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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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06 Jul 2013, 11:12 am

Greetings to all the inhabitants in the Wrongplanet~

I'm Semichi - a 24-yr woman from China and I've gradually come to believe that I've had Asperger Syndrome my whole life without knowing it. Since my new marriage's in crisis because of this and it's pretty much impossible for me to find out for certain in either Japan or China, I hope to seek help and be engaged in the Wrongplanet community and figure out my own way to own my life.

Growing up in China, I'd always spent time alone and didn't "hang out" with peers. It wasn't until I met my first & only boyfriend (now husband) in college in the U.S. 4 years ago that this changed. He has an autistic brother and pointed out that I behave similarly sometimes. He's an outgoing, sociable, and super neurotypical person. After being with him, my symptons has become less severe in a normal social setting but I still appear to be a quiet and awkward person. I don't know how to act smoothly, make or pick up signals, assert myself, or get stressed easily in social situations.

I have stark mood swing and totally shut down when I have conflicts with my husband. I often get into a cycle of acting out or insensitively -> fighting -> long period of silence (others think that I'm thinking but in fact I don't have anything in mind and get stuck in trying to say something) -> hopelessness -> forgetting everything the next day. I hope to stop this cycle by seeking advice and guidance on everyday life strategies for Aspies since i cannot get support while abroad. I don't have much trouble with making simple acquaintances, but it has been a hard struggle making deeper connections with other people.

Thanks already for any feedback you can give, and I hope I can help others too!

Sea Gull
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06 Jul 2013, 1:18 pm

Welcome to wrongplanet! Sorry I have no feedback to give, sorry. I have a feeling you might get into situations where you will be helping others(mostly cause you put yourself in them).

Emu Egg
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06 Jul 2013, 1:57 pm

妳好! 想不到這裡也有中國人 :D

I am 40 yo, been married to a sociable and optimistic NT for 13 years. Growing up, my parents always thought I was strange and "anti-social." My husband says he knows there is something odd about me, I avoid social situations as much as I can, and I usually hang on to him for my dear life whenever we are at gatherings :lol:

I recently came upon Aspergers by accident. My husband and I both feel that I display a lot of the symptoms. I am in the process of finding a psychologist to do an evaluation. I want to know if there is a reason for my "oddity" or if I am just strange.

Looking back, when my husband and I were first married, we fought a lot, the fights were almost always due to miscommunication. As time went by, my husband learned to communicate with me better. The fights became less and less frequent. I am very fortunate in the sense that my husband has a high EQ, he is very patient with my quirks. He says over the years he has realized there are certain things I just don't seem to understand and he has learned to work around them.

I would talk to your husband about your concerns, and your suspicion of Aspergers. The better he understands where you are coming from, the easier it is for him to learn to communicate with you.

Best of luck!


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07 Jul 2013, 9:13 am



有問題歡迎pm問我!!加油and best of luck in everything!

Will be off the internet for some time. I'm challenging myself to stop any unnecessary Internet activity. Just to let you know...


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08 Jul 2013, 5:29 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!

Snowy Owl
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11 Jul 2013, 6:08 am

Hey Semichi,

welcome to Wrong Planet! :)

As for getting a diagnosis or help in Japan, there are a number of options if you speak Japanese, but even for English, there might be some contacts you could use depending on where you are. There are bilingual psychologists and clinical psychologists in the greater Tokyo area as well as in the Kansai area, so don't give up! :)