Hello. I have been reading the forums for a little while, but until this morning hadn't posted.
I am currently going through the diagnostic process, or at least trying to. My problem is that many people, including my wife, a Doctor, and a psychiatrist have told me that in their opinion I have a mild autistic spectrum disorder, probably mild Aspergers, but I can only deal with facts and opinions aren't facts.
The psychiatrist have re-referred me to my GP, who 5 years told me that it is impossible that I could have an ASD without it being picked up in childhood, and who misdiagnosed me as having OCPD. After 5 years of trying to deal with a mental illness I am now told I don't have, I am left with little trust in Doctors.
I don't know if my current feelings are common, but I am ok with the idea I may have Aspergers -I have always known I was different- but I need a diagnosis from someone with the necessary qualifications and experience to offer that diagnosis. Until then, even with the weight of evidence and opinion I can't accept it,and I am left not knowing who or what I am.
Although this post may sound despondent in tone I am actually ok; I have a supportive wife and a good life, but I have never been able to deal with unanswered questions, and now I am an unanswered question and I can't stop thinking about it.