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28 Feb 2007, 11:16 pm


for my first post on Wrong Planet, I wanted to introduce myself. I am an Aspi not yet diagnosed. I'm 30 with a 3 year-old boy who is believed to have Asperger too. We are in the process to be diagnosed.

I have a wonderful wife (a NT), who is working full-time to help our son Elliott to talk and be functional.

A specialist told us to teach him to read write,and for a week now, he can write his name and some common french words like maman (mom) and papa(dad).

For as long as I can remember, I have felt that I did not belong. Since I don't recall anything before High School, let me tell you an anecdote from High School:

I just could not stand the feeling of jeans on my skin. I only wanted to wear sweat pants because they felt so good and were so comfortable. But wearing that to school, being a good student liked by teachers and overall weird was a very bad mix. The fact that I was overweight did not help either. I was the perfect target for a bunch of bullies. So for the next 4 years, they constantly bullied me, doing things like pulling down my pants to name calling... well the worst nightmare.

I was so sick of it all, I could not bear to go back for my final year. So I didn't. (In a future post, I will tell the tale of that last year ;))

Well I went to college in computer programming (hey what else?), and finally enjoyed school...

Let's get back to present day. I did not have any knowledge about Asperger until a year and a half ago. My wife had a strong feeling at that time that our boy had some kind of autism. Reading about Asperger, she was convinced that I was a classic case of it. It was not until a few weeks ago that an audiologist specialized in working with autistic kids told us that Elliott was probably AS and so was I.

Since then, I have been reading a lot about AS. I found myself identifying with stories from this forum and others.

Like, for example,my hypersensitivity to smells:

Perfumes irritate me a lot. A woman wearing too strong a perfume repel me. And going through perfume and cosmetic departments at Sears is overwhelming.

well enough of my ranting here. I tried all my life to fit in without success. Finding out I'm not alone... so comforting.

Have a nice day everyone,


PS: The nick Jaixan was actually the name of my first AD&D character I made up when I was a kid. I always thought myself a geek...


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28 Feb 2007, 11:50 pm

Welcome to WPThere are many adults here who also didnt realize they were AS until their child was DXed,so you are in good company in that.Hope you like WP.(Your wife is welcome as well).Sounds like she excepts you as you are and that is a blessing in itself.

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01 Mar 2007, 1:02 am

Welcome to WP!! !! !


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01 Mar 2007, 2:52 am

Welcome to WP!


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01 Mar 2007, 10:35 am

Thank you everyone.

I do have a wonderful wife. We've been together for almost 10 years now. She has put up with my weirdness all this time, she must be a saint or something.


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01 Mar 2007, 1:02 pm

Welcome, it is strange to find a place where everyone is like you, but it is real.


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01 Mar 2007, 4:58 pm

Welcome, glad you found your way here!

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01 Mar 2007, 5:49 pm

Glad your here, I'm still very new at this also.


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01 Mar 2007, 5:50 pm

Bonjour et bienvenue à Wrongplanet! Je déteste l'odeur du parfum aussi. C'est trop fort pour moi.


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01 Mar 2007, 8:04 pm

Merci beaucoup. Cyanide, es-tu un francophone ou as-tu appris le français à l'école? Il ne semble pas y en avoir beaucoup sur le forum, à voir la section Langues Étrangères...


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01 Mar 2007, 8:56 pm

Welcome to WP. Since your username has an x in it, why not consider joining Organization XIII and ruling the world with yours truly?

Think about it: World domination... or World domination?


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01 Mar 2007, 9:44 pm

What is Organization XIII? What is your time-frame for world domination?


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02 Mar 2007, 12:16 am

Bonjour, bienvenue à Wrongplanet!

Please make your stay long and pleasant!


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02 Mar 2007, 2:32 am

Jaixan wrote:
Merci beaucoup. Cyanide, es-tu un francophone ou as-tu appris le français à l'école? Il ne semble pas y en avoir beaucoup sur le forum, à voir la section Langues Étrangères...

J'ai appris le français à l'école.


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02 Mar 2007, 2:46 am

welcome. it is the RightPlanet, for you. for everyone!


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02 Mar 2007, 8:16 am

Welcome to WrongPlanet!