for my first post on Wrong Planet, I wanted to introduce myself. I am an Aspi not yet diagnosed. I'm 30 with a 3 year-old boy who is believed to have Asperger too. We are in the process to be diagnosed.
I have a wonderful wife (a NT), who is working full-time to help our son Elliott to talk and be functional.
A specialist told us to teach him to read write,and for a week now, he can write his name and some common french words like maman (mom) and papa(dad).
For as long as I can remember, I have felt that I did not belong. Since I don't recall anything before High School, let me tell you an anecdote from High School:
I just could not stand the feeling of jeans on my skin. I only wanted to wear sweat pants because they felt so good and were so comfortable. But wearing that to school, being a good student liked by teachers and overall weird was a very bad mix. The fact that I was overweight did not help either. I was the perfect target for a bunch of bullies. So for the next 4 years, they constantly bullied me, doing things like pulling down my pants to name calling... well the worst nightmare.
I was so sick of it all, I could not bear to go back for my final year. So I didn't. (In a future post, I will tell the tale of that last year
Well I went to college in computer programming (hey what else?), and finally enjoyed school...
Let's get back to present day. I did not have any knowledge about Asperger until a year and a half ago. My wife had a strong feeling at that time that our boy had some kind of autism. Reading about Asperger, she was convinced that I was a classic case of it. It was not until a few weeks ago that an audiologist specialized in working with autistic kids told us that Elliott was probably AS and so was I.
Since then, I have been reading a lot about AS. I found myself identifying with stories from this forum and others.
Like, for example,my hypersensitivity to smells:
Perfumes irritate me a lot. A woman wearing too strong a perfume repel me. And going through perfume and cosmetic departments at Sears is overwhelming.
well enough of my ranting here. I tried all my life to fit in without success. Finding out I'm not alone... so comforting.
Have a nice day everyone,
PS: The nick Jaixan was actually the name of my first AD&D character I made up when I was a kid. I always thought myself a geek...