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05 Dec 2013, 2:52 pm

Hello everyone. I have PDD NOS. I was not diagnosed until 2 years ago. I cannot understand American culture and social norms. You've got to fit in or be rejected and unloved and unsupported. I long for a place of belonging and for a very meaningful purpose. I feel like I am in a rut at 37 with a middle class 9 to 5 career job. I cannot see how to change my life. My life desperately needs a change. I have been praying for an "out" of my current job. I am a woman of faith by the way. I hardly have any friends and I feel that normal people frown on me with disapproval. My dream is to help other people overcome their mental disabilities and be able to live meaningful productive lives. How can I do that though when I cannot even get myself out of a rut? :roll: I have started taking classes at Liberty University for my second master's in Human Services, but it might take several years to finish my degree. What do I do to thrive until then? :roll: My goal is to be a counselor/peacemaker/motivational speaker and perhaps an entertainer (entertainment as a form of expression) since I am artistic. I love stories of valor and heroism. I love mercy, grace and compassion. I love nature and animals. I love music and culture. I love beauty! I therefore enjoy traveling and pet ownership, but both of these things cost $$$ and another thing I am discouraged about due to my PDD NOS is that I cannot make enough money to make ends meet. I had a goal all of my life to have a child. I had a boy in 2009. He is autistic by the way. He was diagnosed last year. My husband was also diagnosed with autism last year. My husband had ot quit his job to stay at home with our son. I had some savings to live off of for a few years, so we did plan in advance because we know about how brutal the economic climate is. The problem is that we have not found an replacement source of income. We had a dual income before and now we're living on a single income. I've tried everything up the wazoo and I am not a penny richer for it. I had to give up a trip I was planning to take overseas next year (my first trip overseas) because the money just was not there. I want to explore my world but do not have the money to do for alot of the same personality traits that cause me to love beauty also cause me to not make enough money to enjoy exotic beauty. I am hoping to take my husband and son to Florida next year instead, trusting in God to provide. My husband and I and my son are all fascinated by scientific things. I love sunsets and geography. I would love to become a Naitonal Geographic photographer, but am unsure of the steps to get there, although I did submit a few photos of our trip to the Virgin Islands to a National Georgraphic photo repository. I am seeking a big break somewhere. I have fallen prey to telemarketers lately because I keep hoping it's someone calling because they learned about my plight willing to help me out. :oops: Salesmen, gotta love them! Where is there a way to get an immediate influx of money when you need it? :lol: Anyway, I am looking to connect with people who found a way out of their ruts who can give me some loving tips to get me out of mine and then partner with me to get everyone else who is struggling like I am out of theirs. Thanks for listening.


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05 Dec 2013, 3:16 pm

A big WP welcome to you!

I think what you need to do is to ask someone for financial help -- not for money per se, but for help in managing what you have. Are you in credit card debt, for example?

Even though it can be very painful and difficult, we who are ASD need to understand that no one will take care of us, and that each of us is ultimately responsible for our lives. HOWEVER, to do this it means reaching out and asking people we know who have been successful, for help. A relative, for example. A remote friend, for example.

We are here to help, too. You may wish to start a thread: "Need Help to get my financial footing on a solid ground." See what happens. There are many here who are a great source of wisdom and knowledge for you.

God bless you.


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05 Dec 2013, 3:39 pm

I have no problem taking the proper steps. I just need loving supportive people to lift me up along the way. I have already filed for bankruptcy 9 years ago and I had to go through it all alone! I refuse to do that again.


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05 Dec 2013, 4:39 pm

I am not asking to be taken care of. All I'm asking for is support, compassion, friendship, respect and acceptance.


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05 Dec 2013, 4:40 pm

I am not asking to be taken care of. All I'm asking for is support, compassion, friendship, respect and acceptance.


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05 Dec 2013, 5:50 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :)


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05 Dec 2013, 5:50 pm

Hello, and welcome! You'll most certainly find acceptance here. We're a quirky lot, but around here we're the norm.

That was quite a lot to digest in one post. :wink:
You may want to break-up each of the ideas and questions within your post to make responses more focused and targeted to each.

Maybe also double-check in the Parents' forum to get a double-check that the partnership between you & your husband and how you function as a team in relation to yourselves and your child.

Um... what else was there? Money, as Bach mentioned. Maybe in The Adult Autism forum. (?)

All of it there seemed good for you to discuss & get off your chest. I'm sure you'll find obliging folks to chat with.

But to start with, first take a moment to pat yourself on the back for what you've managed thus far. Given the circumstances you've provided it sounds like you're doing a great job of holding it all together so far. :thumright:


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05 Dec 2013, 6:16 pm

Thanks sharkbait!


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05 Dec 2013, 6:16 pm

Thanks sharkbait!


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05 Dec 2013, 7:30 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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05 Dec 2013, 7:40 pm

Welcome :pirat:



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08 Dec 2013, 5:59 pm

I have asperger and I also don't like the country were I live its horrible in Spain, we have a different schedule than in the rest of europe, we have a different time zone, we not take things seriously..............

Welcome to WP¡¡¡¡