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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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01 Apr 2007, 10:12 pm

My name is Charles M. I'm 38 years old, and I believe I may have AS. Since my wife brought it to my attention a month ago, I've been researching it endlessly (even at work).

There's the whole non-social thing. I don't mingle well... at all. We had our office XMas party at a country-western bar. All I did was eat, drink, talk to some people I worked with, waited to see if I would win a door prize... and rode the unholy heck out of the mechanical bull.

I took the Aspie Quiz at and my score there was 141/200. Then they went into the whole "stimming" section and ouch was that painfully enlightening.

I talk to myself an awful lot, usually when I'm thinking. I sing constantly (and not in karaoke). I don't really get when other people are joking and when they're being serious. And my teammates are a jokey bunch. Sometimes my jokes can be very offensive in a completely accidental way.

My obsessions have been baseball stats, comic book continuity, various video games, worlds I created, Lord of the Rings, various sci-fi/fantasy/alt. history series, James Taylor music, Saviour Machine music (THANK GOD FOR MP3 PLAYERS!! ! I have the whole SM: Legend cycle on it!! ! Nearly 5 hours of music).

I'm also raising a 2-year old little boy, whom I adore above all else. His health is probably right now my #1 obsession (diet, illness, development). My wife is constantly trying to get me to relax, that he's going to be fine. It's very hard. Not to mention the fact that the last time I woke up in the morning and felt remotely human was in October, and before that, I can't remember. Exhaustion plays hell on AS, from what I've read.

I've also been on several job interviews and just did absolutely miserable. My last three jobs were because of a friend's recommendation.

My wife's two favorite complaints about are me are she can't understand how I can read off the starting lineup of the 1979 Pirates (Moreno, Foli, Parker, Stargell, Milner/Robinson, Madlock, Ott, Garner, P), but can't remember the flush the toilet half the time in the morning, and that I when I do something around the house, I never seem to do the whole job.

Well, maybe the AS might just have something to do with it. Anyway, I'm packing off to bed. Good night.


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01 Apr 2007, 10:26 pm

welcome to WP!!!may you fit in smashingly!!!or,not at all,eithers great!! !

I think I know. I don't think I know. I don't think I think I know. I don't think I think.


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01 Apr 2007, 10:45 pm


I have had a life long struggle with the flushing the toilet.I couldnt figure it out and being a psych major came up with a very complex explaination for my "lack of flushing".....I decided I had been one of those children who had been punished for wetting my diaper(during pooty training)by being held over a flushing toilet and told that I would be flushed down next time I wet my pants........Yes,this was actually a method of "potty training" in the 60's!! !!I had no memory of this but assumed it explained this weird "quirk"................Now I think it is a combination of "aspie forgetfulness" and dislike of the sound.I guess it could actually be a past life experience.....perhaps I was given swirlys in a past life?......AS makes more sense.

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01 Apr 2007, 11:39 pm

You might have ADD also, that could explain forgetting and not finishing tasks.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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02 Apr 2007, 8:56 pm

Paula wrote:
You might have ADD also, that could explain forgetting and not finishing tasks.

I was treated for ADD when I was about 10-11 with Ritalin's predecessor (can't remember the name) And yes, I focused better, but the side effects were insane!! ! I somehow started pulling out my eyelashes and stopped sleeping.

Needless to say, that was brought to a screeching halt.

But when I'm doing something I enjoy, I can easily blow a whole day/night away with it.


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03 Apr 2007, 12:38 pm

Welcome to WrongPlanet! :D


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03 Apr 2007, 12:39 pm

I hope you will enjoy youe stay here!


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03 Apr 2007, 4:27 pm

Yeah wives, interesting subject. Mine accuses me of not listening to her. The the other day saw a quiz on multi tasking, I always thought I did, well I don't. So she's right when she says I don't listen. Unless I stop doing what I'm doing and just focus on her. Life is getting better with the wife, just because I'm learning things here. Also gives me more excuses, till I explain them in full, then they don't work anymore. :cry: And I still tell her we've been married way to long and I want a divorce, cept she says I have to pay for it, it will never happen.

Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.


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03 Apr 2007, 9:36 pm

Welcome to WP!

I hope you enjoy this forum.

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07 Apr 2007, 10:24 pm

Welcome! I love your screen name. CS Lewis rocks!