I've only recently discovered I'm very likely an aspie, and I have to say, its been a liberating experience! I have been reading countless blogs and articles on the topic and as a result,found the real me underneath an outer shell I have so carefully constructed throughout my life so that I could function in a world that always seemed out of reach to me!
Its wonderful to finally begin to understand how my mind functions,to understand why I have no interest in sex and why socializing is so difficult for me. I have never known a time, (outside of years of drugs/alcohol) where I felt a part of the world around me.
At first, it was confusing. But now, I'm embracing this new awareness. I'm also learning that its not always good to share this new information with some people in my life. One of my traits is that I'm brutally honest/open with everyone around me. This has exposed another trait I was unaware of-mimicking people so that I can relax and enjoy myself in social situations.
On a note of concern, it seems like my interest has shifted to learning about myself-something which worries me since I'm self employed. The challenges ahead are becoming very real now, and I am very grateful to everyone out there who choose to write about their experiences. You help to make this transition easier and less frightening for me!
My initial scores are
AS 136/200
NT 82/200
Having a better understanding of who I am now would most likely change those scores somewhat as now I see my life much more clearly.