late life diagnosis
I accidentally discovered this site three years ago (at age 59), and it was like stumbling onto Brigadoon. I had always believed I was snakebit in a unique way, and that nobody else went through childhood, adolescence, and adulthood in inexplicable isolation, notwithstanding what would appear to be all kinds of advantages. Then I started lurking on this site, where it turned out that pretty near everybody was experiencing a version of my life. Asperger's seemed to explain nearly everything, especially the fact that from my earliest memories it was always more important to me to be right than happy (no matter who I pissed off in the process). Took the online test several times - consistently scored in the 140s, with a prominent Aspie bulge in the northeast quadrant. Got evaluated by a shrink with a subspecialty in child and adult Autism who told me I was definitely "on the spectrum". (Not sure if this qualifies as a diagnosis, not sure if it matters). In any event, not only did I recognize myself in the content of the posts on this forum, I also noted a precision of language and thought in many of them which is also characteristic of the way I tend to express myself. While this annoys many people it is also what has kept me - against all odds - employed. I have a number of questions which I'll save for another day.
Yep! Very similar experiences here - especially precision of language (which has helped me to write some significant technical standards in my field) and I too find that it pisses a lot of people off. Being right rather than happy - same here. Test scores well into the autistic range, although the medics say I'm too HF for an ASD diagnosis but I think that's arse-about-face reasoning and compensating for the A-traits wears me out.
Lurk on ... you are in the right place ...
AQ 43, EQ 9, SQ 117, Aspie 153 /200, NT 56/200, Mind in the Eyes 23, BAP: aloof 121, rigid 99, pragmatic 90, diagnosis 8
Hi there. I'm in a similar boat. I haven't been officially diagnosed, but I do have about 90% of the Asperger symptoms. I work freelance and was self-employed prior to that. I have worked in a corporate setting before as well, but it was hellish. Asperger's explains just about my entire geeky youth, and the way I am now... It has its benefits, but I'm only now starting to come to terms with the social awkwardness I've been exhibiting. Over the years I''ve 'learned' to fit in as much as I could, and I can usually get on with people pretty well during first meetings, but after that it can get challenging... In one way, realizing that I'm an Aspie is liberating. It explains so much, but it is also daunting, knowing the challenges that lie ahead... I am a parent, one of the relatively few of us who have children, and it's incredibly challenging. Both of them are overall neurotypical, and I worry my own quirky traits are rubbing off on them. Long journey ahead....
Badaboehm -
I also have kids - two daughters - the younger of whom is biological and she seems to have inherited just enough autism to make her interesting, but not the full dose which would impair her like her old man. She has plenty of friends and acquaintances, but they are all kind of offbeat - the kind I might have gotten along with had I been able to get along with anybody. I am also - incredibly - married; my wife had no idea what she was getting into, and I couldn't have warned her because I didn't know either. My dad told her at the time, "Good luck. You're going to need it".
My writing is in the legal field - appeals - which is probably the one area of law where you can survive without social skills. Plan to retire in two years and might try to write some fiction, but I'm probably too left-brained for that.
Interesting. I've been a software engineer for 40 years and have worked often on sectoral, national and international standards in that field. The kind of language in which such standards are written is very similar to that which one sees in legal documents - the mandatory "shall" all over the place.
I've always got on well with my own lawyers and when I've asked them to do things such as drafting contracts, it has always been easy. Often much of a contract has been left how I have drafted it with the lawyers just putting the legal bits, such as references to Acts and Regulations, around what I've written - and it has saved me a lot in legal fees ...

AQ 43, EQ 9, SQ 117, Aspie 153 /200, NT 56/200, Mind in the Eyes 23, BAP: aloof 121, rigid 99, pragmatic 90, diagnosis 8
Pretty much the same here. I was regarded as a "little professor" as a teenager. I've been self-employed/freelance for 28 years - up and down at times but it has worked. I was married but divorced when I had a sex change (aspie *and* transgendered ... bit of a bummer). Of my two sons, both with very high IQs, the elder is a PhD student and has some mildly geeky traits. the younger is dyslexic, has ADHD and scores 32 on AQ but is very competent socially, far more so than I am.
I can really relate to getting on with people OK at first meeting and thereafter finding it a lot harder. Like you I am undiagnosed - in fact the CLASS clinic at Cambridge said that I exhibit BAP but am not sufficiently impaired for diagnosis with an ASD ... or to be precise they "didn't want to pathologise things that could be the result of high cognitive ability" (moral: HF aspies are at risk of remaining undiagnosed). I think they got it wrong but at age 59 and having functioned reasonably effectively so far, a diagnosis is not that important for me.
AQ 43, EQ 9, SQ 117, Aspie 153 /200, NT 56/200, Mind in the Eyes 23, BAP: aloof 121, rigid 99, pragmatic 90, diagnosis 8
Just noticed that the system has upgraded me from an "Emu Egg" to a "Tufted TItmouse". The idea of a transsexual being described as a "Tufted Titmouse" set me chuckling ...
AQ 43, EQ 9, SQ 117, Aspie 153 /200, NT 56/200, Mind in the Eyes 23, BAP: aloof 121, rigid 99, pragmatic 90, diagnosis 8

Joined: 17 Jul 2004
Age: 50
Gender: Male
Posts: 117,647
Location: In my little Olympic World of peace and love
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