Questions about you
What is your first name? Nick
Age: 23
Location: Warwickshire
Hobbies and Interests: Cycling, Walking, Gaming, Lurking, Cooking & News/Politics
Why are you here? I pretty much know I have Aspergers or some form of HFA
Favorite subjects: History, English
Year/Grade: Finished
Favorite music: ElectroHouse - Bloody Beetroots
Books:Harry Potter, One Day
TV shows/Movies: Scrubs, Green Wing, Casualty
Do you like sports? Yeah....
Family: Just my Gran & Dad
Clothing:Too big and in need of need for more
Plans for the future? Thinking of college
Any comments?
What is your first name? Morten
Age: almost 23
Location: Denmark
Hobbies and Interests:
Rolpeplaying games - especially White Wolf's old World of Darkness line (hence the name), video games, gastronomy and spirits, movies
Why are you here?
I recently realised that there might be a pattern to all my personality quirks (I believe I have Aspergers), and this led me to look at the internet. I stumbled across this site, read some posts and articles, and it is nice to know that others feel the same way as you do.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
I am not diagnosed as it is, and I don't plan to be. Currently I'm seeing a very nice medical doctor, who has agreed to talk about my situation and provide me with some guidance on the matter. As my case is a rather mild one, there is no point wasting a lot of ressources getting an official diagnosis.
Favorite subjects:
Science - especially biology
In one year, I'll get a Masters degree in biology
Favorite music:
Folk, heavy metal, celtic punk,
I almost exclusively read roleplaying books, and besides that cook books and school related stuff
TV shows/Movies:
Family Guy, Friends, X-files
For movies, David Lynch films, Tarantino, Boondock Saints and many more
Guitar, tin flute and recently I bought a pan flute
Do you like sports?
I like to watch soccer and cycling from time to time, but I have always been utterly hopeless at sports - I'm rather clumsy
I have a wonderful girlfriend who I live with. Besides that I have to fantastic little sisters+parens and all that.
Jeans and t-shirts. Sweater for cold weather. Labcoat.
How did you find this website?
I just googled some Aspergers related things and this cam up. I liked the articles and decided to join.
Masters student, and at the same time I work at a hospital as a scientist (I work with diabetes).
Plans for the future?
To become a succesful scientist and to make a wonderful life with my girlfriend
Any comments?
When I see how bad some of your cases are I almost feel ashamed of whining about my situation . But I'm a bit confused these days and I hope this will be a good ressource for understanding this better, and to find out that I'm not the only one in this situation.
I wonder if anyone actually reads this. Don't really matter though, I kind of like things like these.
What is your first name? Isabelle
Age: 23
Location: Sweden
Hobbies and Interests: Motorcycles, computers, pc games, music, books and my dog. And photography and jigsaws (more than 2000 pieces.)
Why are you here? Because I think I have Aspergers and if that isn't the case I still find so much interesting things here so I'll stay here anyhow.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
Favorite subjects: English and arts
Year/Grade: Don't study any more. I'm hunting a job.
Favorite music: Folk, metal, hard rock, punk (Oi, celtic,), hardstyle and techno. And indie.
Books: Sci-fi/Fantasy, nonfiction and horror.
TV shows/Movies: ReGenesis, CSI NY, Mythbusters, Southpark, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1, Bones, Criminal Minds.
Movies: Quentin Tarantino, Lord of the Rings, Star wars, Boondock Saints and I always forget the rest.
Instrument: I played flute obsessively while I was younger.
Do you like sports? Sports I can do by my self. Never liked team-sports.
Family: Parents + one sister and one brother. I'm the oldest. I also have a wonderful boyfriend, whom I might move in with in a few months. Who knows.
Clothing: It's all about functionality and comfort. So cargo pants, big cozy sweaters and the likes. Never wear jeans. Kind of made that my trade mark.
How did you find this website? While researching Aspergers online, found by accident.
Job: Just quit a 5 months long job as a postman.
Plans for the future? I hate that word. Plan. I have no idea and that freaks me out.
Any comments? Trying to find something really smart to write. But it's so empty inside at the moment.
I skim these.

Go die in a ditch if you're a b*tch, if you're a jerk, go to work, if you're just mean, flee the scene, and if you're rude, go ahead and intrude because you're probably just like me.
Location: Sweden
Books: Sci-fi/Fantasy, nonfiction and horror.
Instrument: I played flute obsessively while I was younger.
I read these!

Current obsessions:
~ Fullmetal Alchemist
~ D.Gray-man
~ Legend of the Legendary Heroes
name: cathy
age: 55
location: eastern US
interests: health, singing, writing
i'm here because i'm a very curious person.
a few months ago a young relative was diagnosed with aspergers. i went to webMD to check out the symptoms. they described me.
i went to school for 24 years. i may go back.
i like pop, folk rock, show tunes, and classical music
book recommendation: half of a yellow sun
favorite movies: the sting, shawshank redemption, dead poet's society
favorite tv show: jimmy fallon, though it's on too late for me to see it often.
instrument: folk guitar
sports: walking, ex-competitive swimmer and swimming instructor
family: married for over two years to a great guy who happens to be neurotypical.
clothing: long khaki's in summer, dress black pants in winter, dress tops - pink, blue, or purple - never sleeveless, pearl earrings, silver watch, wedding band
found this website in a hub on hubpages
job: social work, used to practice medicine, but lost my license due to being horrible at hospital politics - you know - that overhonest thing
plans for future: perhaps become a paralegal and work for a medical malpractice law firm suing negligent doctors. otherwise continue as i am. spend a happy life helping people and enjoying plays, concerts, and conversations with my husband. he and i also critique each others' writing. he's quite a poet and humorist.
comments: here's to the underdog!
He who has a why to live can bear almost any how. - Nietzsche
Blue Jay

Joined: 23 Aug 2011
Age: 54
Gender: Female
Posts: 87
Location: Livermore, California
What is your first name? Carla
Age: 40
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Hobbies and Interests: Humor writing, working on my book, and now participating in this community. Please come browse my new thread and get to know me better:
Aspergers - Straight Talk for Women
Why are you here? I'm self-identified as having Aspergers. This is all about connecting with others, making new friends, and becoming an active participant in this awesome community.
Year/Grade: I have a Bachelor's in Interdisciplinary Studies with a Criminology emphasis (my other two areas of focus were art history and math), and I'm two classes and a thesis shy of a graduate degree in Special Education.
Favorite music: This is a tough one for me. I've always envied people who can listen to music and know the words to popular songs, but I've never been able to spend much time listening to any kind of music. I do love Pandora and have some stations I've created that I enjoy, but my ears are very sensitive and sadly this sensitivity extends to music.
Books: I've always enjoyed fiction, especially mysteries and stories with a nice amount of humor and light romance. In the last month I've read some political memoirs, but despite being an intelligent woman I have always struggled with reading non-fiction. I will often read the same words over and over again, seeing the individual words but struggling to make sense of what they mean when stringed together. This is incredibly annoying for me and significantly slows down my reading.
TV shows/Movies: I really enjoyed watching 24. I found all but the most recent season at the library and watched all episodes back to back, averaging a season per every two days. But I don't own a television. I can't stand commercials. They hurt my ears and utterly annoy me, and most television shows feel very invasive in my home space. I love watching movies, however, and can watch my favorites back to back for days on end.
Instrument: I taught myself how to play the flute several years ago, but I rarely follow through on things and quit, much to my disappointment. There are so many things I could have mastered in my life if I only had that something special that allows people to cling to the things they love.
Do you like sports? Yes, but with no friends and an aversion to meeting new people, I haven't done much in recent years. I used to constantly go hiking by myself and used to ride my mountain bike everywhere. I'd love to get another one and would love to start taking yoga classes again. But the last time I was at the yoga studio two of the teachers commented on my lack of eye contact, and I never went back.
Family: I've never been married, nor do I have children.
Clothing: Um, yes?
Plans for the future? My goal is to become completely self-sufficient via my writing. I have a difficult time working for others and have had more jobs than I can count. I am taking this goal very seriously, after a life time of setting vague intentions and easily giving up, convinced that I'm never going to amount to anything. Well, folks ... that's all changing very soon.
Any comments? Please just follow my posts to get to know me better, and stay tuned for the launching of my humor blog. Thank you!!
Last edited by LovesMoose on 26 Aug 2011, 12:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
What is your first name? Everyone calls me H
Age: 27
Location: Cumbria (it's where the lake district is!)
Hobbies and Interests: Photography, Dinosaurs, Gadgets and Music
Why are you here? to find out more about AS and ASDs
When were you diagnosed? just starting the process of getting a proper diagnoses after my wonderful other half who is a medical professional who noticed I was being misunderstood by a lot of people and that I live in strangethingie land most of the time! And she decided I have AS!
Favorite subjects: ohhh Photography, Dinosaurs, History, erm Music, my raleigh chopper, I've got loads!
Year/Grade: Just started a diploma in freelance photography!
Favorite music: P!nk, Lady GaGa, Rihanna, loadsa stuff really!
Books: Well being dyslexic I struggle to read books, but have 100's of them and only read one from cover to cover recently and that was war of the worlds!
TV shows/Movies: Tourchwood!
Instrument: don't have the patience to play anything lol
Do you like sports? Yes love Tennis!! !
Family: Mam, Step dad, dad, brother, sister, 3 nephews, a niece on the way and my ever suffering partner lol
Clothing: Jeans, jeans and more jeans!
How did you find this website? My partner found it while trying to find something to explain AS to me!! !
Job: I was bar staff now unemployed!
Plans for the future? hopefully get a diagnoses of AS or ASD or something because I am defo not normal lol. I'm planning on starting up on my own as a photographer as soon as I get my world back in order!
Any comments? This place is great!! !
Diagonally parked in a parallel universe
What is your first name?
Philadelphia, PA
Hobbies and Interests:
Listening to music, watching movies, reading, forums, walking my dog etc learning langauges currently trying to learn Arabic
Why are you here?
To meet more people
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
A year ago, but im really not sure if I have aspgers or socail aniexty
Favorite subjects:
Second year of college
Favorite music:
Hindi music
Too many!
TV shows/Movies:
Band Bajaa Baraat, Saathiya, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Devdas, Mughal E Azam, Dil Se
Do you like sports?
hahah i dont like playing but I like watching soccer and criket
just me, my mom and dog
I'm plain, usueally jeans and a tshirt
How did you find this website?
Autism support group
part time ESL teacher
Plans for the future?
hmm not sure yet, working on getting a degree
Any comments?
this site is really awesome
What is your first name? Leendert
Age: 17
Location: Katwijk - The Netherlands
Hobbies and Interests: God, Sonic the Hedgehog (mainly the comic), Detective Conan (anime), Ace Attorney games, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magical and lot more!
Why are you here? To meet fellow autists on the web!
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Umm... I was diagnosed ADHD pretty early... later on, I got diagnosed Asperger's Syndrome too... don't know the exact years, but I both were still in elementary.
Favorite subjects: My hobbies , topography, myself (when it's in a good way)
Year/Grade: I study for application developer or something like that... something in the ICT
Favorite music: Christian rock and metal mostly... it has to be Christian at least...
Books: Bob Evers-series, Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Comics
TV shows/Movies: Don't like TV or movies
Instrument: I wish I could play an instrument
Do you like sports? Soccer... but not that much...
Family: Parents, 2 sis's and 2 bro's... I'm the oldest...
Clothing: I don't care...
How did you find this website? I typed "Autism forum" in Google... this was the first link...
Job: Workless for a two weeks now...
Plans for the future? ... nope... I just let time pass by and see what it brings me...
Any comments? Call me Speedy ^^
There is only one truth! - Edogawa Conan/Shinichi Kudo
Name: Angela
Age: 47
Home: Kansas City Area
Job: Was fired from the casheir job, I had for 7 years and 11 months. company refused to transfer to the sell floor even after the doctor who has prescribe my meds for 3 years, said my Asperger make inpersonnal relation hard, and suggest I work on the floor. File and EEO complaint the day I was fired.
First time I heard the word asperger: 2006, my counslor told me I have it. Did not come to terms with it until last year.
Hobbies: Photography, traveleing, my computer
Future plans: Hope to get a job my the end of the year. Voc-rehab will set me up with an employment agencies next month. Also would like to be a spoke person for asperger. Also hope to publish picture books.
Music: Most like music with uplifting words
Movies: Drama, clean comedy, family friendly and chick flicks
What is your first name?: To be honest, I'm not comfortable putting my first name on public forums. If you get to know me I'll tell you though ^^
Age: 19
Location: California
Hobbies and Interests: Listening to music, exercising, watching random stuff online, coloring books (yes, I'm a major kid)
Why are you here?: I have aspergers and I think it's interesting to read about other people who do as well. I'd also like to make friends here but not sure if it will happen.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2 years ago.
Favorite subjects: I love cute things.
Year/Grade: None
Favorite music: Anything Korean or Japanese.
Books: I don't read many books.
TV shows/Movies: Modern Family, The Office, Roseanne, Three's Company, Spongebob (only seasons 1-3), True Blood, Korean Dramas
Instrument: none
Do you like sports?: Not really
Family: Live with mom & brother
Clothing: anything comfy with some color.
How did you find this website?: browsing around random sites
Job: None. My anxiety keeps me from working so I receive SSI.
Plans for the future?: I really don't know. I actually feel quite lost. I just take things day to day.
Any comments?:
My anxiety & Aspergers is quite severe. It's difficult for me to leave the house more than 2 times a week. I usually stay in my room most of the day just on the computer.
I really don't have many friends. I'd like to talk to anyone who thinks they might have something in common with me. You can message me and I'll reply asap.
Why are you here?: I have aspergers and I think it's interesting to read about other people who do as well. I'd also like to make friends here but not sure if it will happen.
Favorite music: Anything Korean or Japanese.
TV shows/Movies: Modern Family, The Office, Roseanne, Three's Company, Spongebob (only seasons 1-3), True Blood, Korean Dramas
It's nice to meet you

Current obsessions:
~ Fullmetal Alchemist
~ D.Gray-man
~ Legend of the Legendary Heroes
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