ozymondias wrote:
Hello everyone. I am new to this idea but the desire not to feel alone in the world overpowers my need to withdraw. I am already diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorders and upon recently visiting a new therapist, I was introduced to Asperger's. At first I immediately dismissed the idea and felt as though I was misunderstood. I am thirty four years old and have had a successful military career and am now medically retired for Sarcoidosis not for mental disorders. I have always felt confused by how other people behaved and my ex-wife literally had to drag me into our relationship. Of course it failed for a multitude of reasons that became abundantly clear last night as I read the medical journals online and began to see that my therapist did not misunderstand me she had actually seen what apparently very few others had. I constantly had to tell my wife to explain what was wrong because I cannot understand subtle nuances. I have only one or two close friends and have been the on the losing end of bullying and wordplay my whole life and now I know why. I am sorry for the long post but I just hope that I have finally found a place where people see the world the way I do without all the nonsense and illogical behavior.
Welcome ozzy (may I call you that?). I was recently separated from the army after 9 years of active duty service and 2 1/2 reserve. I don't know about you, but while it had its great points, overall it was always extremely frustrating to me.
This page might help explain why. Did you possibly have a similar experience?
The ultimate high is to no longer need one.
"Anything worth knowing is worth knowing right."