Just joined just now. My name's Amy. I have a problem with..... the entire human race. Be my friend? Haha. I'm almost 20, live in the US. I've been a social mess my entire life. Definite Aspergers if we're talking labels, and I'm counting down the days till my therapist/psychiatrist diagnoses me. Also, diagnosed as Bipolar I (just a side effect of a confined soul.) but stable now.
I just moved to a new state to live with my mother, and I literally have no friends or acquaintances anywhere in the area. I'm on a new psych medication and I'm thinking more clearly than I have in ages... possibly more clearly than i ever have. And.... I've nothing to do. Well, I guess I should say... I don't know where to BEGIN doing things. I feel like every time I step into the public domain I'm going to get infected with the disease of mankind.. (ha, as if I'm not already infected with it...) I just... do not like who I tend to become in the company of People. I go off the rails. I can't handle all the nonsense.
I'm creative. I write poetry, music, etc. I sing... Art is the only thing that has ever actually made sense to me.
Hello everyone