hello, my name is lizzy. I'm 23 years old, and have just been diagnosed with aspergers. I went through the whole process about 2 months ago. the IQ tests, Anxiety scale/ depression scale, executive functioning
(whatever that is), as well as autism traits test, and a sensory processing test. so it turns out that the lady who assessed me, definitely thinks i have aspergers, as well as OCD, social anxiety and sensory processing disorder. I now have the full report in my hands and I have to say, it makes me feel relieved. A lot of the times I didn't know why I was so closed off from people, didn't like to make eye contact, if i was invited out to go somewhere i would make an excuse. why there were always pauses in conversations... and to know that it wasn't my fault, makes me happy. i finally have some answers. I was also diagnosed with tourette syndrome when i was 10, so i'm sure that had something to do with why i was so reluctant to go out in public. but either way, i now know why i am the way i am, and why i do the things i do. i've been lurking here on the sight for a while, but didn't want to talk (or type i guess) to anyone until i had a firm diagnoses. so i guess that's it. sorry for babbling so much. i'm to nervous to talk in person, so online is where i can get all of my emotions out lol.