Questions about you
What is your first name? Crystal
Age: 33
Location: Austin, TX
Hobbies and Interests: Reading, watching TV, family
Why are you here? First was looking for information for my daughter who was diagnosed with classic Autism, but then discovered a lot about myself in the process.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Self-diagnosed Aspie, only within the last year.
Favorite music: Lots, but mostly Classic Rock.
Books: Too long to list.
TV shows/Movies: Doctor Who, Big Bang, Modern Family, Dexter, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead
Instrument: Piano
Do you like sports? No
Family: Married with 3 kids, NT husband, Suspected Aspie (oldest), NT daughter, and youngest daughter with classic Autism.
Clothing: Jeans and T-Shirt are my "formal" wear, pajamas when I'm home.
How did you find this website? Google search I think, I've been lurking for awhile and forgot where I first came across the site.
Plans for the future? Happiness?
Any comments? Not really.
age: 33
polymath, too many to list
here for advice
diagnosed with aspergers 6 months ago
whatever I can pursue at this moment
like fantasy/science fiction books, something that lets me think
did like martial arts and much walking / being outside
am housebound, chronically and very severely ill
I don't wish to appear pedantic in my first post, but I have had to join 4 times because every time I log in my membership has disappeared; and now after spending alot of time answering your proforma I find I can't post the reply because your wretched server claims that there is a URLin it, THERE IS NOT! Do you genuinely want people to join and post? If so why make it so hard? Remember we have autism things are hard enough already!
What is your first name? Paul
Age: 31
Location: San Diego
Hobbies and Interests: sports (mainly the statistics; can't get enough fantasy football and online simulated baseball)
Why are you here? to see how other people deal with Asperger's. Maybe find a wife LOL
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): no diagnosis, but I just took a few autism/asperger's tests online over the past few days and boy have i been aceing them (i know it should be spelled "acing" but i don't think i like it that way)
Favorite subjects: Couldn't stand any of them.
Year/Grade: College graduate
Favorite music: rap (not hip-hop; I like skilled rhyming and interesting lyrics, Nas, Big Pun, Eminem) and non-heavy rock bands like Radiohead, Arcade Fire, Coldplay.
Books: I remember liking Catcher in the Rye. Now I just read some magazines and a lot of Wikipedia.
TV shows/Movies: I like indies and classic noir movies. TV-The Wire, Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Curb Your Enthusiasm
Instrument: Never tried one. I like to sing in the shower and in the car, not a natural talent though, to say the least, ha.
Do you like sports? Yes. I really don't know how I'd pass the time without them.
Family: Mom, Dad, older sister. They live in New York.
Clothing: t-shirt, jeans, sneakers.
How did you find this website? Googled "aspergers community online"
Job: Software Developer
Plans for the future? No
Any comments?
What is your first name? Rob
Age: 24
Location: Canada
Hobbies and Interests: Gaming, computers, math...
Why are you here? It's extremely difficult for me to interact with regular society and thought this might help..
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Haven't been yet but I've had 10 separate people over the past year ask me if I'm autistic..
Favorite subjects: Math or History
Year/Grade: Currently taking an Engineering degree
Favorite music: Metal or punk usually. Basically anything that has meaning behind it
Books: Nope. Haven't read an actual book in years. I read the news all the time though
TV shows/Movies: Big bang theory and a lot of documentaries..
Instrument: Tried playing guitar a few years ago. Wasn't very good
Do you like sports? I played football in high school and soccer before that
Family: Daughter who is getting close to being a year old....mmm, yup, that's it
Clothing: as in what am I wearing? O_o
How did you find this website? Saw a mention of it on Wikipedia so I decided to check it out
Job: None at the moment. Focusing on school for now
Plans for the future? Finish my engineering degree, provide for my daughter...
Any comments? Not at the moment. In time I'll probably have some...
Dear all, this is the message I have tried to post about ten times but has been blocked until now. It is my attempt to answer the questions on the ‘Getting to know you proforma’. Its a little long but not much point completing it unless it gives a sense of who I am.
What is your first name?
Lancashire near Manchester, England
I am happily married [and so is my wife Sue!] with one daughter and many animals a cavalier king charles spaniel, 3 cats a lungfish and various birds [including until recently an owl and a crow].
Hobbies and Interests:
Zoology, medieval history, genealogy, heraldry, comparative mythology, the occult, theology, politics and current affairs amongst many others. I also fence fairly occasionally now but frequently in the past and used to ride [horses] a lot.
Why are you here?
I want to learn more about Autism, to share with others and help if I can.
When were you diagnosed?:
I was recently diagnosed as being on the high functioning autistic spectrum [formerly Asperger’s]. This came as a shock to me but not to my wife. I had known for most of my life I was ‘different’ and had suspected mild Asperger’s for years. The shock was not that I was on the ‘Autistic spectrum’ but that the condition far from being mild was in fact fairly severe, though well masked by years of practice. My wife told me early in our relationship [we have been married for nearly seven years now] that I had Asperger’s I did not doubt her for several reasons; the first being that I trust her implicitly and the second that it fitted all the facts. Withdrawn and socially isolated as a child, I was severely bullied at school. I was an advanced and compulsive reader, with obsessive interests, a lack of empathy [as a child, much better at it now], and an almost complete inability to read body language or make eye contact [even now], I had a tendency to parrot words and phrases [ie echolalia, I do it even now sometimes], I was identified as gifted at 6 yrs, but failed to progress in a normal school or work settings, and am often completely perplexed and overwhelmed at social gatherings etc etc. My wife Sue is the Special Education Needs Coordinator at a large Primary School [equivalent of an Elementary School in the USA] so she is well placed to know whether I am autistic or not. She is of course also very understanding and exceptionally good at ‘handling’ me [I am very lucky]. For my part I learned early to mask my symptoms, but not without considerable emotional fallout. Recently as a result of several incidents relating to the death and ill health of close relatives, and a neighbourhood dispute [now resolved] I suffered from a recurrence of symptoms I had thought to be long under control. These included anxiety, meltdowns, shutdowns and sleep disorders etc. I decided it was time to take action and sought a formal assessment. It was after this that I became aware that what I had assumed to be perhaps very mild Asperger’s was in reality more severe. Perhaps it should have been obvious but it wasn’t to me until my wife mentioned it no one else had, not at school, not at university, not at work. I was often ostracized or socially isolated particularly at school. I lack the ability to read body language unless I try really hard and even then I can’t do eye contact and still make mistakes. One of the big problems is that if I concentrate on reading body language I don’t register what is said; but if I listen properly I cannot keep eye contact or read body language and appear to be rude and or not listening. I can handle emotions badly and I am hyper sensitive to many sounds. I have obsessive interests becoming immersed for days or even weeks in research and writing projects. This can be difficult at home if not managed but can be beneficial too. Recently I have been commissioned by different publishers to write articles and texts on subjects as varied as medieval history and the occult. Like most Aspies in childhood and through to my twenties I lacked empathy with all but other Aspies, gradually however I developed better skills and my wife assures me that now at 48 I have as much empathy as most supposedly normal people.
Not strictly relevant but I have a handful of degrees and fellowships picked from Universities and work mostly in the natural sciences but also in history
I studied mostly ecology and environmental management at University [Liverpool John Moores, Lancaster and Goldsmiths] and then worked through the late 80’s and 90’s as a Zoo Education Officer, RSPB Nature Reserve Warden in the Norfolk Broads [Royal society for the Protection of Birds] and Park Ranger in the West Pennine Moors. But I never really felt fulfilled or progressed and never achieved what I wanted to. I don’t work well in teams [unless I’m in charge!] and I find bosses an obstacle. Most bosses are in any case fools and I don’t suffer fools gladly, or in fact at all.
So I finally gave up working for others and set up my own business as an Ecological and Zoological Consultant and for the last ten years have successfully coordinated European Protected Species ecological mitigation programmes for large scale infra-structure projects [highways, pipelines, powerplants, sports stadia and new town developments amongst other projects].
I also do some commissioned genealogy and heraldry research on a semi-professional basis. I currently have some advance book contracts on medieval history and the occult [one finished now and in pre-publication editing and two nearly finished].
Favourite music:
I like all sorts of music but more as a background ranging through pop, rock, folk musicals and classical, and will often play something on my ipod as I walk the dog. But music is more of a background thing for me and I rarely play any at home, I am fairly hypersensitive to sound so it has to be fairly quiet.I mostly use my Ipod for playing podcasts of radio documentaries BBC Radio 4 has wonderful podcasts all completely free, if you like science, art or religion all of the weekly ‘In our Time’ programmes are available right back to 1992 for instance and many years worth of analysis is also available for those who like politics or economics.
I love books and collect books to such an extent that I built a library and gallery into my house. I have about 4,000 books in the library, with a couple of hundred paintings and orthodox icons and perhaps hundred bronze sculptures [the majority are Indian murtis] also saints relics, other historical artefacts and a large collection of swords, daggers. I read constantly and write mostly on fairly arcane and obscure subjects. The internet generally is a superb and expanding resource, and google books are particularly useful.
TV shows/Movies:
I watch a lot of documentaries but like all sorts of films and TV, too many to list but have found that I watch fewer now than in the past. A few enduring favourites include the Harry Potter films, the Star Treks, LOTR of course, others I watch frequently are Faulty Towers, The Thirteenth Warrior, The Wicker Man and The Matrix. Some current favourites are Sherlock [the BBC TV version], and Sherlock Holmes [The guy Ritchie films], Trollied, Big Bang Theory and I LOVE The Middle [I was Brick as a child!].
Do you like sports?
A big no. Except for a slight interest in fencing, canoeing and riding all of which I have done in the past.
I tend to wear jeans and a Breton smock [blue] for work and relaxation, when dressed more formally I favour cords or moleskins a tatersall shirt and a tweed or moleskin jacket, when outdoors [a lot with dog or doing ecological survey] wax jacket or tweed shooting jacket. I never wear ties or a suit even for Royalty a navy blue blazer and cords is as about as far as I will go in terms of formality. I can’t wear wool or anything itchy close to the skin I will only use cotton!
How did you find this website?
Just by surfing and searching.
What is your first name? Floryann
Age: 27
Location: Sweden
Hobbies and Interests: music (piano, singing, writing, composing), learning languages, photography, philosophy, spirituality, travels, visual communication, web design, ...
Why are you here? To be in contact with people like me.
When were you diagnosed? not yet, planning to.
Favorite subjects: music and languages.
Year/Grade: High school graduate
Favorite music: classical, pop, rock, gothic, industrial and world music like arabic, turkish.
Books: especially books of Paulo Cohelo, Molière and of course my grammar books !
TV shows/Movies: documentaries and some series, daria, queer as folk, turkish series.
Instrument: piano, keyboards
Do you like sports? Nope.
Family: my partner, mom, dad, grandmas.
Clothing: my style
How did you find this website? Google search !
Job: not yet
Plans for the future? Live and continue to do what I like.
Any comments? ...
I thought I had the worst beginner's (joiner's) luck, but I hand my hat to you! Not only has this somewhat ancient technology tried to bind you, hand and foot, but you have fought back, valiantly. Kudos!
If you make it past the heebeejeebee newcomer issues, would be happy to engage in aspie-approved polite conversation.
"Whether you think you can or can't, you're right." ~ Henry Ford
Thanks for the kind words Kooner.
it did seem as if the site was trying to reject me! Yes I did fight back but perhaps an over reaction and at the cost of irritating the Moderator, who was helpful. Anyway I have been doing some family things for the last day or two, but happy to talk any time.
Going to give this an attempt.
What is your first name? Steve
Age: 25
Location: Ireland - The least progressive national on Earth, but we love a pint, so its grand
Hobbies and Interests: Big sports fan, Rebuild computers, Obsessively read History
Why are you here? Have spent the last 2 years struggling to accept my differences and was blown way by you guys after being directed to look at his forum, genuinely feeling decent about myself having skimmed over the forums
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2 years ago
Favorite subjects: History, Film, Sports
Favorite music: Eclectic, From Metal to Paul Simon
Books: Generally Politics and History
TV shows/Movies: Too long winded for this websites servers to hold
Instrument: Never finished learning any
Do you like sports? I have answered this above. But its all Mainly sports like "Soccer-Ball" and "Rugerby" although I can quote John Elways Passing stat's too........ Sad........
Family: 2 Brothers and a Mother and a Father, a step father, a step sister.
Clothing: Im lost with this one, do I answer yes? or do I say something like "I wouldnt be caught dead n anything but abercrombie" lost.......
How did you find this website? A friend who has been spending the last year telling me how he has "researched" Aspergers and that Im basically gifted because I was diagnosed told me I wouldnt survive if I didnt give it a go.
Job: Retail - I am a huge underachiever, college drop out, terrible trouble in school yet performed exceptionally, hence the crap job.
Plans for the future? Cant put any together. Finding this part very tough.
Any comments? Well, I have never used forums so basically Im here to try help me understand, see a path to actually move forward and finally converse with people who may understand some of my oddities. Thats a fairly decent comment, no?
What is your first name? Denee (pronounced den-nay)
Age: 22
Tennessee in the USA
Hobbies and Interests:
Creative writing, photography, american sign language, crochet, music, anything vaguely crafty
Why are you here?
I want to learn everything I can and meet some of the nice people here.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
I have strong suspicions of Asperger's, but I have not been formally diagnosed. I am, after all, a poor college student.
Favorite subjects:
Creative Writing, Psychology, Art, English, Biology. It depends on the day really.
I have two bachelors degrees, but I am not currently in school. I am applying to grad schools now.
Favorite music:
My tastes are eclectic and depend on my mood. My current favorite artist is Vienna Teng.
I could never list all of my favorites. I read mostly fantasy, but I'm not opposed to other genres. Harry Potter is one of my favorites. As are the Abhorsen books by Garth Nix and A Tale of Two Cities.
TV shows/Movies:
Sherlock, Doctor Who, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Stargate, Buffy
I have played clarinet for 12 years. I love to sing. I have been singing alto in my college choir until now. I like to play the piano in my spare time, but I have never been very good and was never inclined to practice much either. I am learning guitar now.
Do you like sports?
I don't have anything against sports, but I don't particularly like them. I don't like to watch them on TV, although I always like hockey games. I have always been terrible at playing sports.
That's a complicated subject. I am living with my mother until I get a job and can move into an apartment.
Anything comfortable, which usually means jeans and a tee-shirt.
How did you find this website?
Currently looking for a short term position
Plans for the future?
Well, I am applying to grad schools right now and my future depends on where I get into. I am looking at several different programs, although I am hoping to get into either the Audiology or MFA program. At the moment I am looking for a job to get me through until I can go back to school in the fall. Beyond that, I would love to travel around the world.
Any comments?
What is your first name?
Line (it’s pronounced a bit like Leena in English)
Age: 46
Location: Denmark
Hobbies and Interests:
Actually, I don’t differentiate between hobbies, interests, work and just living my life in general. I have lots of things I like spending my time on, so here are a few: Philosophy - especially buddhism and taoism, psychology, natural history – especially wildflowers, herbs, trees, birds, insects, rocks and minerals, gardening, gastronomy, visual art, crafts and DIY, music, reading, surfing the Internet and generally expanding my knowledge, skills and consciousness indefinitely.
Why are you here?
Looking for a place where I won’t feel like an outcast.
When were you diagnosed?
Misdiagnosed at age 38 with ‘possible schizotypal disorder (ICD-10)’. Self-diagnosed 2011 Asperger’s syndrom after several years of own research.
3 years at a private art school, the only higher education I ever finished. 2 years of Art History and Medieval History at University of Copenhagen. Had to leave due to severe meltdowns/shutdowns and depression. Three quarters of a 1-year Higher Commercial Examination Programme. Had to leave due to severe meltdowns/shutdowns and depression.
Favorite music: too many different kinds to name
Fiction: Fantasy (Steven Erikson, Ian C.Esslemont, Elizabeth Moon, Robin Hobb...) and science fiction (Robert Sheckley, Ray Bradbury, Steven Donaldson’s ‘Gap Cycle’ and more) H.P. Lovecraft, Charles Stross. Non-fiction: see ‘Hobbies and Interests’, plus: dictionaries, encyclopedias, books with recipes (food and other). Comic books (Marvel Comics, Hellboy and B.P.R.D.)
TV shows/Movies:
Anything science fiction and fantasy related. Star Trek, Buffy, Angel, Warehouse 13, Eureka, Doctor Who... And kung fu movies. Oh, and movies where nothing really happens, sometime I like not having to deal with suspense.
Piano, synthesizer, thumb piano, and anything that sounds fun when hit with a rubber mallet (the xylophone type). My partner is a musician and we worked together for some years, until the work put too much of a strain on our relationship – maybe we’ll try it again sometime in the future.
Do you like sports?
Generally, no. I don’t watch TV anymore, so I don’t watch sports. I do however practise Tai Chi Chuan, Wudang style (Cheng Tin Hung/Dan Docherty), because I have to do something for my health, or I would literally be in constant pain (not kidding – I’ve been there). I chose Tai Chi Chuan because I abhor mindless exercise, and martial arts have a good balance of training the mind as well as the body – and it’s slow, so my brain can keep up.
Dysfunctional. No contact with my father or his family for more than 20 years. Good riddance. My Mom and I are close. I have some contact with my older sister and her husband and 5 year-old son, less with my Mom’s twin brother and older sister. Of the rest of my Mom’s siblings two are dead, one is an insane sociopath and the last an alcoholic misfit. All my grandparents are long dead.
Casual, sometimes girly boheme, mostly practical and unisex, often a size or two too large.
How did you find this website? Can’t recall. A link somewhere.
On disability pension since 2006, following my last disastrous attempt at an education. I take care of my ugly little house, my wildish garden, the wildlife in said garden and of course my partner through 18 years (we take care of each other, since we are both outcasts). I do artsy stuff, when I feel well enough to do so, such as photography, video, scanography, drawing and painting. And beaded jewelry, which I sell on Etsy.
Plans for the future?
I have a strong aversion to planning (lousy executive function). I’m fairly content with my life as it is now, and if something unexpected happens I’m confident that I can deal with it then.
What is your first name? Blake.
Age: 16 (17 in June).
Location: Sydney, Australia.
Hobbies and Interests: Writing/Making music, making/playing games, I like to know the latest on all those normal nerdy topics like technology, science and all, and steampunk
Why are you here? Being a part of a community that I was born a part of.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 6 I think? I could have been younger...
Favorite subjects: Computers, Science and Music
Year/Grade: When school starts back up after the holidays I will be in year 11.
Favorite music: I listen to just about anything but my favorite artist is 'Linkin Park' - But i have to say, I actually hate all their new stuff.
Books: I don't read, But i really have to get into it because I want to be able to just pickup a book and learn and my girlfriend reads a lot of novels that I would like to be a part of.
TV shows/Movies: I have so many! but just some that come to mind would be: Expendables, Star Trek, Serenity, Real Steel, Iron Man, Resident Evil, Resident Evil: Apocalypse, The Matrix, Avatar, I Am Legend, Finding Forrester, Adam (movie), Titanic, Fairy Tail, Arby 'N' the Chief, Game of Thrones, Chuck, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Full Metal Alchemist, InuYasha, Top Gear, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: The Next Generation, The Big Bang Theory, Stargate SG-1
Instrument: Guitar and keyboard/piano
Do you like sports? No, not really.
Family: I live with my Mum, Dad, older Brother and younger Sister.
Clothing: For a guy I have far to much! I have lots of nice clothes and shoes and everything.
How did you find this website? My Dad told me about it when I was really young.
Job: I used to work at McDonalds and I am currently looking for work now but only really wanting something like an IT job or something I am interested in.
Plans for the future? Do good in year 11 and 12, then university (Don't know what field of study yet... - I'm really running out of time), get a good paying job that I will enjoy with nice people, move out with my girlfriend and get married.
Any comments? I am also fine with just becoming a famous musician.

Joined: 3 Jan 2013
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 17
Location: Nowheresville, Minnesota, USA
What is your first name? Hanna
Age: 17
Location: Minnesota
Hobbies and Interests: Music performance and production, creative and nonfiction writing, songwriting, reading, philosophy, science fiction, fantasy
Why are you here? A resource for me, maybe to understand myself better by learning about others like me
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I supposed I may have been four or five years old.
Favorite subjects: mathematics, science, English, music theory, music production
Year/Grade: Junior year of high school
Favorite music: Nightwish, Pink Floyd, Stone Sour, Ravenface, Halestorm, Apocalyptica, Flyleaf, Shinedown, Staind, Rise Against, Disturbed, Sick Puppies (my full list goes on a lot longer, I won't bore you)
Books: Most of Shakespeare's works, The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, Incarnations of Immortality, Bio of a Space Tyrant, The Slayer Chronicles, Harry Potter, Of Mice and Men, The Things They Carried, 1984, The Hunger Games, The House of the Scorpion, Lord of the Rings (again, a long list)
TV shows/Movies: Supernatural, How I Met Your Mother, Invader Zim, Merlin, Donnie Darko, Xanadu, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Lord of the Rings, Winx Club (4Kids dub), My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Anastasia, Quest for Camelot, Toy Story, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
Instrument: Guitar, bass, ocarina, piano, steel drums
Do you like sports? No
Family: Middle child. Two older brothers Chris and Ryan, younger sister Acacia, and little brother Chip. Parents married but on the verge of divorce, hoping to live with my mom if I'm not out of the house by then.
Clothing: Dark neutrals and cools, usually a little dirty or torn, sometimes decorated with stitches, zippers, buckles, safety pins, or locks. Chuck Taylors. Jeans. Silver jewlery, black ring. Clock on a necklace.
How did you find this website? While doing research for a paper on autism diagnosis.
Job: Waitress
Plans for the future? I dream of being a rockstar, but I'm going into music production to gain some skills that will assist my success.
Any comments? I'm happy to be here. Anyone who want's to get to know me better can message me.
Hanna. Without the second H, because that's how I like it.
What is your first name? Just call me Trissie
Age: 23
Location: United States, Georgia
Hobbies and Interests: Read, write, talk, sing, crochet, collect dolls and stuffed animals
Why are you here? I am here because I would like to meet other people who share similar interests and who will be able to understand me and I hope to make some new friends
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I was diagnosed in May of 2012
Favorite subjects: I like biology and literature
Year/Grade: Senior in college
Favorite music: christian and classical music
Books: mystery, the Bible, research articles and biology books
TV shows/Movies: Spongebob, Fairly Odd Parents, Adventure Time, all of the Star Wars trilogy, Shrek, and movies on lifetime
Instrument: piano
Do you like sports? I like football and hockey
Family: I have a Mom, Dad, and a younger brother
Clothing: I like to wear dresses, skirts and collard t-shirts
How did you find this website? From my psychologist
Job: I am a full-time students
Plans for the future? I hope to finish my undergraduate degree and then go on to get my doctors degree in a branch of ecology.