Aspie girl-big personality-dying 2 share!

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Emu Egg
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16 Dec 2011, 10:52 pm

Hi every one :-D

I'm new to the site, dying to meet like minded people who understand the way I think! Typical Aspie girl , not really sure about what I'm supposed to write on these things as socialisng has never been something that come easy to me, but I have a big personality and I'd love to share it with the world! A little about me..... I'm a university student from England, currently in my second year on an undergraduate degree course in Early Childhood Studies (fab course, really learnt a lot about myself while studying it funnily enough!) always had trouble making friends, although admittedly I do have some great ones, but they live so far away it gets lonely at times :-(. My best friend Laura moved away to go to university and I don't think I've recovered from loosing her because she is one of those extraordinary people who appreciates every single person for exactly what they are, hense the reason why she's put up with me for the past 12 years lol. I have a few friends, but even they struggle with understanding me sometimes and because I went through such a tough time at school, being severely bullied because I was so different, I have a hard time letting people in, which is another thing that inhibits friendships! My mum actually suggested to me that I try and find people to talk to who can actually relate to the frustrations I feel sometimes and this seemed like a good site to try, so here it goes! Any one wants to chat, feel free :-D

Peace and Love

CagedBird x


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16 Dec 2011, 11:13 pm

welcome, caged bird. are you actually a singer? i ask because i enjoy singing in the local chorale. maybe we have that in common.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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17 Dec 2011, 12:05 am

Hi Cathylynn,

I love to sing and do so at every available opportunity, but I don't persue it as a particular hobby, it's just something that I do! I can see why you thought that, because of my username, but that comes from something else, it's from the title of one of my favourite books called 'I know why the caged bird sings' by Maya Angelou, it's a very powerful story about the author's childhood growing up in 1930's america who becomes a mute to help her deal with the pain of suffering from racial opression and abuse, but even through her muteness she is still able to sing, which I think kind of relates to me in some ways because despite how horrible i've felt about myself sometimes, singing and music is always something that makes me feel better and gives me a way of communicating my feelings in a way that talking never has! How long have you been singing for?

Pileated woodpecker
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17 Dec 2011, 1:02 am

Hello and welcome!

Blue Jay
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17 Dec 2011, 11:24 am


Cathylynn, I'm a singer too. I sing with our local choral society, chamber, chorale, and opera company.


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17 Dec 2011, 4:40 pm

Hi. Welcome to WrongPlanet.


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17 Dec 2011, 8:17 pm

TheCagedBirdSings wrote:
Hi Cathylynn,

I love to sing and do so at every available opportunity, but I don't persue it as a particular hobby, it's just something that I do! I can see why you thought that, because of my username, but that comes from something else, it's from the title of one of my favourite books called 'I know why the caged bird sings' by Maya Angelou, it's a very powerful story about the author's childhood growing up in 1930's america who becomes a mute to help her deal with the pain of suffering from racial opression and abuse, but even through her muteness she is still able to sing, which I think kind of relates to me in some ways because despite how horrible i've felt about myself sometimes, singing and music is always something that makes me feel better and gives me a way of communicating my feelings in a way that talking never has! How long have you been singing for?

i read all three parts of angelou's autobiography. she's a fascinating woman.

i've been singing off and on since grade school. i'm 55. i'm chorus good, not solo good. glad you have singing to enjoy. yes, it's wonderful expression.


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17 Dec 2011, 8:19 pm

spaceappleseed wrote:

Cathylynn, I'm a singer too. I sing with our local choral society, chamber, chorale, and opera company.

so you have a trained voice and loads of talent. what did you study in college?

Blue Jay
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18 Dec 2011, 12:18 am

cathylynn wrote:
spaceappleseed wrote:

Cathylynn, I'm a singer too. I sing with our local choral society, chamber, chorale, and opera company.

so you have a trained voice and loads of talent. what did you study in college?

Ha, I studied voice! I have a degree in vocal music education. That was supposed to just say "chamber chorale" up there, btw; I don't know where that comma came from.


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18 Dec 2011, 12:34 am

Welkome to WP


The Family Enigma


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18 Dec 2011, 2:40 am

Hello Cagedbird and welcome! You certainly sound like you have a wonderful personality! I can't relate to actually carrying a tune (scary notion that is :D ), but I do listen very well and music is one of my passions. Writing is the main way for me to communicate more effectively than the alternative. You know, that talking thing :D
I hope you enjoy it here and great to have you aboard!

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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20 Dec 2011, 11:26 am

Yes Cathylynn she's a remarkable woman, the way she writes and how the emotion in her writing hits you when you're reading it, it's on a personal level, you know what I mean?

And Scott, that sounds totally cool! do you write poetry or anything? I can relate to the whole talking barrier, I function so well communicating in a professional sense (I work with children and I'm doing a degree in early childhood studies, looking to go into children's play therapy) but when it comes to just general social communication I just clam up!

Thanks for the welcome guys! anyone wants to chat, feel free :-D x

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20 Dec 2011, 5:03 pm

Hi there Caged Bird and welcome to the forum!

I'm also a university student in England due to graduate next year. It seems as though reading your intro that you have had similar problems to me whilst at school however thankfully people at Universities are slightly more understanding.

Hope everything is going well with your course at uni so far and hope to talk soon :)

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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22 Dec 2011, 6:08 am

Hi Cagebird welcome to WP I am new to this forum too. I got a few questions for you if you dont mind answering them if you do then dont worry just leave them. How long ago was you diagnosed with AS? Do you stay at home or venture out? I attended an employment agency a few years ago for 6 months and met many different people with AS and they all had different personalities and traits just we all had the AS symptoms in common but to various degrees! I found this centre extremely helpful to understand AS I was wondering if you have been to any centres like this? or have you read up on AS or maybe something else?


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22 Dec 2011, 6:13 am

Welcome to WP!