WCHandy wrote:
Doesn't the definition of obsession preclude people from having 15, 20, or 25 obsessions at the same time like some are listing? I don't understand how that works.
for me obsession can stay in a 'passive state' as long as i'm not 'going into' it.
from the moment i touch it too closely it's like i'm sucked in and the world doesn't excist anymore.
a little example perhaps: i'm going for a walk and take my camera with me, as long as i don't encounter any of my obsessions like 'transparency' or 'certain shapes' i'm ok, i'll take a picture here and there and all is calm, but from the moment i see a reflection in some transparent pool, i'll look at it and try to photograph it and stay just as long as i got it. so if i'm going for a walk and someone goes with me, i'll either try to not take my camera with me or look the other way when i see water or pools or anything of the like cause i know that people find it anoying to wait for an hour or more because i absolutly need to take this picture.
another little example: i don't post in a thread called : "what are your favorite painters", cause i don't know where this will lead me to, and will lose the control to stop it.
so there is a certain control from the outside (especially when i'm aware of it) and almost none from the inside (towards the outsideworld that is, if this makes sense)