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What type of person are you?
Loud! 10%  10%  [ 7 ]
Loud! 10%  10%  [ 7 ]
Silent. 40%  40%  [ 27 ]
Silent. 40%  40%  [ 27 ]
Total votes : 68


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26 Jun 2004, 11:04 am

Hello this is my first post. I also use aspergia.


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26 Jun 2004, 11:11 am

mic wrote:
Hello this is my first post. I also use aspergia.

Welcome mic! I'm a loud person, i don't know why. i get on peoples nerves a lot, but I try not to be so loud.

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Snowy Owl
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26 Jun 2004, 11:19 am

Hi mic

I don't talk very much. I often don't say anything unless it is important or somebody is talking to me. I also dislike "small talk" because it's hard to follow all of the unwritten rules.

Blue Jay
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26 Jun 2004, 11:46 am

Silent. I also tend to hide if I can, to be sure I won't get spoken to. I just stand staring off into space (and fidgeting - I'm a hair twirler). My exbfs have been accused of abusing me to keep me quiet before but I just can not seem to follow chit chatty conversations. They don't seem to have a subject so I can't really grasp what's going on.
On the other hand, around people I feel comfortable with then I'm rather loud and excitable.


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26 Jun 2004, 5:47 pm

I'm kind of loud. I talk a lot and I often scream when I get hurt, so I guess you can say I'm loud. But sometimes I don't talk, like one time during art class. The art teacher told us to keep quiet or we have to have art detention. ("Art detention" is when you have to skip recess and you have to put your head down in the art room. [At least that's what I think "art detention" is.]) But I wanted to ask her if she could pass out the paper for the art project! So I waved a piece of paper to get her attention. When she looked my way, I pointed to the pile of paper. A minute later, she passed the paper out. There were other times when I had to do stuff like that.


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26 Jun 2004, 10:28 pm

How loud I am depends on where I am, who I'm with, and what mood I'm in. I'm usually pretty reserved in public or among strangers.

Emu Egg
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29 Jun 2004, 8:31 pm

NeantHumain wrote:
How loud I am depends on where I am, who I'm with, and what mood I'm in. I'm usually pretty reserved in public or among strangers.

I voted loud, but that's only when I'm with friends i'm comfortable. Otherwise i am quiet and reserved as well. But silent, even in those circumstances, would be going too far in my case.

This is my first post to the group. I heard about it at Aspie Hangout. Glad to be here folks!



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03 Jul 2004, 3:25 pm

I'm definitly loud. I talk all the time, i nver use an inside voice and i have a habit of yelling.


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08 Jul 2004, 8:13 pm

no real answer, half loud, half silent


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08 Jul 2005, 5:35 am

I'm usually very quiet and sometimes whole days can go past when I don't talk to anybody. I'll speak if spoken to but not initiate a conversation.

Occasionally, I'm a bit louder but have to really trust the person/people I'm with and feel relaxed with them.

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08 Jul 2005, 9:25 am

I shift between being completely quiet and listening intently to ranting at great length in a very spirited friendly way.

And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
My body is a channel that translates energy from the universe into happiness.
I either express information, or consume it. I am debating which to do right now.


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08 Jul 2005, 12:47 pm


What do you think?

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08 Jul 2005, 10:47 pm

BlackLiger, I think you're LOUD :!: :!:

Most of the time I'm quiet.
Recently, I met a fellow autistic. I was so nervous, I didn't stop talking the whole time. I don't know what he made of it.
I have done this before and scared people away as they may have thought I came on too strong.
The person I met was so kind and generous. I despair of losing a friendship before it even begins.
It has happened in the past. :?


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09 Jul 2005, 10:10 am
