Questions about you
What is your first name? Sabrina
Age: 17 turning 18 next month
Location: Tennessee
Hobbies and Interests: singing in my room, listening to music, thinking, writing poems, Facebook, texting friends/family, watching films, shopping
Why are you here? I have Asperger's, I want to see what other people have to say, & my mom thinks I should talk to other people with AS
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): when I was 16 going on 17
Favorite subjects: in school my favorite subjects were English and French
Year/Grade: about to start my first year at community college
Favorite music: 80s music, pop
Books: The Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird, and other classic books
TV shows/Movies: I like classic movies (1930s, etc.) I don't like many TV shows and the ones I like are old
Instrument: None yet
Do you like sports? No
Family: I live with my mom, grandma, & older brother (I'm the only one in my family that has Asperger's/Autism)
Clothing: Whatever I think is cute/cool/edgy/me
How did you find this website? My mom had heard of it and said I should look it up
Job: none
Plans for the future? I would like to try acting
Any comments? No I'm too shy lol
What is your first name? Jen
Age: 45
Location: New England
Hobbies and Interests: Computersl the internet, cooking, photography
Why are you here? because I feel as if earth is the wrong planet
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
Favorite subjects: writing
Favorite music: industrial
Books: 100 years of solitude
TV shows/Movies: wings of desire
Do you like sports? no
Family: no
Clothing: black
How did you find this website? google
Job: cooking for rich people until the end of august
Plans for the future? chaos lol
Any comments? nope
Tufted Titmouse
Joined: 10 Jul 2011
Age: 63
Gender: Male
Posts: 33
Location: London, UK
What is your first name? Simon
Age: 49
Location: London, England
Hobbies and Interests: Playing music, musical instruments, cooking, architecture, computer graphics
Why are you here? Interested in my own and my children's ASD conditions
When were you diagnosed? Not diagnosed, but recognised similarities when my children were diagnosed about 5 years ago
Favorite music: Classical (pre-1750), reggae, classic '60s and '70s pop and rock, blues.
Books: Mostly non-fiction; science, biology and evolution, architecture
TV shows/Movies: TV: The Big Bang Theory, QI, Lead Balloon, documentaries. Movies: This is Spinal Tap, The Blues Brothers, Ratatouille.
Instrument: Piano, Wurlitzer electric piano, organ, bass guitar, electric double-bass, rhythm guitar, ukulele, recorder, penny-whistle, Stylophone, chromatic harmonica, Theremin, percussion.
Do you like sports? No.
Family: Married to the lovely Karen for 18 years. Sons Thomas (1999) and William (2002), both ASD.
Clothing: Casual to sloppy. Simple black trousers, dark check short-sleeved shirts. Black shoes from October to April, brown sandals the rest of the time. Rarely wear socks (hey, if it's good enough for Einstein...)
How did you find this website? Web search
Job: Logo and website designer, reggae musician - keyboardist with The Skanx (www-theskanxband-co-uk)
Communication is everything.
What is your first name? Tracy
Age: 26
Location: Massachusetts
Hobbies and Interests: Writing, video games, Disney, Titanic/Carpathia, Michael Jackson
Why are you here? I have Asperger's Syndrome
When were you diagnosed? High School
Favorite subjects: History
Year/Grade: Graduated from College
Favorite music: Pop rock (Especially Michael Jackson), Classical
Books: Self help/how to books
TV shows/Movies: NCIS, Survivor, Amazing Race
Instrument: Clarinet
Do you like sports? Yes, primarily baseball
Family: One older brother
Clothing: Casual
How did you find this website? From a friend
Job: Retail @ Disney
Plans for the future? To have a stable career and to have a family someday.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Joined: 11 Jul 2011
Age: 62
Gender: Male
Posts: 65
Location: San Bernardino, California USA
What is your first name? Brandon
Age: 49
Location: Southern California
Hobbies and Interests: Music: composition and performance - reading and blogging on music, faith and science - Skiing, hiking, screenwriting.
Why are you here? After 20 years + of anxiety and depression, including multiple hospitalizations and finally the loss of my job about a year ago, with the support of my family, I've looked into the possibility that my problems started when I was a child, and not simply when I was diagnosed with clinical depression as an adult. While I haven't been fully diagnosed, Asperger's syndrome seems to fit me quite well - particularly issues of eye contact, facial affect, clumsiness - (particularly with sports and computer games - can't do them), many childhood meltdowns, problems in social situations in general, remembering peoples' names and faces, obsessive behavior and interest in narrow and often trivial subjects, being touched or hugged by others,and general self-imposed isolation from others. Many of these issues I've overcome significantly, but others remain. I'd like to connect with others who have had these experiences and offer some insight and gain some of my own. I particularly would like to see if I can find the best place to be properly diagnosed, as with the changes coming in the DSM-5, there may be further benefits on the way for people with this "disorder." I personally don't believe Asperger's is necessarily a disorder, but it does lead to other social problems in life, and I believe that people with the diagnosis are entitled to benefits. In California many people with an Asperger's diagnosis are turned away from benefits with the department of developmental services. I think this needs to change, because state mental health services are carried out by the Counties, and there are very few services for people who are "dually-diagnosed," and may require more than simply medication. I've been on most of the major anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications, and they don't seem to help much, if any. But these seem to be the only services available from the counties. If people with AS could get services from regional centers, which receive more funding, then I think they could lead better and more independent lives. Since the APA is set to do away with Asperger's syndrome as a diagnosis and rather include those with that diagnosis within the Autistic spectrum, such changes may be in place in the future; so it sounds to me like a good thing.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): N/A (I'm currently seeking professionals in my area who are qualified to diagnose. I'm on disability, so I receive Medi-Cal benefits. I need to find someone who takes Medi-Cal. If anybody else in So-Cal has any pointers, I'm open to them.
Favorite subjects: Science in general, Christianity and religion, history, stories about crime (not serial killers, though ).
Year/Grade: I graduated from an international boarding school in Austria in 1980. I attended several community colleges in Canada and the US, and then I attended 3 years of college (Eastern University, St. Davids, PA (I dropped out due to problems with the college atmosphere). My major was sociology for some reason - don't know why.
Favorite music: Classical, blues/folk, some pop, rock, bluegrass, gospel.
Books: I met the author of "The Fleagle Gang: Betrayed by a Fingerprint" (NT. Betz) via email. We've been talking about turning his real crime book into a screenplay. I'm currently reading the book. The screenplay has already been written, but it will go through some revision.
I enjoy books on the history of Christianity, Intelligent Design, astronomy and astro-physics, biology, general world history, true crime, some sci-fi, but not much.
TV shows/Movies: I don't watch much TV, but I do enjoy "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and reruns of any of the Star Trek shows. I love movies - as I stated, I write screenplays, so I'm interested in how movies are made. I would say I watch 4-5 movies per week. I like indies as well as Hollywood productions - particularly action/adventure, sci-fi and thrillers. I don't so much like most new comedies (there are rare exceptions) or horrors (how many more zombie or vampire movies do we need?)
Instrument: I play guitar, piano and harmonica. I was learning the clarinet my first year in college, but didn't continue. I'm very musical. I've written one symphony, a piano concerto and many solo piano pieces.
Do you like sports? Not in general. I don't enjoy team sports, but I do like skiing. I like watching the winter olympics and some other winter sporting events.
Family: I'm originally from Canada. I have family here in California and some in Canada.
Clothing: Jeans and T-Shirt kind of guy.
How did you find this website? Surfing the web.
Job: I was employed for 11 years as a Program Director for a mental health program in a locked nursing home, so I'm very familiar with the issues in the treatment of mental health. The job eventually became too stressful and I had to resign. after being homeless for a while, I started receiving disability benefits about a year later. I also worked for 7 years as a residential counselor in homes for persons with developmental disabilities. It was doing this kind of work, which helped me to work on some of my own idiosyncrasies, such as eye contact and personal contact. I'm now a lot more comfortable around others.
Plans for the future? A friend and I are starting a film production company. I plan to use my own musical compositions in some of our films. We will start with some shorts, for which we already have ideas and some scripts, and we of course have two feature length films we would like to make ourselves, but that's not written in stone. If someone in Hollywood or another indie prodco is interested, we would certainly go that route.
Any comments? Looks like a really friendly forum. Sorry for the long post - hopefully you find it interesting.
What is your first name? Kelli
Age: 45
Location: Ohio
Hobbies and Interests: cooking, reading anything outdoors, cycling
Why are you here? Learning and a sense of community.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): last month
Favorite subjects: Anything but math
Year/Grade: N.A.
Favorite music: Varied, everything but hip-hop and classical.
Books: I'll read anything but fiction.
TV shows/Movies:
Instrument: I occasionally play guitar(badly)
Do you like sports? I don't watch or play stick and ball sports.
Family: Im divortced and have an adult daughter.
Clothing: Something simple and comfortable. I don't follow fashion.
How did you find this website? Google search of AS.
Job: Engineering and industrial design, but I'm unemployed at the moment.
Plans for the future?
Any comments? This is my very first post.
What is your first name? Devon. Pronounced DEV-ən.
Age: 19
Location: Ohio.
Hobbies and Interests: Tvtropes, video games, bugs, movies, anime, guns, martial arts.... (I could go on and on)
Why are you here? I have Asperger's, and wish to talk to other Aspies.
When were you diagnosed?: Early 2011, after seeing a psychologist and psychiatrist after a flare up in my depression.
Favorite subjects: Science, art, history, etc.
Year/Grade: Freshman in College
Favorite music: Jazz, funk, rock, classical, blues, metal, shamisen, taiko.... (again, I could go on and on)
Books: I don't read many books anymore, but George Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm are two of my favorites.
TV shows/Movies: Sons of Guns, FLCL, Cowboy Bebop, Inglorious Basterds, too many others to list....
Instrument: Violin, Bass guitar
Do you like sports? Not really, but I do love the various martial arts out there. Jeet Kune Do's my favorite.
Family: Living at home with my Mom and Step-dad.
Clothing: Typically, pants that fit, and a loose shirt. A juzu, and a ring. I don't follow trends.
How did you find this website? Research into Asperger's and whatnot. I think I first heard of it on TvTropes.
Job: I'm a Service Clerk at Walgreens. I wears me out soooooo much.....
Plans for the future? I'm studying to be a game designer.
Any comments? I'm a Zen practitioner, please don't be offended by any swastikas you may see near me, it's a very holy symbol in Buddhism.
Messatsu Gou Shoryuu! Chi totomoni messeyo!
Annihilating Strong Rising Dragon! Be destroyed along with the ground!
(I play too much Street Fighter)
What is your first name?
Cushing OK USA
Hobbies and Interests:
knitting, crochet, horses, card games, internet games
Why are you here?
may be Aspie, first research on condition
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
saw psychologist first time yesterday
Favorite subjects:
math science art music
1971 HS Grad 1990 AA Business 1992 AAS Med Lab Tech
Favorite music:
Country & Oldies
Clan of the Cave Bear (series), Dark Elf (series), Wheel of Time (Series), Highlander romance
TV shows/Movies:
Avatar, Star Wars, Quest for Fire, Clan of the Cave Bear, Bambi, NCIS, Bones, House
flute, guitar, baritone
Do you like sports?
did when I was able to play not much on watching
Husband, 2 kids, 1 grandkid, 3 brothers, 1/2 sister
whatever fits in size 2-3X
How did you find this website?
retired disability migraine HA's
Plans for the future?
live best I can
Any comments?
Tufted Titmouse
Joined: 13 Jul 2011
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Posts: 39
Location: On Earth, with socks on
What is your first name? Tony
Age: 29
Location: Mid-Atlantic United States
Hobbies and Interests: I like go walking, listen to music. I am always interested in some billiards.
Why are you here? To make friends, to find a pen-pal (a woman especially), and to learn more about myself as an Aspie, through the words of others.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Officially diagnosed in May 2011, though it was listed in my medical records as a possible diagnosis when I was 3 years old.
Favorite subjects: Math, Mechanics (Mechanical Engineering Tech)
Year/Grade: Junior (college)
Favorite music: Michelle Branch, Erykah Badu, jazz, blues, R&B, rock.
Books: I love "To Kill a Mockingbird" (Love the movie even better), "Of Mice and Men" by Steinbeck, and my engineering mechanics textbooks.
TV shows/Movies: Saving Private Ryan, Girl Interrupted, Forrest Gump (love that movie), Crash, Benny & Joon, MacGyver (love that show), Hoarders (on A&E), Star Trek - (Next Generation)
Instrument: I don't play any instruments.
Do you like sports? Yes! real Football (NFL), NBA, Nascar
Family: Yep, but choose not to disclose
Clothing: Would wear shorts everyday if I could get away with it.
How did you find this website? I found this website through searching on Google for websites that deal with Aspergers.
Job: a part-time job right now.
Plans for the future? My plans include getting to meet a person that I can eventually fall in love with and marry. No children. Work as an engineer or something similar, and retire in Hawaii.
Any comments? Hopefully, I will have an opportunity to be loving of myself and give myself an opportunity to make new friends.
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer."
"Walden" from Henry D. Thoreau
Skype username: SilentOwlScribe
What is your first name: Tom
Age: 30
Location: UK, North Hertfordshire
Hobbies and Interests: Anything electrical with a processor excluding food making equipment, diy, metalwork.
Why are you here? Because i have just been diagnosed with aspergers and am feeling more like a freak than normal.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): last Tuesday
Favorite subjects: Technology, science, geography
Year/Grade: errr... 25?
Favorite music: Oasis, Nirvana, old skool hiphop
Books: Anything Cormac Mcarthy
TV shows/Movies: Too many?
Instrument: Vocal
Do you like sports? No
Family: Girlfriend, 2 children 2 step children.
Clothing: Semi fashionable UK apparel?
How did you find this website? Google.
Job: PC technician (self employed)
Plans for the future? LOL (good question )
Any comments? Anyone in the same boat as me? Drop me a message if you are
What is your first name? Ryley
Age: 19
Location: Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Hobbies and Interests: Video games, game playthrough/commentary videos, reading, television, movies, music (mostly comedy, metal, and opera), animals, technology
Why are you here? I don't have many people to talk to these days
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Grade 7
Favorite subjects: Math, physics, computer science, drama, chemistry
Year/Grade: Going to university this fall
Favorite music: Dethklok, Stratovarius, Sarah Brightman, Weird Al, Rob Zombie, The Lonely Island, Warp 11, Tenacious D
Books: Anything Star Trek, zombie-related, scientific, or with some darker themes
TV shows/Movies: Comedy and sci-fi
Instrument: None
Do you like sports? Only Starcraft (considered an e-sport)
Family: Mother, brother, sister, and cat
Clothing: Anything comfortable and non-denim
How did you find this website? I don't remember
Job: Student
Plans for the future? Game developer
Any comments? Feel free to PM me with any more questions
What is your first name? Kiana
Age: 37
Location: England
Hobbies and Interests: Reading, Psychology, Martial Arts, Art, Photography, MMORPG, Graphic and web design
Why are you here? I have Aspergers, as do my 2 boys
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Just last year
Favorite subjects: Psychology, Art
Year/Grade: I left school in 1989
Favorite music: lots.. I like all sorts, I mostly listen to recent music
Books: Anything! I read 4/5 books a week, last book I read was aspergirls, if you haven't read it do!
TV shows/Movies: Don't watch much TV, but I watch friends over and over again Movies: HP, LOTR, Disney, Action, Martial Arts, I generally don't like horror or comedy films
Instrument: Not really, but I can read music (I have no idea why)
Do you like sports? Martial Arts, Circuits, Weights, Running, Skating, Climbing... I don't do team sports
Family: 2 boys age 6 and 15, daughter age 16
Clothing: Jeans and t-shirts (with labels cut out ofc)
How did you find this website? Google
Job: Project Worker for young homeless adults with support needs
Plans for the future? ummmmm... win the lottery and open my own gym/dojo? Seriously.. I have no idea I just go from one crazy idea to the next
Any comments? If anyone reading this is working on raising awareness or research of female adults on the spectrum please let me know if there is any way I can help, society needs to know we exist!
Your Aspie score: 187 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 7 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
Joined: 18 Jul 2011
Age: 58
Gender: Female
Posts: 1,854
Location: Lost in the Delta Quadrant
Age: 41 at diagnosis of Aspergers
Location: Sandhill country of N. Florida
Hobbies and Interests: Reading
Why are you here? Sooooo tired of BANGING my head onto the walls of the NT world.
When were you diagnosed?: 3 years ago
Favorite subjects: I love to learn new things (EXCEPT technical stuff & MATH, I really HATE math)
Favorite music: Pop music from the 1980's
Books: Mystery, true crime, Stephen King, John Grisham & the like.
TV shows/Movies: CSI (although sometimes their "inaccuracies" bug the snot out of me!), Law & Order (original & UK) Battlestar Galactica, The Chronicals of Narnia series...
Do you like sports? not really
Family: married 18 1/2 years, have 2 teenage kids (1 of each kind)
Clothing: always.
How did you find this website? Polly recommended it
Job: housewife & mommy
Plans for the future? see above (I'm in my 40's...I hope there's a future!)
Any comments?
I am hurting right now. I just got "bullied" out of a NT internet forum. Same ol' story....I try to get along & just wind up pissing people off. (funny story on that other forum; the biggest bully of 'em all proudly touted her "volunteer work with special olympics"...must have been with the physically challenged & not us Autistics!) Did I just make up a new word or am I rambling here? I don't know, which is my usuall signal to sign off & come back later to see what I have wrought.
Joined: 18 Jul 2011
Age: 58
Gender: Female
Posts: 1,854
Location: Lost in the Delta Quadrant
YES! I agree w/you, Kiana (hi, I'm Diana) I was diagnosed 3 years ago & in that time have realized that I've been marginalized because of my aspieness...(I sometimes make up my own words...)
Joined: 18 Jul 2011
Age: 58
Gender: Female
Posts: 1,854
Location: Lost in the Delta Quadrant
Why thank you, Kiana; it just came to me on the fly!
Was reading some of the other posts on this dude mentioned he just lost his job & all....I'm in my mid-40's & have NEVER been able to keep a job...the average time at one workplace would be about 3 months w/18 months being the longest & 2 weeks the shortest. All was pre-AS I've been battling MAJOR depression for years, struggling w/Adult ADD (that was diagnosed in 2000) & then my AD diagnoses in Aug. of '08...
WHAT A RELIEF IT WAS WHEN THE DOC. TOLD ME WHAT I HAVE & WHAT IT IS! It answered sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many questions. Then I got mad. 3 yrs ago I got all into another discussion forum (have no idea WHERE it is....) & I mentioned that I would LOVE to be cured of AS. Was told that would be like a cat walking into a drugstore to look for a cure to it's "feline-ness". LEFT THAT FORUM PRETTY QUICK!