Welcome Yulya, some here do converse in understandable English. AS is the absentminded Professor syndrom, being the leading expert on the causes of the Gallic Wars causes a loss of car keys.
AS is a condition with no known symptoms, no treatment, no cure, other than bright people have a few quriks, BPQs, that not so bright Psyce Majors hope to make a living from, as all the good fields are overcrowded, and AS is the Redmond-Silicon Valley center of new wealth disorder.
Bill Gates is often mentioned as an example, but a mild one, the 14 and 15 year old kids that wrote code, launched an Internet play, and sold it to him six months later for $5,000,000 are better examples.
Some think that because they were not taught code, had not finished high school, that something is wrong. The people who think that way like to label what they cannot understand.
AS is also called Geek Syndrom, those people who are making new things faster than most can keep up with. AS is also common among those who get Patents.
AS types are not hard to manage, a little extra effort spent in, reminding them to shave, not letting them buy their own clothes, or wear the same ones all the time, seeing that they eat and sleep sometimes, reminding them of names and relationships before taking them anywhere, and they make good, honest, passable pets.
Well groomed and dressed they can pass in most situations without notice. Their sense of humor is not universal, they miss jokes, but often find the ordinary comical.