Questions about you
What is your first name? Marcel.
Age: 17.
Location: Czech republic.
Hobbies and Interests: Music, Reading, Poetry, Films, Sleep.
Why are you here? Wish to know some similar people.
When were you diagnosed?: I don't know if it is a real diagnosis, but in 2010 'things changed'.
Favorite subjects: Languages, Textile decorating.
Year/Grade: 2nd grade.
Favorite music: Everything that is original; I prefer everything before year 2000.
Books: Jack Kerouac's On the Road, dictionaries.
TV shows/Movies: Everything original and 'simple'.
Instrument: Tin whistle and piano - I learn it on my own, I can't read sheet music, still I play what I hear.
Do you like sports? No except table tennis.
Family: Mom, Dad, brother who is way more alive and a cousin - my best friend.
Clothing: As simple as possible and nonconformist - I wear what I like.
How did you find this website? Through another website.
Job: No at the time.
Plans for the future? I wish to be librarian one day.
Any comments? Did I do this as it was expected?
What is your first name? Rachel
Age: 32
Location: Texas, USA
Hobbies and Interests: Singing, writing, reading, the Tudor historical period, Harry Potter, Hunger Games
Why are you here? I feel as if I don't fit anywhere, and it's nice to know I'm not the only one.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I have depression and have had it since I was a child, but was not diagnosed until I was 23.
Favorite subjects: English and history
Year/Grade: I have a B.A. in English
Favorite music: Adult alternative and oldies
Books: The Harry Potter series, The Hunger Games series, The Great Gatsby,
TV shows/Movies: Bones, Lord of the Rings movies, How the States got Their Shapes
Instrument: Just my voice
Do you like sports? I can watch them if I have too
Family: A very good one if a little too over protective.
Clothing: Boho tends to be my style. Also shorts and peasant blouses.
How did you find this website? Google
Job: Education
Plans for the future? A permanent job, and a house. A husband would be nice, but I want kids more.
Any comments? Not really.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Joined: 12 Apr 2012
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Posts: 65
Location: Canada
What is your first name? Christopher
Age: Soon to be 29!
Location: Toronto, Ontario (Canada)
Hobbies and Interests: Editing video and audio, guitar, drums, psychology.
Why are you here? To find out if I have Asperger's.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I was diagnosed at the age of 12 as having ADHD. I also have OCD to the extreme. I *might* have a mild form of Asperger's that has gone unnoticed simply because people assume it's just the ADHD.
Favorite subjects: psyche, spiritual, neuro science, music (drums/guitar/percussion), editing film/sound/music, new age.
Year/Grade: In second semester of a broadcast & film program at a local college, which is a 3 year program.
Favorite music: Chilled out trippy stuff
Books: I can't get through a book without being distracted so I listen to audio books - mostly psyche ones
TV shows/Movies: not really - however, I like documentaries and youtube vids
Instrument: drums, guitar, keyboard, percussions
Do you like sports? no
Family: yes, parents, brother, sister. I'm the youngest.
Clothing: casual, but usually i wear very comfy clothes - I tend to go for a dark theme: red, black, gray, but sometimes I like wearing bright reds.
How did you find this website? Through a teacher friend.
Job: full time student looking for an intern-ship as audio editor
Plans for the future? To become a sound designer.
Any comments? I'm new to this site.
What is your first name? I'd rather not say -- not comfortable with being googleable just now, for reasons I won't go into.
Age: 18
Location: Australia
Hobbies and Interests: Reading, writing (generally short stories), gaming (Nintendo franchises consistently seem to be my favorite, like LoZ and Fire Emblem and so on, but I love me a whole bunch of stuff in lots of genres), psychology and neuroscience, general geekery, linguistics.
Why are you here? I have Asperger's, and I felt like joining a community, and so -- like strawberries and cream -- the two have merged into delicious harmony. Mmm, strawberries.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I haven't been diagnosed officially, but both my brother and father have, and we all feel diagnosis for me is unnecessary.
Favorite subjects: Psychology, English writing, sociology, philosophy.
Year/Grade: 12
Favorite music: Euhh... so many genres! But I like stuff like Angus and Julia Stone, Jack Johnson, Lisa Mitchell... also Florence and the Machine. New-Agey stuff is great for studying to,
and Celtic is a love because I used to play the whistle.
Books: Oh man. Everything that's good, in all the genres. But I love Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams, Virginia Woolf, David Malouf, Brandon Sanderson, George R. Martin, J. K. Rowling, Suzanne Collins, Margaret Atwood (The Blind Assassin is possibly my favorite novel ever written), Tim Winton... ALL THE AUTHORS!! !
TV shows/Movies: Firefly, The Wire, Wolf's Rain (a soft spot for me, because it was my first anime), all the Studio Ghibli movies ever, Waking Life, Samson and Delilah (the Australian movie), Fight Club, V for Vendetta, and, man. There are so many movies, but I've forgotten some amazing ones, I know it.
Instrument: Used to play the celtic whistle/pennywhistle/tin whistle. Then I stopped, because I had too many interests and they where overwhelming me, so I let that one drop.
Do you like sports? Hm... basketball is fun! Even though I'm short. But other than that, not particularly.
Family: One brother, both parents, and an extended family that is so huge I can barely remember all their names.
Clothing: Ahum. I don't have any set style, exactly, but I sort of alternate between somewhat unusual (I own an AWESOME newspaper-print skirt) or retro and very clean-cut stylish. Or just grubbing around stuff.
How did you find this website? My dad told me about it ages and ages ago.
Job: Kinda sorta. That is all!
Plans for the future? Studying psychology in university, doing some travelling, and then? TO INFINITY, AND BEYOND!! !!
Any comments? Don't you think I've talked enough already??
The past, the present and the future walked into a bar.
It was tense.
What is your first name? Robin
Age: 16
Location: Tilbury Essex UK
Hobbies and Interests: I like reading, playing games, acting like a man and My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
Why are you here? To meet other people with aurthisms
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Asperger syndrome
Favorite subjects: Science, English, Music Tech and Media
Year/Grade: 11
Favorite music: Heavy metal and dubstep
Books: Harry potter, Blood line and Dragon age fiction
TV shows/Movies: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, Kickass
Instrument: Keyboard and Guaitare
Do you like sports? No
Family: Two bros and parents
Clothing: White shirst, Black jeans and sneakers
How did you find this website? Clinic
Job: Part time worker
Plans for the future? Scrpit writter
Any comments? OH YHEAAA
What is your first name? Danielle.
Age: 17 in to weeks.
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Hobbies and Interests: Writing, playing guitar and reading. Science, History, and psychology.
Why are you here? I got here after searching on the net.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Last year-
Favorite subjects: Science, Literature, Philosophy, music.
Year/Grade: Last of High School.
Favorite music: Classic, Indie, Rock, Heavy Metal, Metal Ballads, Acoustics, Punk, Alternative Rock and more but I can't remember
Books: Ray Bradbury's, Stephen King's, Agatha Christie's, etc..
TV shows/Movies: Criminal Minds, Stargate...
Instrument: Keyboard, guitar, flute.
Do you like sports? Nope.
Family: Two sisters, my parents, my grandfather, and I consider my dog and frogs part of my family too.
Clothing: a black shirt, my black jeans, and my converse.
How did you find this website? Searching.
Job: Hmm, I guess no.
Plans for the future? Cinematography - Criminologist.
Any comments? Ahm.. Thank you for your time ¿...?
(Sorry if I made any mistake)
?I?m alive,? said Douglas. ?But what?s the use? They?re more alive than me. How come? How come?
And standing alone, he knew the answer, staring down at his motionless feet?
-Ray Bradbury, Dandelion Wine
What is your first name? Charles
Age: 45
Location: Sydney Australia
Hobbies and Interests: History, all aspects.
Why are you here? Well, I want to share tricks I've learned to appear normal, and maybe pick up a few from other people. I also want to share observations, that may or may not blow your mind
When were you diagnosed? I was diagnosed after my daughter was diagnosed with Autism
Favorite subjects: Whatever my current obsession is.
Year/Grade: College, and currently learning a new trade.
Favorite music: Variable, but my most favorite would be Baroque, Jethro Tull, Queen, Wagner... you get the idea.
Books: How to books, I don't read much fiction.
TV shows/Movies: Big Bang Theory, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Stargate, Sherlock Holmes.
Instrument: Bagpipes, but I don't play anymore.
Do you like sports? Only a strange sport
Family: Two children, both on the spectrum, and an extremely understanding wife.
Clothing: Only when what I'm wearing, wears out, clothes aren't my thing.
How did you find this website? I trawl the net a lot.
Job: Sculptor, Cutler, Picture Framer, possibly Mad Scientist.
Plans for the future? My future plans are to make my children self sufficient, and provide enough so that I can die happy.
Any comments?
What is your first name? Bob
Age: Depends how I feel. Sometimes very young and childlish sometimes old and wise. Mostly I don't think about it.
Location: Earth - Uh, the little crinkly bit where they drink tea alot - Just off Europe (and why is North always at the top of the map?).
Hobbies and Interests: Everything, especially the really hard questions. Staring at complicated beutiful things until I understand them.
Why are you here? I think I may have useful things to share and to learn
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Diagnosis is too final for my tastes. I am a work in progress.
Favorite subjects: Me. Everything else.
Year/Grade: 2012 - but that's not what you meant is it. Left school long time ago to go learn other useful things.
Favorite music: Very diverse. Many sounds from many eras, each for thier own reasons. I like good lyrics and musical craftmanship.
Books: Today - The Tao of Poo, Yesterday - The Giah Hypothosis, Tomorrow - Will need a new book.
TV shows/Movies: Do not have a TV. Do not like TV. It eats my time and fills my head with rubbish.
Instrument: Singing, Harp (mouth organ), Learning ocasionally to play guitar. Love to sing when no one can hear.
Do you like sports? Not very interested but do understand people who are passionate about thier game.
Family: Brilliant lovely patient people who are far away now.
Clothing: Most of the time.
How did you find this website? Serendipity. Look for a thing long enough and you will find lots of other useful things.
Job: Yes. Doing ok. Have convinced them that I don't bite (unless provoked) and can be brilliant if they let me.
Plans for the future? Stay alive for at least 1000 years to see how it all turns out. Then think about moving.
Any comments? This is the first time I have joined anything on t internet - the jury is still out.
I'll try it...
What is your first name? Anastasia.
Age: 21
Location: Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
Hobbies and Interests: Drawing, reading, wasting time on PC games.
Why are you here? To find information which can be useful and to force myself to use English (it's so freaking scary to write in English).
Favorite subjects: If the question is about school subjects then they were English, Russian and Maths.
Year/Grade: It's my 5th year at university.
Favorite music: Some examples: Urfaust, Woods of Infinity, Förgjord, Peste Noire, Ajattara, Summoning, and also The Sisters of Mercy, A-ha...
Books: It's very hard to choose because I read many good books written by talented authors...
TV shows/Movies: I don't know... There were times when I watched Star Wars every day, but I'm not really into anything right now.
Instrument: I can play jaw harp and I own a guitar.
Do you like sports? Unfortunately, no.
Family: I still live with my parents.
Clothing: T-shirt and jeans...
How did you find this website? Google helped me.
Job: I'm mostly a student. My current job isn't really a job...
Plans for the future? To survive.
Any comments? It took me ~40 minutes to answer these questions. Slow, as always.
I'm still learning English and I can make mistakes.
You can call me Mimi.
I like being friends with people of all ages.
Please recommend some books, movies, etc, to me if you think I would like them
Hobbies and Interests:
Right now I'm interested in...
* Self-sustainability / perma-culture
* Nutrition for purposes of good health
* Cooking (l like the intensity of Korean, Vietnamese, and Middle Eastern dishes)
* Korean language
But I also like:
* Pencil drawing (black and white). Digital painting. Mostly portraits, sometimes animals. Generally in a fantasy theme.
* Linux (I like archlinux)
* Programming (I like Haskell and Ruby, but I'm a newbie)
Why are you here?
To mingle with like-minded people.
Favorite music:
* Jeremy Soule
* Nobuo Uemastu
* 하늘이여, 제발- 인순이
* Yoon Shi Yoon - 내게 오는 길
* 이수영 - 얼마나 좋을까
* MINMI - 四季ノ唄
* Jumong OST
* Röyksopp
* Utada Uematsu
* A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction (understand architecture from a social perspective)
* The Cathedral and the Bazaar
* The Time Traveler's Wife
* The Self-Sufficient Life and How to Live It
* Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats
* The Alchemist
* The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
* Taking Charge of Your Fertility (Achieving or Avoiding Pregnancy)
* The Unschooling Handbook
* The Montessori Method
Online books / journals:
* Mother Earth News
* The Continuum Concept
* Weston A. Price (check Journals / Health Topics)
TV shows/Movies:
* Jumong
* Dong-Yi
* The Great-Queen Seon-Deok
* Iljimae
* Highkick (season 1)
* Castaway on the Moon
* Dirt, the movie
* Fat Head
* Babies (there is no narrative, but it's good!)
Do you like sports?
* Racquetball
* MovNat (move naturally, natural gym)
I mix styles a lot, even between cultures.
I like:
Sporty jackets
Old fashioned India or China style wraps. To be used as a banana, wrap over my jeans, or as a shawl.
Modern Korean clothing is the best. Seriously. They have the best fashion.
My favorite look is tall boots (men boots, not women's), a short skirt, a sporty jacket, thick copper bracelet, bandana or india wrap on my head, 2 french braids.
Plans for the future:
I want to start a family soon, but before that I'd like to have an established family farm so I can feed them good food.
I also want to learn how to provide Web services (frontend developer) from home. I'm trying to figure out the logistics of it.
What is your first name?
Hobbies and Interests:
Music, Movies and Technology
Why are you here?
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
Not diagnosed yet
Favorite subjects:
Favorite music:
All Kinds
Don't read much
TV shows/Movies
Guitar, Bass, Drums, Wave Sequencing, Keyboard, Various Percussion, Vocals, Noise.
Do you like sports?
Wife and Son
How did you find this website?
Job: Just started a sales job. Not sure how long I can last
Plans for the future?
I would love to make movies and and get my music out there
Any comments?
What is your first name?
Hobbies and Interests:
Video Games, not much else.
Why are you here?
I was hoping I could talk about my feelings and stuff, so... yeah.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
Around when I was 8 or something.
Favorite subjects:
Favorite music:
Not really sure.
I don't read.
TV shows/Movies:
I'm not really interested in TV much.
Probably the Ukulele is my favourite, but I don't play any instruments.
Do you like sports?
Mum, Dad, Brother whose too cool for me, Grandma, a lot of uncles and aunts.
The Yes No Maybe series of shirts, I like.
How did you find this website?
My mum recommended it to me from one of her friends.
Plans for the future?
I don't know where I'll end up... Maybe on a building estate, or in a council house... I really don't know, but it won't be good...
What is your first name?
Dirt arrived on the planet shortly after I did
Northeast US
Hobbies and Interests:
gardening, reading, computers, The Sims
Why are you here?
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
This year - about a month ago
Favorite subjects:
Algebra, History
Graduated a LONG time ago
Favorite music:
Mostly alternative, rock, country
Fiction, History, Biography
TV shows/Movies:
Sci-Fi (Star Trek), Comedy, Action
Do you like sports?
I like to watch baseball, play softball
Hubby, grown sons, 2 granddaughters
How did you find this website?
Googling Aspergers
State Government Relations (not as cool as it sounds)
Plans for the future?
I would rather spend my time gardening. I want to retire.
Any comments?
hey thanks for the model, otherwise at this point i could get lost.
name: Micki
age: 45
location: Montana
hobbies/interest: currently into survivalism and back to the land skills
why am i here: ASPERGERS
when diagnosed: finally!
clothing; loose cotton, or semi-soft materials. hate shoes!
stumbled upon this site. love the name.
additional info: I am artistic, musical, logical, and curious.
I am frustrated by the misdiagnosis i have received, (borderline, ocd, gad, etc.) i have always felt like an alien. after finding aspie, i am relieved. there is nothing wrong with me or the NT's we are just different.
I hope to be able to learn how to function in their world and they in mine.
What is your first name? Luke
Age: 21
Location: Australia
Hobbies and Interests: Reading, games, AFL and a couple of TV shows
Why are you here?
I know nobody like me so went looking for those who have AS like me. I hope that with the aid of this online community I am able to find out what other people think about with reference to what I think.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): About 10 years ago (Aspergers)
Favorite subjects: Psychology, philosophy and math
Year/Grade: 3rd year at University
Favorite music: Not that into music but I will listen to almost anything
Books: Aurthors? Socrates/Aristotle/Plato/Descartes/Armstrong/Kuhn/Clare/Bowring/Lewis and more!
TV shows/Movies: Supernatural, family guy, scrubs, V for vendetta, Watchmen.
Instrument: HA no way
Do you like sports? Yes. Elaborate? I played basketball 4 years, tennis 1. I watch just about any sport but prefer AFL.
Family: Mum, 2 brothers. No real father but that a different story.
Clothing: Yes? Anything I feel comfortable in..... dont like shoes or jeans.
How did you find this website? Random googgling
Job: Student and part time retail
Plans for the future? Global domination.... many but plans go astray.
Basics: get a good job, persue higher education, get better job, get married, have kids etc
Any comments? Probably but I think I have rambled on long enough!