I'm worried that I don't belong here, but I'm going to try to make a good impression. I apologize if I sound a bit awkward when it comes to posting, I keep thinking there's some protocol to introductions at certain sites. Hm, don't know exactly how to put that sentence any other way, but I hope it makes sense.
So here it goes, I guess... Greetings from California, I'm new and I'm looking for a place where I feel like I belong. I hope this will be the place, but I seriously doubt it.
Don't know how to put this in a way that will flow well.
So yeah, I'm hoping that this will be the one place I feel like I belong, though that's a feeling most teenagers will never get: conformity.
I just feel more different when compared to other kids my age. I mean, most people I know don't spend their breaks writing notes, watching videos, and answering review questions on their favorite branches of science. I would go into more detail about that among other things, but I'll leave that for some other topic.
I haven't been diagnosed with anything yet, and I'm honestly terrified to get one. My parents already think I'm not "normal" and lecture me about that enough, so what will they do if they found out I'm "officially not normal"? I have no problem with being different (and other people being different as well), as long as it doesn't get in my way. I think that it would be more beneficial for me to get a diagnosis for OCD or depression, but well, I guess that's why I'm here? To see whether I should seek a diagnosis or not? Oh, wait, no, I said I wanted a place where I could belong, but I guess the two overlap... in a way...
I guess that's it for now. My heart's racing as I am typing this, I really hope I don't offend anyone with whatever I just said. I'm trying to be extremely careful with my choice of words and phrases. I also hope none of you are irritated at my uncertainty, it's a habit, I apologize.