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09 Oct 2012, 2:08 pm

Hi everyone, I'm a 32-year-old male and due to get the results of my official AQ test on Friday. There are AS traits that I don't have, for instance I don't have any tics. I've always found it difficult in some hard-to-define way to interact with others though, and when I read about the experiences of people with AS I understand it in a way that I've never been able to understand NT people.

It's taken two years of major stress and other problems to finally make me seek out some help, and I feel like I'm nearly at the end of a journey where I can finally find the answers to what the hell is wrong with me. I have felt very liberated and very positive as a result of this, finally being able to say that stupid things I did and said weren't really my fault, and being able to properly recognise how well I've adapted to life in a world full of contrary weirdoes. :D I don't want an AS diagnosis so that I can use it as an excuse to hide behind, but more as a shorthand to explain to people who deserve to know and also to hopefully meet other people with similar outlooks.

In real life I've only known two people who I've known to be Asperger's: one man who I seem to clash with for reasons neither of us are quite sure of, probably that we occupy the same social niche, and a girl I was seeing briefly some years ago. She couldn't make eye contact and loved dinosaurs, and I was so refreshed to be in her company and just be able to say what was on our minds and not have to do all the usual social nonsense.

Anyway, I seem to be rambling. Just reading bits of the forums on here has made me feel like I might actually belong somewhere, which is a wonderful feeling. At the moment I get a lightbulb-moment in every other post as I read something that explains another little issue I've had over the years. So hello everyone!

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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09 Oct 2012, 2:21 pm

well welcome! feel free to PM me whenever if you want a friend or someone to talk to.

love me or hate me, im still gonna shine so unless uve lived my life, dont judge me cause u dont know, never have & never will know every little thing about me..


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09 Oct 2012, 3:04 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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09 Oct 2012, 3:17 pm

Thanks both, incidentally Fight Club is my favourite film. I saw it six times at the cinema when it came out. Do you happen to be a fan of Nine Inch Nails as well?


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09 Oct 2012, 9:09 pm

I've heard of the Nine Inch Nails, but have never listened to their music.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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10 Oct 2012, 1:43 pm

Cool, well the reason I ask is that Chuck Palahniuk is reportedly a big fan and wrote the Fight Club novel listening to The Downward Spiral on a loop. The weird thing is that I didn't know this when I first saw the film and I came out of the cinema thinking that it was like a NIN album made into a film. It's a sign of how well-directed the film is and how true it is to the original that I could pick that up like that.

I would recommend you some NIN, but it depends what sort of music you like. They range all the way from floaty electronic loveliness though to smash-your-face-off industrial. To be honest if you were going to like them you probably would have heard them by now so that's cool. I got into them when I was 13, and that's the sort of age where everybody finds a band or two that they like for the rest of their lives, I think we're just more open to it at that age.

EDIT: I do recommend you watch the movie Choke if you haven't seen it though. It's another Palahniuk novel made into a film, and it's very good indeed. It feels very like Fight Club even though Palahniuk is the only thing in common with both films, but it feels more light-hearted and also more emotional.


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10 Oct 2012, 5:59 pm

Eukanuba wrote:
I do recommend you watch the movie Choke if you haven't seen it though. It's another Palahniuk novel made into a film, and it's very good indeed. It feels very like Fight Club even though Palahniuk is the only thing in common with both films, but it feels more light-hearted and also more emotional.

I have read Choke, really good book, and have tried reading Fight Club, but got bored about halfway through. Never saw Fight Club nor Choke.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!