Questions about you
What is your first name? Dylan
Age: 27
Location: Hawaii
Hobbies and Interests: Hiking, reading, collecting books & music, cruising, beach, ethnobotany, learning every possible thing about every possible thing, goats and generally all animals, primitivism, body modifications.
Why are you here? Aspergers/ADHD Mixed types/Bipolar/Borderline Personality
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2 years ago
Favorite subjects: not math
Year/Grade: 2003
Favorite music: everything...lately anarcho punk and folk
Books: Watership Down, The Alchemist, Charlotte's Web, 1984, Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles
TV shows/Movies: Dragonball/Z/GT, Fringe, Game of Thrones
Instrument: My voice
Do you like sports? Not particularly. I've only ever watched them for the violence
Family: my step-dad, son, and grandma are my favorites
Clothing: comfortable stufff, but more alternative fashion
How did you find this website?
Job: unemployed forevahhh
Plans for the future? save up monies, finish up dinosaur tattoo, move off farm, idk, eat foodz?
Any comments?
In equal parts...the dirt and the sky
Last edited by treasuretrinkets on 06 May 2012, 8:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hobbies and Interests:
fantasy football
Why are you here?
Information and support from people who went through something similar to me
Favorite subjects:
math, science
College grad/ B.S.C.E.
Favorite music:
folk/classic rock
TV shows/Movies:
Simpsons/ not into movies
Do you like sports?
1 brother, 2 sisters
comfortable and/or practical
How did you find this website?
unemployed/civil engineer
Plans for the future?
Trying to find a new job
What is your first name? - Old man - or maybe Old Fart
Age: as my grandfather once told me - Old as dirt and twice as dusty!
Location: Anchorage
Hobbies and Interests: Computers - many forms of technology - History - recently have taken an interest in Asperger's.
Why are you here? - Until recently I spent all my effort passing (sort of) for "normal" But when my son was recently diagnosed as was having bulling problems and problems fitting in to society I decided I needed to deal with our families specialties head on.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Informally - fall 2011 from my son's psychiatrist. Knew something was quite different about me by age 12. Self diagnosed about 10 years ago.
Favorite subjects:
Favorite music: w/o vices - Classic Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi -- With voice - Folk - Peter, Paul & Mary - Simon & Garfunkel.
Books: Si-Fi & Historical
TV shows/Movies:
Do you like sports? Not really - a small amount of the Olympics are OK.
Family: NT wife & Son
Clothing: Casual - refuse to wear a Tie for any reason - cotton socks are out for sure.
How did you find this website? Google
Job: On call - On site technician
Plans for the future? Finish raising my son - and work to advance Asperger's and Autism cause.
Any comments? My days in Boy Scouts - is now coming home to me - and one of the working principles is - "Always leave the place better than you found it" and now that I have a son that will be here long after me - I now have two drivers for this - it is time I start making some improvements especially for Asperger's people.
What is your first name? Blogger name sezzy
Age: 22
Location: USA
Hobbies and Interests: writing poetry and art
Why are you here? to know other aspies in the world
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
PDd nos
Favorite subjects: history
Year/Grade: college
Favorite music: alternative rock reggae hip hop and rap
Books: the hunger games
TV shows/Movies: Degrassie true life teen mom made hunger games
Big fat gypsy wedding little couple 19 kids and counting strange addictions
Instrument: voice
Do you like sports? baseball
Family: 1 brother and parents
Clothing: casual
How did you find this website? scc group
Job: working at a daycare
Plans for the future? Work in the field of special Ed
Any comments? No
What is your first name? Michelle
Age: 24
Location: Pennsylvania
Hobbies and Interests: Vintage things, history, dance, theatre, art
Why are you here? The man I am dating may have AS, so I thought I'd get to know some people here.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
Favorite subjects: Theatre, History, Art
Year/Grade: Post Grad (I have a BA in Performing Arts)
Favorite music: Oldies, 90's alternative, rock and roll, classical, swing and big band.
Books: Mostly non-fiction history
TV shows/Movies: Classic comedies
Instrument: I've dabbled in guitar, piano, violin, and vocal performance.
Do you like sports? Not particularly haha
Family: Mom, Dad, Step Dad, Sister, Stepsister, Stepbrother.
Clothing: Sun dresses, high heels, flip flops.
How did you find this website? The Almighty Google
Job: Receptionist at an insurance company. (Hopefully not forever... )
Plans for the future? Getting a job where I can use my creative abilities, marriage, kids, etc.
Name: Steve
Age: 62
Location: Central Florida
Hobbies and Interests: Old movies, literature and biographies of writers, weight training, tennis
Why are you here: Everybody's got to be somewhere
When were you diagnosed: Self-diagnosed in early 2010, shrink-diagnosed in late 2011
Favorite subjects: Literature, psychology, philopsophy
Year/Grade: Law Degree
Favorite Music: 50s and 60s rock, blues, R&B (the old stuff, not what they're calling it now), Rogers and Hammerstein
Books: Anything by Richard Yates or Richard Russo, most of Philip Roth and Scott Fitzgerald, Catch-22
TV Shows/Movies: Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Dobie Gillis, Homefront, House, North by Northwest, The Two Jakes, Double Indemnity, Out of the Past, The Thin Man
Instrument: Hopeless at every one I tried as a kid
Do you like sports: HIgh school and smalltime college sports, and a few sports that I still try to play, yes. Pro and bigtime college sports, not much anymore
Family: Wife, two daughters, granddaughter
Clothing: Jeans, sweatshirts, t-shirts, no tags; I have to wear a suit maybe three times a year for work and I HATE it
How did you find this website: I looked under the baked potato and there it was
Job: Appellate lawyer
Plans for the future: Retirement in two years, hopefully don't go broke
Any comments: I think I may be an anomaly, because I have about 150 Aspie traits (in spades), but I'm a technophobe. Is this even possible? (My shrink said yes, but I don't see any corroboration on this site).
What is your first name?: Matthew
Age: 15
Location: Wales
Hobbies and Interests: I love movies, and video games.
Why are you here?: To hang out with like-minded people.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): The start of may 2012.
Favorite subjects: That's a hard question.. :3
Year/Grade: I don't go to school.
Favorite music: Breaking Benjamin / Crossfade / Five Finger Death Punch / Metallica / Lots of other bands <3
Books: Harry potter, twilight. I wish I had more time to read, but unfortunately I don't.
TV shows/Movies: Doctor Who and The Amityville Horror
Instrument: None, but I'm making an attempt to learn the guitar
Do you like sports?: Not really. I'm making an attempt to do more physical activities.
Family: Mum, brother and nan; We're a pretty small family. Most have died off or gone their separate ways.
Clothing: Vans!
How did you find this website?: Google'd "Aseprgers forums"
Job: Unemployed :'(
Plans for the future?: Not sure. I have some ideas, but I'm still trying to figure that out.
Any comments?: Yeah. Nice forums. A little bit on the old fashioned side. Needs more colours, definitely. But it's nice to have a place to talk about stuff that matters to us, and to meet people who are similar.
What is your first name? Bethan
Age: 15
Location: South Wales
Hobbies and Interests: Acting, Photography, Computers, Reading, Writing
Why are you here? Because I have Asperger's
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Aged 12
Favorite subjects: Drama, IT, English, History
Year/Grade: Year 11
Favorite music: I like a verity of music
Books: Harry Potter books, The Hunger Games, John Green
TV shows/Movies: F.R.I.E.N.D.S, How I Met Your Mother, 90210, Glee, Wild Child, St. Trininans, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Last Song
Instrument: Don't play anything
Do you like sports? No
Family: Mother, Father and one sister.
Clothing: Jeans and T-Shirt
How did you find this website? Google
Job: Still in school
Plans for the future? I want to work with ICT, I don't know how exactly but I know I want to work with it.
Any comments? Yes, I'm glad I found this site. Finally a place to fit in.
What is your first name? Katy
Age: 25
Location: USA
Hobbies and Interests: Anime, manga, art, comics
Why are you here? Originally, I was here to check out the site. Now I'm looking to talk to other people like me.
When were you diagnosed? Sophmore year of college, so... 2001, I think...
Favorite subjects: Art, Science
Year/Grade: I have already finished college.
Favorite music: J-pop, Linkin Park, and Poets of the Fall to name just a few.
Books: I have way too many to list here by title. I like to read manga, fantasy, and science fiction. Michael Crichton's books are some of my favorites. I like Harlan Coben a lot as well.
TV shows/Movies: House, Law & Order (original, SVU, and Criminal Intent), The Closer, Psych, CSI, Monk, and a long list of animes for TV shows. As for movies, I haven't see too many movies recently.
Instrument: I don't play one.
Do you like sports? It depends on the sport. I like swimming the best though.
Family: parents and two brothers
Clothing: My own unique style
How did you find this website? Recommended to me through a friend
Job: Interning at the moment.
Plans for the future? Dunno yet.
Any comments?
Uh, seems like a nice way to make an introduction
What is your first name? Signe
Age: 20
Location: Denmark
Hobbies and Interests: Drawing, Aikido, fantasy, books, manga/anime, LARP, quoting disney films (not really a hobby, more unconcious)
Why are you here? Would like to know others who have been diagnosed late in life, and know how they deal with it.
When were you diagnosed?: January 2012
Favorite subjects: School? Must be mediascience... don't know if it is translated correctly... But generally I don't like school
Year/Grade: 2nd year at a 3 year HF (Think it is High School level or College?)
Favorite music: Everything from classical to metal
Books: As long as it is fantasy, also manga
TV shows/Movies: Again fantasy or a nice story, right now Legend of Korra
Instrument: I like to sing
Do you like sports? Aikido? yes. Anything else? Couldn't care less.
Family: Parents live together, have an older brother (who is probably also aspie but not diagnosed)
Clothing: Depends on the mood. From nothing but black to hit by a rainbow.
How did you find this website? Heard about it from my boyfriends family, and rediscovered it after getting diagnosed
Job: Student still
Plans for the future? Would love to make my own comics or just work with something creative.
Any comments? I'm addicted to anything that tastes like chocolate
Paper is dead without words
Ink idle without a poem
All the world dead without stories
Without love and disarming beauty
- Tuomas Holopainen, Nightwish
What is your first name? Laura
Age: 31
Location: Wisconsin
Hobbies and Interests: cats, classical music, Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition, Tolkien, reading
Why are you here? I'm curious about other people on the spectrum.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): At age 26.
Favorite subjects: Psychology
Year/Grade: Way too many years of undergraduate.
Favorite music: classical, classical soundtrack
Books: Lord of the Rings, Mercedes Lackey's Velgarth books, Anne McCaffrey's Pern novels
TV shows/Movies: Doctor Who, NCIS
Instrument: oboe/English horn
Do you like sports? Not particularly
Family: Meh.
Clothing: Casual. Very casual.
How did you find this website? Google.
Job: I'm concentrating on college for now.
Plans for the future? I'd like to work with animals.
"Not all those who wander are lost."
- J.R.R. Tolkien
What is your first name? Emma
Age: 19
Location: in my room. :p
Hobbies and Interests: Marine biology, reading, writing, and listening to music.
Why are you here? Because I am diagnosed with Asperger's.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I think when I was 18.
Favorite subjects: English
Year/Grade: Sophomore in college.
Favorite music: Almost anything. ( It depends on my mood!)
Books: Too many books too list. I am currently reading, the Tudor series, by Philippa Gregory. They are fantastic books!
TV shows/Movies: Since I was a little girl my favorite movie has always been the Wizard of Oz. My favorite TV show would probably be "New Girl" or "The Walking Dead."
Instrument: None. I tried piano twice, but it just wasn't for me.
Do you like sports? Since I was little, my parents tried getting me into sports. They finally, now understand that it is never going to happen with me.
Family: I am adopted, and I have a brother who is adopted too. Also, I have a dog and four fish tanks in my room!
Clothing: I like to look good, and fashionable. However, I don't go with whatever fashion trends are "in" I wear whatever I think is cute and whatever I think looks fashionable. Some days I will just where sweatpants and a T-shirt.
How did you find this website? Actually, my mom told me about it.
Job: I will be officially working for my parents' company in about a week.
Plans for the future? Hopefully getting a job that involves me working with animals, and preferably marine animals! :nemo::heart:
Any comments? Have a great day!
What is your first name? Kenith
Age: 18
Location: Canada
Hobbies and Interests: Music, Fashion and Cooking.
Why are you here? I have Aspergers.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): In grade 6.
Favorite subjects: Math and Music.
Year/Grade: 12
Favorite music: All kinds.
Books: Otherland
TV shows/Movies: X-Files
Instrument: Electric Bass, Stand-up Bass, Electric guitar, Clarinet, Drums and Oboe.
Do you like sports? Yup, Soccer is my favourite
Family: Normal family I guess....
Clothing: Formal..
How did you find this website? Google.
Job: I currently do not have one.
Plans for the future? Not right now.
What is your first name? Myranda
Age: 16
Location: Ehh
Hobbies and Interests: Music and Art
Why are you here? to get help
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): young
Favorite subjects: Band, art
Year/Grade: 11
Favorite music: classical
Books: John Steinbeck
TV shows/Movies: Too many to list
Instrument: Piano
Do you like sports? Only some
Family: only child
Clothing: whatever bf likes/looks cute
How did you find this website? I googled asperger support forum
Job: Subway
Plans for the future? i dont like thinking about the future
Any comments? dont be afraind to talk to me,i dont bite
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