Hi, DioMac. Always good to see Aussies on this forum.
I hope the process of getting a diagnosis goes well for you. I got my diagnosis last year. With the help of my GP, I found a clinical psychologist in my area specialising in ASD (including adult diagnosis) + a couple of co-morbid conditions that I'd already been diagnosed with (depression, social anxiety), and my GP gave me a referral. Because I had clinical depression at the time I was also put on a mental health care plan, which took care of most of the psychologist's fees – although I still ended up having to pay a gap fee of $30 per session, which was easy enough for me.
I went through about 3 or 4 sessions for the diagnosis. My psychologist conducted separate, in-depth interviews with my family and me, particularly focusing on my childhood development; she also looked at an earlier psychological profile, and I was given an IQ test by another psychologist (these aren't always done). It's good that you've read up on ASD; my psychologist strongly recommended it before I was formally assessed. There is a slight problem with overdiagnosis that the latest criteria are designed to address, so make sure your answers to any questions are honest.
Despite previous misgivings, it was quite a relief once I was diagnosed (Aspergers). For one thing, it led me to this site and I finally met people who were actually like me.
In any case, I hope things go well for you, and I hope you're able to relate to different people on this forum. Cheers.
It is easy to go down into Hell;
Night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide;
But to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air –
There's the rub, the task.
– Virgil, The Aeneid (Book VI)