Hey there, I'm Tyler, I'm 21, and I was diagnosed with AS around 4 years ago due to my complete and utter lack of social skills and a complete inability to make friends.
I have one main reason that I can think of right now that is behind this.
I attended a private Christian school, where the total class size was 20 or less. I was in a graduating class of 12. I was the kid who was sadly picked on and ridiculed, I was called horrible names and made fun of from when I was little until the end of my highschool career, which eventually led to self-esteem issues which I still have today.
Since then, I've been moving back and forth, to and from my parents houses (they are divorced).
I've always been aware that I was socially inept, but it really didn't hit me until a few weeks ago when I truly realized how incapable of "in-person" communication I am, with groups of people.
Some facts and such about me:
I'm absolutely obsessed with Fighting games. I've been a competitive fighting game player for a few years. I'm also really into RPGs such as the Tales Of series, Star Ocean, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, etc.
I am horrid in group conversations, but I love talking to people one on one. Is this normal?
I'm really really shy :/
I have really bad confidence/self-esteem.
I have virtually no close friends, only a couple acquaintances.
I'm actually a pretty sincere, good, and honest person, I just find it so hard to approach people in fear of being rejected.
(I apologize for slightly venting on here, as this was merely to be an introduction)
If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me or otherwise.