publicist wrote:
serenaserenaserena wrote:
Having a diagnosis is great. I actually made a whole post about that feeling. I hated the blocks one, but I didn't do too terribly on it. I scored superior with the matrix reasoning. That one was fun. The letter number repeating one I scored better on than the simpler version of it with only the numbers. That was really strange. The rest of the testing I had just regular neutral feelings about except for an ADHD part of my testing; I hated that one, but I won't go into detail. The matrix reasoning was actually quite fun for me. I enjoyed that, and I scored superior! I want a game like that.
Yeah, that's the funny thing. I think she saw my face light up because I was excited to do the matrix. That's what my mind seems to be good at. It's certainly not good with people
My counselor said that it doesn't surprise her one bit that I did well on the matrix part, because people on the autism spectrum are extremely good at recognizing patterns.
aspie score: 166 out of 200
officially diagnosed in 2013
Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.