just saying hi and excited to be part of this community. I very recently found out (like less than 6 months ago) that i may have aspergers or atleast i am on the spectrum. all my life (28 years!) i lived not knowing why i was so different and trying to adjust and being disappointed etc. i knew about aspergers but only from the media and on the media they show only the certain characteristics (like the character in boston legal) which I did have but on a milder scale. asperger's explains my whole childhood - only if my parents knew it could have been easier on me. i have not gotten an official diagnosis but don't really feel the need to.
i have developed and improved significantly over the last few years through efforts and practice. i have friends (not a lot, but a few good ones) but i do regret not being able to connect with people naturally. it just takes a lot of effort and thinking in social situations. i try to meet a lot of new people but the inability to connect with them does bother me. it takes a very very long time to make friends and am really jealous of people (most people) who can just effortlessly gel together and make instant friendships.
one thing that bothers me is that now that i know i am on the spectrum i sometimes don't make that extra effort. when i didn't know i tried hard and put in my 100% to be "normal" and this is what made all the progress possible. but now, sometimes i give excuses that i am on the spectrum so its ok for me not to try. what are your experiences in this regard?