Toy_Soldier wrote:
Welcome to WP,
Yes it is hard getting NTs to really understand an Aspie's way. We also have interest in them and can care about those we get close to. But we don't always show it in the same way that they are used to, or recognize. As an exampl,e my wife did not understand the love that was demonstarted when I cleaned out and organized her closet.
She was mad! No appreciation for the organizational work of art I had slaved over for hours 'to surprise her'.
In her defense it was what I had tossed out that upset her. She is a pack rat and doesn't understand that a house is like a body. It must eliminate things out as well as take things in or it will eventually explode or become so atomically heavy it sinks to the core of the earth.
That's hilarious.
I know exactly what you mean.
My time and especially my talents are important to me. If I use them both on your behalf I must really like you.
Otherwise I wouldn't have bothered.
Me and the lil misses have learned to co-exist. I make her furniture and random things she selects off pinterest that she thinks are amazing.
When it's actually sanded down and repainted crap with a pseudo philosophical statement stenciled to it.
But it works, i get to engineer something and show my appreciation for her with minimal mush involved.
She gets something pretty and original to rub in her friends faces.