Questions about you
What is your first name? Lotte
Age: 28
Location: Manchester, UK. Born in London, used to live in Brighton, would like to move back there one day.
Hobbies and Interests: Reading, writing fanfic, writing songs and playing various instruments / singing, going to gigs, Judaism, astrology, languages, British comedy, manga, cooking.
Why are you here? I have Asperger's Syndrome.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): In 1994, when I was 10, and I think I got rediagnosed when I was a teenager. I'd always been a bit weird and antisocial, but I started acting up after my dad died, and my mum was worried about me and sent me to a psychologist. She got me to do some tests and I was diagnosed with Asperger's.
Favorite subjects: anything language-related, history, music (although I hated my teacher), biology.
Year/Grade: I graduated university over 4 years ago. Got a 2:1 in German and Spanish and went back to do my Masters in 2007. And I'm another one who interrupted - halfway through second year, I had a bit of a breakdown. I went back the following year and caught up with the bits I missed, but I couldn't do the year abroad as I wasn't well enough to go.
Favorite music: rock, metal, classical, electronica, indie, alternative, grunge, singer-songwriters, soundtracks, and the odd bit of pop and cheese. Space and the Pogues are my favourite bands, and I also like Tori Amos, Regina Spektor, Catatonia, the Manics, Kirsty MacColl, Janelle Monae, Radiohead, Blur, the Beatles, and loads of others.
- Books: Anne Of Green Gables, the Chalet School series, Dawn Of The Dumb, the Discworld series, Franny & Zooey, Generation X, George...Don't Do That!, the Harry Potter series, Life Isn't All Ha Ha Hee Hee, Linda Goodman's Sun Signs, Matilda, Nights At The Circus, Notes From A Big Country, Our Bodies Ourselves, The Women's Room. (Does the Torah count?)
- Comics / manga / graphic novels: Azumanga Daioh, Black Lagoon, Bleach, Claymore, Embroideries, The Far Side, Hellsing, Johnny The Homidical Maniac, Lenore, Naruto, One Piece, Persepolis, Sailor Moon, Soul Eater.
TV shows/Movies:
- TV: Azumanga Daioh, Blackadder Goes Forth, Brasseye, The Day Today, Hellsing Ultimate, The League Of Gentlemen, Monty Python, Nathan Barley, Robot Chicken, Sailor Moon, The Simpsons when it was good, South Park, The Young Ones. I don't have a TV, though. I watch most things online.
- Movies: Airplane!, American Pie, Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, Back To The Future, Bring It On, Fight Club, The Full Monty, Home Alone, Home Alone 2, Kill Bill, The Lion King, The Lives Of Others, Monty Python & The Holy Grail, Robin Hood (Disney), This Is Spinal Tap, The Usual Suspects.
Instrument: Piano, guitar, trumpet, bass, drums, keyboard, and I played the flute in high school. I would like to learn the tuba as well but they're not cheap.
Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: Football to watch - I'm an Everton supporter, albeit an armchair one - and swimming to do, and I enjoyed hockey in high school.
Family: My dad's dead. My mum remarried but got divorced in 2008 and is now going out with an old boyfriend of hers, who has two kids in their teens. I also have a younger brother.
Clothing: Long skirts, DMs, lots of black / green / purple.
How did you find this website? Google, when I was looking up information about good jobs for people with Asperger's.
Job: Legal secretary
Plans for the future? I really want to get into translation work as I have an MA in Translation & Interpreting Studies. And I'm going to Barcelona in May, to Primavera Sound.
What is your first name? Aaron
Age: 23
Location: New Jersey
Hobbies and Interests: Video games, reading, music, movies
Why are you here? I'm on the Autism spectrum...somewhere.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2007
Favorite subjects: Biology, Foreign Languages
Year/Grade: 2007 (High School Graduation!)
Favorite music: Electronic music, some rock and pop. Like too many artists to list, but my favorite group is Daft Punk.
Books: Again, too many to warrant listing. Favorite is El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha.
TV shows/Movies: Sci-fi, action, comedy. Favorite is flick is Star Wars, fave TV show is Firefly.
Instrument: Used to take piano lessons. Also like the electric guitar. Or the electric anything, for that matter, given my musical tastes.
Do you like sports? No.
Family: 2x parent(s), 1x sibling(s).
Clothing: Yes, I wear it.
How did you find this website? Honestly don't remember. Around the same time I heard of John Elder Robison's book, so NPR maybe?.
Job: High Janitor of All Janitors
Plans for the future? Survive.
Any comments? Hi!
What is your first name? Christina
Age: 33
Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Hobbies and Interests: movies, music, exersicing, reading
Why are you here? to understand
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I suspect aspergers.
Favorite subjects: art and English
Year/Grade: started college for elementary education and child psychology but due to social meltdowns didn't finish.
Favorite music: Pretty much love all of it except for pop country
Books: I haven't read in awhile but plan to put it on my todo list very soon, I enjoy vampire and science fiction type stuff.
TV shows/Movies: Once Upon A Time, Weeds, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, Firefly, amount many many others
Instrument: rock band!
Do you like sports? I enjoy working out but not sports
Family: I'm happily married to my best friend Daniel and we have an awesome 10 yr old Trent, they are my inspiration to try to understand who I am.
Clothing: Jeans and tee type of gal
How did you find this website? online search
Job: have bounced between seamstress and cake decorator for the past 15 yrs
Plans for the future? Save up money to get a sail boat and take up sailing and seeing the world after my son grows up. I haven't seen much but desire to do so.
Any comments?
What is your first name? Chris
Age: 50+
Location: Ohio USA
Hobbies and Interests: This may be a long list
Sewing, knitting, crocheting, cooking, aromatherapy, reading, writing, gardening, doing massage and continuing my education there, making jewelry (beads and wires, don't know metalworking yet), wood work, computer programing in those obsolete languages like BASIC, Fortran and RPG. RPG's as in table top role playing (not a fan of the computer or on-line stuff), walking, wicca and more
Why are you here? Not really sure. Find friends I hope.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): This is a bit strange,
I was diagnosed ADHD when I was 6. My son was diagnosed with Aspergers a few years back, when he was 24. He moved in with me last year and so I started doing more studying about Aspergers and began taking some of the tests and quizzes. According to them (ALL of them) I very likely have Aspergers, or high level Autism, or whatever, myself.
Favorite subjects: Here is my problem. I like studying just about anything and was never able to really get into one field to be able to find a fulfilling job.
Year/Grade: Not applicable
Favorite music: really varies depending on my mood. Most of the time I just listen to soothing mood music.
TV shows/Movies: Not much into movies anymore. Did enjoy the first Iron Man and The Avengers (Marvel). TV, well.... Grimm, Project Runway, Haven, Doctor Who. I also watch Cadfael and Lovejoy which I have on DVD.
Instrument: Piano
Do you like sports? Used to play tennis, a long, long time ago. Don't watch anything.
Family: Myself, one son with Aspergers, one daughter who is bipolar and may also have Aspergers, and my gentleman friend who does NOT have Aspergers, but is bipolar on medication.
Clothing: eclectic, my style choices change with the seasons and right now I am slowly moving out of my recent "hippy" phase.
How did you find this website? I think it was mentioned at Wikipedia. Sounded interesting so I thought I would take a look.
Job: Cashier
Plans for the future? Get my two kids out of the house and on their own. Beyond that I kind of like my rut and don't see a real need to change.
Any comments? I'm kind of glad I found this site even though I feel rather old here.
The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple. -- Oscar Wilde
What is your first name? Lauryl
Age: 25
Location: Chicago suburbs, Illinois, US
Hobbies and Interests: languages, psychology, psychiatry, pharmacology, animals (especially stingrays at the moment), dragons
Why are you here? would like to make friends
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): strongly suspected to be somewhere on the spectrum, possibly aspergers, on a wait list for an evaluation
Favorite music: Depends on my mood, I listen to a lot of different stuff
Books: mostly nonfiction, often related to my above listed interests. Occasional fantasy books, I don't read much fiction
TV shows/Movies: bbc Sherlock, Doctor Who, real crime shows (Forensic Files, Crime 360, etc)
Instrument: Violin, though I'm not very good at it
Family: We don't really talk that much
Clothing: skirts and comfy tops
How did you find this website? saw someone else mention it on reddit
Job: pharmacy tech at a big box retailer
Plans for the future? go back to school someday (I've dropped out of college twice)
Last edited by Azrikel on 10 Jan 2013, 9:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
What is your first name? Elisabeth
Age: 61
Location: Connecticut
Hobbies and Interests:
Currently 17th century embroidery and History. Many, many other passions have come and faded - the echoes remain though - as well as the accompanying ephemera. Painting and artwork and beading and jewelry and metalwork and various curious mostly craft and creative pursuits... as well as religion and psychology and physics and mathematical theories and chemistry and alchemy and architectural space...
Why are you here?
This seems to be a place filled with people much like me in a way.
When were you diagnosed?
Not sure what the point of a diagnosis would be at my age. Anyway, I very much dislike the label 'disorder'- though I realize that when one can't function in the world, it is appropriate. As a child, they sent me to psychologists in school, but I never found out a diagnosis....anyway, my parents took me out of public schools shortly thereafter and I got to enjoy parochial school hell instead. I have no doubt, had the dx existed in the early 60's, that I would have been placed in the Aspie box, possibly medicated and 'treated' professionally - but lucky for me, they didn't do it that way in the olden days. I've known for years that I, and quite a few of my relatives, are/were gloriously eccentric, weird, wired differently and unique. For the most part, we managed well enough and we supported each other and liked ourselves, even if others did not. My father helped me learn to overcome the bullies and forge for myself the armor of self worth and esteem. And oh...I keep scoring around 42-44 on the Simon Baron-Cohen yep, the shoe fits quite nicely.
Favorite subjects:
Remaining present to the ways of the world - spiritual - temporal and mundane...It's a Thursday today, and I haven't finished my breakfast yet.
I do believe it's 2013 and I'm still hoping (perhaps in vain) to make the Grade
Favorite music:
Mostly quiet, depends on my mood - I tend to use it to enhance my emotional state.
Oh yes...lots, and lots, and lots, of books...they fill my home like a personal tracing of the interests and passions that have beset me and mine. Silent friends who line the walls, protecting, supporting and nourishing - as well as collecting dust which exacerbates my allergies.
TV shows/Movies:
Rarely - I find them either too powerful and disturbing, or repulsive and time wasting ... I.usually just read the reviews and synopses so that I can maintain a facade of 'current interest'
Cant read music, but I have a 'good ear' - I play Recorders (woodwinds) and I have a nice voice and can naturally harmonize.
Do you like sports?
No, although games like boggle and bananagrams occasionally suffice my competitive spirits or solitary boredom.
Yes...married twice - seven children between us all - half a dozen grands. Too much to say here - going to skip it
Prefer it to be clean, modest and comfortable. It's taken me a lifetime to figure this one out, but I'm told I dress just fine now, after decades of hearing 'Are you going to wear THAT? I have learned to match colors and be normal enough so as not to attract attention to myself.
How did you find this website?
Can't quite remember - perhaps Wikipedia or one of the sites with the Baron-Cohen quiz?
Started in retail and food service as a teen - library work in college - made money as a proofreader- Got married and became the mother of 4 children (which pay$ poorly , but remains a lifetime and FULLtime occupation) - went on to become a jeweler and crafts circuit artist..after my divorce, morphed into a dental technician for the regularity of income. ..(got carpal tunnel syndrome and had to quit abusing my hands with the work). Remarried and received more children...became a teacher's aide in my children's school, where I learned more about myself than I had in the previous 46 years... and finally about autism and Aspergers - though it is only in the last 3 or 4 that I cam to see myself as being on the spectrum, instead of merely 'out of the box'...
That school was the big breakthrough place for me; where I began to understand myself and how I 'fit in' (or didn't) - Unlike many of the teachers and aides, I loved working and just being with the 'labeled' kids. The ones with Aspergers or the autists; I think I was drawn to them naturally. Perhaps I was deluding myself, but I felt I really understood them; while uniquely themselves, they were also mini-mes as well. Their difficulties mirrored the ones I had experienced growing up. I accepted them each as they were, and they would often seek me out during the horrors of 'recess' or the 'lunchroom'. One of the older ones called me a 'safe adult'. I worked at the one school for over a decade, going on to become a Social Studies and History teacher in the middle school grades and eventually became a unique employee who tended to get used like a piece of putty that was stuffed into the cracks of the institution...rather "jack of all tradesy". Is the laminator stuck? get Mrs. M! Is there a snake in the principal's office - get Mrs. M! Do you need someone to design the props and costumes for the play? get Mrs. M. Is the second grade teacher out today? get Mrs. M! I finally retired when my husband did and we moved to CT and I've been volunteering in a school library here and as a substitute.
Plans for the future? In the Dickensian manner - more please!! !...more life, and learning and gardening and embroidery and in the immediate future, surviving the planning and execution of the upcoming wedding of my daughter.
Any comments? Thank you for being here - I've lurked for a while and this site seems safe and homey enough to hang out in. That's it! I think the Wrong Planet might just be my native land - and I've found some homies!
Welcome Elizabeth,
It was good to read about someone who seems more like me, though possibly more successful in life. As a young person I knew I did not fit my family, truly the odd one out. With three - now grown - children who are all most likely also Apergerian we communicate with each other famously, and all suffer the same sort of problems dealing with the outside world.
No grandchildren though, and most likely never will be. For some reason all of my children have chosen to be single and childless.
I have not been here long, but wish you quite well.
What is your first name? Nima
Age: 25
Location: Toronto
Hobbies and Interests: Astronomy, Football (soccer), Politics, Music
Why are you here? To find more people like myself who kinda like being the odd one out.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Grade 11
Favorite subjects: See Hobbies above
Year/Grade: 2nd year Poli-Sci
Favorite music: Bon Jovi, Hans Zimmer, Celine Dion, Bryan Adams...
Books: Anything on politics and astronomy
TV shows/Movies: Person of Interest, The Daily Show, Soccer (Arsenal)
Instrument: None, but like the guitar
Do you like sports? Football (Soccer)
Family: Only child
Clothing: Normal
How did you find this website? Just surfing Google
Job: University student
Plans for the future? Hopefully law school
Any comments? I exercise my right to silence
"War does not determine who is right- only who is left"
Bertrand Russell
What is your first name? Eliza
Age: Almost 61
Location: Maryland
Hobbies and Interests: tennis, mysteries, writing, adventure, maybe golf
Why are you here? I am lost
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I don't know
Favorite subjects: mysteries, science, travel, writing, travel
Year/Grade: What?
Favorite music: Classical Blues, pre-1970s country blues
Books: I haven't read anything for a very long time; scientific breakthroughs, philosophy
TV shows/Movies: British mysteries; mysteries; Science Fiction a-z; Adventure; horror; Something entirely different
Instrument: none
Do you like sports? tennis, golf maybe, horseback riding,
Family: two children and several in-laws
Clothing: constantly evolving
How did you find this website? I have an Aspie friend
Job: Analyst
Plans for the future? Looking for a travel companion
Any comments
Tufted Titmouse

Joined: 13 Jan 2013
Age: 43
Gender: Female
Posts: 35
Location: Switzerland - Europe - Earth - Solar System - Milky Way - Virgo SC - Universe
Age: early 30s
Location: Europe > Switzerland
Hobbies and Interests: reading (especially non-fiction), photography, film soundtracks, mechanical puzzles...
Why are you here? I'm looking for like-minded people
When were you diagnosed?: I haven't been formally diagnosed
Favorite subjects: comparative linguistics, history of mathematics, ancient history, taxonomy...
Books: confirmed bookworm here. I've turned my whole apartment into a library.
Do you like sports? I enjoy outdoor, solitary sports: hiking, climbing, parkour, swimming
Family: I live alone, I'm single and I don't have any family in this part of the world.
Clothing: comfy, modest clothes
Job: adult education
Tufted Titmouse

Joined: 13 Jan 2013
Age: 43
Gender: Female
Posts: 35
Location: Switzerland - Europe - Earth - Solar System - Milky Way - Virgo SC - Universe
What is you first name? Louis
Age: 24
Location: Michigan
Hobbies and Interest: videogames, art, writing, nature
Why are you here? To find a place where I belong and meet others that I can related to.
When were you diagnosed? October, last Holloween to be exact.
Favorite subject: history
Year/Grade: N/A
Favorite Music: videogame soundtracts
books: The Holy Bible
TV shows/Movies: Pokemon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic, One Piece
Instrument: None
Do you like sports? Bowling
Family: Mother, Father, 2 sisters, 1 brother
Clothing: Casual
How did you find this website? Searching for Aspergers Support Groups
Job: currently unemployed
Plans for the future? working towards a career in computer programming
Any comments? Anyone around my age is welcome to PM me if they want to know more about me.
Pileated woodpecker

Joined: 16 Jan 2013
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Posts: 180
Location: Massachusetts, United States
What is your first name?: Ryan
Age: 21
Location: Massachusetts, United States
Hobbies and Interests: Watching movies, playing video games (especially RPGs, RTSs, and sandbox games), listening to music, reading articles and books, computer programming, taking solitary walks, etc.
Why are you here?: I have had difficulty finding people to socialize with at the college I go to, and so would love to be able to socialize with those I can relate to.
When were you diagnosed?: A few months ago
Favorite subjects: Computer Science, Psychology, Formal Logic, Philosophy, History, Politics, Economics, and some forms of mathematics (the fun kind)
Year/Grade: Senior in College
Favorite music:
Classic Rock (Pink Floyd, Queen, Steely Dan, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Stray Cats, etc.)
Metal (old Metallica, Iron Maiden, Dream Theater, Symphony X, Nightwish, Alestorm, Kamelot, etc.)
Classical (Mozart, Vivaldi, Bach)
Alternative (Alice in Chains, Stone Temple Pilots, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nine Inch Nails, Tool, etc.)
Fiction (The Brothers Karamazov, Les Miserables, all of Shakespeare, all of Edgar Allan Poe, Lord of the Flies, 1984, The Fountainhead, The Hobbit, The Great Gatsby, Harry Potter (series))
TV shows/Movies:
TV (Breaking Bad, The Big Bang Theory, South Park, Star Trek, The Twilight Zone, historical documentaries)
Movies (practically anything directed by Stanley Kubrick, Martin Scorcese, Quentin Tarantino, the Coen Brothers, Christopher Nolan or David Fincher)
Instrument: None
Do you like sports?: I like American football, and sort of like ice hockey (played the former for a couple years, like watching the latter)
Family: Divorced parents but frequent contact with both, oldest of 2 boys
Clothing: Computer nerd t-shirts and sweat pants, and a coat depending on the temperature
How did you find this website?: Google
Job: Work as a CS tutor and as a computer repair technician at my college, but will be joining the corporate world as a systems analyst upon graduation
Plans for the future?: Career success, a comfortable life, and hopefully a couple really good friends. I'd also love to write a novel.
Any comments?: Fun exercise! It has been great reading what everyone else has posted.
What is your first name?
Age: 33
Location: Amsterdam The Netherlands
Hobbies and Interests: Anime, Photoshop, Illustrator, crochet.
Why are you here? I am soon going to be tested for Asperger syndrom
When were you diagnosed?DX with Borderline in 2005 though I have never been comfortable with the diagnosis, since I lack so many of the classical symptoms.
Favorite subjects: For now, I can talk extensive periods on the workings of social interaction.
Favorite music: Beyonce, Adele, Karaoke
Books: All of Oliver Sach's works. Self help book addict. Howls moving Castle.
TV shows/Movies: Friends, Greys anatomy, Private Practice. Star Trek TNG,Voyager,DS9
Instrument: My voice. I think its beautiful.
Do you like sports? Hate team sports. I do ride my bike alot. And I love DDR and the Wii.
Family: Pretty much scattered around the world.
Clothing: Not many brands.
How did you find this website? Google
Job: Volunteer as a E-supporter online.
Plans for the future? Learn more about myself and how to deal with stuff. Finish my education.
Any comments?
What is your first name?
Age: 21
Location: Netherlands
Hobbies and Interests: computers, electronics,, math, science
Why are you here? I was diagnosed with HFA recently and want to meet people I can relate to
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): HFA few days ago
Favorite subjects: see hobbies and interests
Year/Grade: uni student
Favorite music: no favorite
Books: informative if any
TV shows/Movies: big bang theory, law and order, QI
Instrument: a-musical, can't clap my hands together without missing a beat
Do you like sports? not reallly, although I think I need to exercise more, but not sure what yet
Family: parents divorced, live with my mom
Clothing: anything thats fits well
How did you find this website? google / wikipedia
Job: uni student and part-time programmer
Plans for the future? further my studies
Any comments? feel free to comment