sleep peacefully (please suppress the need to talk about this...no concern required...seems there is a hardwired biological circuit preventing this that would require some tricky mental gymnastics to circumvent...guess I can sink further yet).
Here I am...just wanted to see if there are truly others like me. Carry on