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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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17 Jan 2014, 9:35 am

Age: 27
Location: Southeast Kansas
Hobbies and interest: drawing, photography, film, audio, animation, comics
Why are you here: To better understand my husband and how to help him
When were you diagnosed: Not
Favorite music: nothing that sounds like screaming
Books: twilight, Harry potter, house of night, hunger games
Tv/movies: super heroes and nothing with a lot of gore or violence
Sports: yes please. Mostly football
How did I find website: my husband asked me to join


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Joined: 17 Jan 2014
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18 Jan 2014, 12:48 pm

Age: 43
Location: Western Australia
Hobbies and interest: Art Aviation Ceramics
Why are you here: To better understand me
When were you diagnosed: 19 months ago
Favorite music: 80's Glam metal and rock
Books: non fiction mostly
Tv/movies: Paul
Sports: F1
How did I find website: Fell over it

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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20 Jan 2014, 10:34 pm

What is your first name?

Curacao, Dutch Caribbean

Hobbies and Interests:
Making websites, Photoshop, Aviation

Why are you here?
I need help to find out what is wrong with me. I think I may have AS.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
In process

High School

Favorite music:
Hits of the 80's (Chicago, BeeGees, Queen)

Technical books

TV shows/Movies:
House, MD.

Instrument: I used to play the little four-stringed gitar "Cuatro" from Venezuela.

Do you like sports?
Not at all.

A wife, 3 children.

I wear anything just to about being naked.

How did you find this website?

IT Docent.

Plans for the future?
Be happier. Doesn't matter how.

Any comments?
Feeling very disapointed with my life. Any support will be highly appreciated.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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21 Jan 2014, 2:28 am

First name: Peter

Age: 18

Location: New South Wales, Australia.

Hobbies: Watching videos, Cricket, Tennis.

Why are you here?: I don't know really, because I can be here I guess.

When I was diagnosed: When I was around 5 and by a paediatrician.

Favourite Subjects: Maths, Science (especially Physics), and History.

Year/Grade: Finished high school last year, I'll be off to university in a few weeks.

Favourite Music: I like classical music, for other types of music it is harder to categorise whether I like it or not. I just listen to it and I like it.

Books: Big fan of science books, biographies (mostly cricketers) fantasy and sometimes thrillers.

TV Shows: I like The Big Bang Theory, and thats about it.

Instrument: I used to play the piano, but stopped. I think I should get back into it though.

Do you like sports: Sometimes, I'm not very good at them though. When I play well, its great, but when I'm awful, it sucks.

Family: Only child living with 2 parents.

Clothing: I like to wear superhero T-shirts and flannelette shirts.

How did I find this site: I typed in Aspergers Syndrome one day and this website came up.

Job: No job yet, unless being a student is a job.

Plans for the future: Off to university to do Actuarial Studies and Science, no immediate plans after that.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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21 Jan 2014, 10:35 pm

Age: 26 1/2

Location: Northern Va

Hobbies and Interests:
Music, Writing, Travel, Sports,
Why are you here?
Meet new people, chat, etc.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
When I was a Sophomore in High School and about 15 years old.
Favorite subjects:
History, English
Been out of school for just over two years now.
Favorite music:
I like just about anything but I guess to give some examples: Blind Pilot, The Beatles, Avett Brothers, The Rolling Stones.
Revolutionary Road, The Sun Also Rises, The Glory of Their Times, Hunting Eichmann,
TV shows/Movies:
Boardwalk Empire, The Simpsons, Godfather trilogy, Dumb and Dumber,
I don't play any but I'd love to learn I guess fiddle.
Do you like sports?
Yep, like to play and watch.
Live with my folks, grandmother, and 12 year old kid brother.
A little preppy in the colder months but random t-shirts and jeans when I'm out and about in the warmer months.
How did you find this website?
I actually posted here a few years ago but left and decided to give it another shot.
I am an intern for the US Department of the Interior doing HR stuff. Not what I planned on doing but maybe I can get a full time job with the experience I am gaining.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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22 Jan 2014, 10:00 pm

What is your first name? Zoe

Age: 55

Location: N. Carolina

Hobbies and Interests: Art and Music

Why are you here? To meet others and hopefully find some answers.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I am self diagnosed. I am not sure on how to go about being "officially" diagnosed.

Favorite subjects: Art

Year/Grade: Graduated high school in 1976

Favorite music: The Who, classic rock, The Who, and classic rock, and The Who.

Books: Non fiction mostly. Books about music, books about history.

TV shows/Movies: The Walking Dead, old reruns of 60's and 70's shows. Rear Window is my favorite movie

Instrument: Bass Guitar

Do you like sports?Curling to watch. I doubt i could do it.

Family: One husband and three children all grown


How did you find this website?Through an Asperger website

Job: Radiologic Technologist

Plans for the future? To retire so I don't have to be a radiologic technologist and deal with people anymore.

Any comments?


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23 Jan 2014, 3:38 am

What is your first name? Jacquel

Age: 31

Location: the Golden Hills

Hobbies and Interests: reading, blogging, watching movies and YouTube videos

Why are you here? stumbled onto this site last night and decided to give it a go

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): diagnosed with Asperger's at age 14

Favorite subjects: english, history

Year/Grade: graduated high school in 2002

Favorite music: mostly rock

Books: anything but Harry Potter

TV shows/Movies: too many to name

Instrument: guitar

Do you like sports? I don't watch sports unless it's the Olympics or the Superbowl

Family: live with parents and two sisters

Clothing: t-shirt and flannel pants

How did you find this website? last night while doing some research on autism

Job: none right now

Plans for the future? to find a job and perhaps a relationship

Any comments? I could use a bit of encouragement right now, as I'm battling depression.

ALWAYS know what a Cthulhu is!! !

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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23 Jan 2014, 7:10 am

What is your first name? William

Age: 23

Location: Chehalis, WA

Hobbies and Interests: roleplay, firearms, Pokémon, The Secret World

Why are you here? dunno I found the site and I joined

When were you diagnosed? 1998 when I was 8.

Favorite subjects: Psychology, history, sociology, anthropology

Year/Grade: Attending community college.

Favorite music: Ambient music like God is an Astronaut or anything middle eastern, J-Rock, and I love old Kid Cudi.

Books: H.P. Lovecraft

TV shows/Movies: Some anime, Archer, otherwise I don't really watch television.

Instrument: Nothing that produces music.

Do you like sports?: eSports

Family: I live with my mother and younger brother, my twin moved out.

Clothing: I used to dress like I was homeless but people keep giving me clothes so now I lean more towards mobster or FBI circa 1950.

How did you find this website? I heard about it a year or so after I learned about my diagnosis in a magazine, but I never got around to checking it out until recently.

Job: No such luck.

Plans for the future?: I want to use my experiences coping with ASD to help young children during their early years where it is most critical.

Any comments?: I recently lost most of my social circle so I just want to meet new people, and I have bias against NTs now so I figured it would be best to start with fellow aspies.


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24 Jan 2014, 1:57 am

What is your first name? Nathaniel

Age: 23

Location: Fayetteville, Arkansas

Hobbies and Interests: Video games, computers in general, sports, firearms, commenting on message boards, and muscle cars (although, not enough to actually work on them)

Why are you here?: Mostly to find dating advice tailored for an Aspie like me. Although, I do enjoy posting on message boards, and I usually have lots to say.

When were you diagnosed? Eighth grade. I was 13.

Favorite subjects: History, English (not poetry, though), Public Speaking (believe it or not)

Year/Grade: Sophomore at the University of Arkansas, majoring in Communication

Favorite music: Classic rock, some metal, and the odd country song.

Books: The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss, The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini

TV shows/Movies: Top Gear (UK), Archer, The Venture Bros., Bob's Burgers, Firefly and the odd British sitcom ('Allo, 'Allo!, Faulty Towers). Movies include Pulp Fiction, Spaceballs and Serenity.

Instrument: I used to play the guitar, and my dad actually used to make them. Not picked one up in years, though.

Do you like sports? YES. I used to play baseball, and I'm a rabid Razorback fan, no matter the sport.

Family: Mom and Dad own a custom cabinet shop. My older sister Anna is married to a good ol' boy named Justin, and they have four kids: Cooper, Cara, Carson, and Cole. My little sister Emily is a freshman at the University of Arkansas with me, and I have a little brother named Thomas, who is a freshman in high school.

Clothing: Clothes are clothes. Although I really don't like wearing suits, and especially tuxedos. I don't care for bow ties...

How did you find this website? My mom found this website, and steered me in this direction.

Job: Student, although I work for my parents during the summer, building and installing cabinets.

Plans for the future? I try not to think that far ahead. I'd like to be a voice actor or a columnist for a website, but for now, I just want to finish college.

"There are three things that all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man."

-Count Threpe, The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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24 Jan 2014, 1:56 pm

What is your first name? Emil

Age: 21

Location: Sweden

Hobbies and Interests: Computers, running, table-tennis from time to time

Why are you here? Just out of curiousity

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): About 2 years ago, I think

Favorite subjects: English

Year/Grade: Don't know what the american equivalent is called, but swedish "folkhögskola", 1 year left.

Favorite music: Varies a lot, from rap, hiphop to metal

Books: Harry Potter

TV shows/Movies: How I met your mother, Chuck, Dexter, Reaper, The Mentalist, Prison Break, The Universe, and some more

Instrument: Nope :(

Do you like sports? Not team sports, I'm good at table tennis though

Family: Brother and sister. Parents, divorced since long

Clothing: No suits. Just casual I guess? Jeans and some shirt. Quite cold in Sweden usually so usually wearing a hoodie

How did you find this website? Can't remember, I just remember I read about it somewhere online

Job: Student

Plans for the future? As soon as I'm done with school, I'm going to travel

Any comments? Nope :)

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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25 Jan 2014, 12:15 am

What is your first name? Elizabeth

Age: 29

Location: California

Hobbies and Interests: Crafting of all sorts (especially sewing), photography, wig making, researching.

Why are you here? Because I think (I I have Aspergers and I am in need of information.

When were you diagnosed? Soon!! Have an appointment for a consultation in 2 weeks.

Favorite subjects: In school? Lol...I'm too old for that. Taking an online writing class now. But I always loved math and any sort of computer science. Also art.

Year/Grade: I'm an

Favorite music: Bluegrass, Radiohead, Lorde, some pop, and my favorite: boyband music from the 90's-early 2000's! :D (Pandora FTW!! !)

Books: Right now? Just finished Ender's Game (first in the series). Reading a book about writing now, also Lord of the Flies, Look Me In The Eye...

TV shows/Movies: Homeland, American Horror Story, Breaking Bad, Episodes, Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey.

Instrument: Lots.

Do you like sports? Nope. Always been bad at them. But I like watching football if my team is playing. :)

Family: Too many to name. I have more than a few brothers and sisters. (Parents are divorced and remarried)

Clothing: Generally the same pair of jeans every day and a different comfy shirt, unless I have to dress up for something (I have lots of meetings to go to around town), in which case I'll get a little pretty.

How did you find this website? Google.

Job: Professionally unemployed.

Plans for the future? To be awesome at what I do. :)

Any comments? Kind of going through the grief cycle as I have only recently come to the (obvious) conclusion that I have Aspergers. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Loving the support here already, so thanks for that! :)

AQ=40, EQ=15, IQ=144
Aspie Score: 134/200, NT Score: 82/100
Emotional Intelligence: 57/100
Not diagnosed yet, but it looks pretty obvious to me!


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25 Jan 2014, 8:32 pm

What is your first name? Hannah

Age: 22

Location: Alabama

Hobbies and Interests: Animals, geography, foreign languages (Spanish in particular, that's what I'm majoring in at college)

Why are you here? I first came because I suspected I might have Asperger's. I'm still not sure because I haven't seen anyone or been diagnosed, but most people who responded to my question about whether or not I might have it said that it sounded like I do. I still like to come here for advice.

When were you diagnosed? I haven't been.

Favorite subjects: If you mean in school, definitely Spanish! I discovered how much I enjoyed it and how easy it was for me back in high school when everyone had to take a foreign language. And again, I'm in college now and getting back into it.

Year/Grade: I'm technically a freshman in college. I've just started this year to earn a Bachelor's. I did get an Associate's Degree prior to this in something unrelated (training assistance dogs that help disabled people) but since I haven't had luck finding a job doing that, I'm going back to school now and Spanish is kind of my alternative.

Favorite music: I really like everything, except for rap, and screamo.

Books: Right now? Sadly I really don't read anymore. I was an avid reader when I was a kid. I think part of this could be that I'm really still not interested in "adult" books, lol. I'd still prefer the kids' books I read when I was younger!

TV shows/Movies: I'm a huge Harry Potter and Star Wars nerd. I also love pretty much all Disney movies. I also like Mrs. Doubtfire and The Blind Side.

Instrument: I can sort of play the piano. My mom taught be some when I was little. I also played the flute in my middle school band, but I didn't continue on with it when I went to high school. So since I haven't touched a flute in about 8 years, I don't know how to play anymore!

Do you like sports? I've never been interested in sports. As a kid, I hated P.E. because I was so bad at sports and I could never understand all the rules in the different games. I've never had the best motor skills. Even now, I'm really not interested in watching sports on TV. Everyone here in Alabama is obsessed with either Alabama or Auburn football, but I just don't care. lol. However, I did take gymnastics and dance (ballet, tap, and jazz) as a child, which is a bit different from the "ball" sports. Again, I didn't have the best motor skills but I think that may have helped me a bit. I started out with gymnastics, but I quit and switched to dance classes when I was six, because gymnastics was getting too scary! (they were wanting us to do flips on those high bars...nope!!) I stuck with dance until I graduated from high school. I actually enjoyed performing in recitals and "The Nutcracker" because I didn't actually have to speak. Simply dancing in front of an audience without talking is much less nerve-racking to me. :)

Family: I'm still living with my mom and dad while I'm going to school. We have an 8 year old chocolate lab who lives with us too. :) I have a 26 year old brother but he doesn't live at home.

Clothing: I'm really not into fashion and just kind of wear what's comfortable. Generally I wear jeans and a fairly simple shirt.

How did you find this website? Google.

Job: I have a part-time job at a restaurant called Newk's. We have some really good food. :) I do work as a "front of house" person, so I have to deal with customers. As someone with Aspie traits, it was nerve-racking at first, but I've gotten pretty used to it. Talking to the customers is sort of like just following a script since I just have to say things like "hello", "what can I get for you", "is it for here or to go", and "have a great day". Some of them will try to make small talk with me though and I'll end up saying something really silly or awkward. lol

Plans for the future? I honestly have no idea. I do of course want to finish school and get my degree. I don't know what I might do. I know with Spanish, my two main options are to be a translator or a teacher. There are probably way more opportunities for teaching, but I'm so on the fence about that because I don't know how I would do as a teacher with my social skills.

Any comments? Not that I can think of. :)


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26 Jan 2014, 2:22 am

What is your first name? Michelle

Age: In my mid-30s

Location: California

Hobbies and Interests: Writing, photography, cooking

Why are you here? I suspect that I'm an Aspie. I also have a 5 year old daughter whom I have strong suspicions of being on the spectrum

When were you diagnosed? N/A

Favorite subjects: Anything science related ~ I have always loved microbiology and technology; I love studying sociology; also anything to do with cooking

Year/Grade: N/A -- long past all that

Favorite music: Anything?

Books: Also anything.

TV shows/Movies: Pop culture geek through and through ~ love just about anything genre. If it's popular on Tumblr, chances are I have been/will be obsessed with it at some point

Instrument: Piano

Do you like sports? *barf*

Family: Married with one child

Clothing: Jeans & t-shirts. Or yoga pants. With t-shirts, of course

How did you find this website? Google

Job: Full time homeschooling mom, part time technology consultant.

Plans for the future? I live a good life now, I can only hope it stays that way. Little bit more cash would be nice, however

Any comments? N/A

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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26 Jan 2014, 4:28 am

Name: T

Age: 39

Location: Pacific NW

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, writing, exploring nature, history, photography, religion, etc.

Why are you here? Here on this earth? No idea. Here on this forum? Because I'm new to this & want to know I'm not alone.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I haven't been officially diagnosed, but discovered a few months ago that I meet the criteria for Asperger's.

Favorite subjects: History & English back when I was in school... Now, I'm drawn to psychology, ecology, religion & ancient civilizations.

Year/Grade: n/a

Favorite music: I mostly like folk, bluegrass, indie & alternative stuff... I also enjoy jazz, choral, big band, world, top 40 & even classical on occasion.

Books: Non-fiction mostly. Too many to list. I like reading other people's stories, adventures & discoveries... I'm super picky about fiction.

TV shows/Movies: I don't watch tv, but enjoy comedy, drama & adventure in movies. I can't stand sci-fi/ fantasy. Amalie & Stranger Than Fiction are more up my alley, along with oldies like Beaches, Princess Bride & the odd musical from the 60's. I have a dark side too... Think Tim Burton.

Instrument: I play the guitar & experiment on anything else I can get my hands on.

Do you like sports? I like to watch them live- baseball & hockey mostly.

Family: Single, no kids.

Clothing: I prefer to keep it simple. I'm a jeans & t-shirt girl. I've never enjoyed getting gussied up & going out.

How did you find this website? I stumbled upon it when researching Asperger's.

Job: Order filler.

Plans for the future? Whoa. One day at a time! :)

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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Joined: 25 Jan 2014
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26 Jan 2014, 5:36 am

FAQ's about me

What is your first name? I'm not going to say because I have too much of a unique name and I don't want someone that knows me to come stumbling along this blog. (I'm a very private person)

Age: I'm Eighteen.

Location: I live in f*****g South Africa - well it's more like hell because every day Satan just cranks up the heat and people there are so backwards, conservative and uncivilised!

Hobbies and Interests: I'm an artist/writer/musician. I write horror, thriller and dark romance; I sing opera and compose music; I used to draw and paint a lot. I spend a lot of my time reading, blogging, drinking tea, being a cold hearted b***h and getting high.

Why are you here? Because I saw a post that related to me so much, I actually think that person is a minion of me! And I'm a very private person no one knows me at all so I want a place where I can blab as much as I like anonymously without anyone finding out!

Diagnoses: I have PDA(Pathological Demands Avoidance Disorder) Which is in the autistic spectrum but this means I have an irrational fear of being controlled thats why I can't keep most relationships because every guy I dated was f*****g jealous and controlling, I did not need another parent I needed a partner in crime which by the way I found one! Its hard to explain this diagnoses so do me a favour and google it or you won't understand me.

Favorite subjects: Music, literature, psychology, philosophy, demonology, death, psychopaths.

Year/Grade: FFY(Final f*****g Year) of high school

Favorite music: Goth, Darkwave, Industrial, Psychedelic Trance, Black Metal, Death Metal, Melodic Metal, Folk Metal, Nu-Metal, Classical, Opera.

Books: horrors, thrillers, suspense, crime, dark

TV shows/Movies: American Horror Story, Revenge, Big Bang Theory, That 70's Show, Dexter, Crime and Investigation, Discovery Channel.

Instrument: Voice

Do you like sports? f**k I hate sports with a passion because I cannot bear to be in the sun for more than two minutes! But I do martial arts so I can cause severe damage to someone who tries to rob me or hurt me.

Family: I don't have family because they simply don't exist to me - They caused me too much pain. But I am in contact with my favourite cousins.

Clothing: I only wear black, I wear lace, leather, corsets, dock martins, black nail polish, dark make-up, tattoo's, piercings.

How did you find this website? My mom...

Job: I'm home schooling and sitting on my f*****g fat ass I cant find a job in Africa because they don't employ white females. However that doesn't stop me from looking for a job, I've already sent out 600 resume's.

Plans for the future? I want to study forensic psychology because I have a huge fascination with psychopaths and I want to become successful in writing and script writing. I want to travel the world with my soulmate - we both have plans to do that and then settle down with him not have children but just go through life with each other.


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28 Jan 2014, 6:17 pm

Name: Well, that's a secret, but I'll give you a hint anyway... It sure isn't my username. :lol:

Age: 14

Location: I live in Nashville, Tennessee, also known as Music City, Twangtown, Nash Vegas, and The Town of Too Many Nicknames.

Hobbies and Interests: Drawing, writing (well, attempting to write), Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and a wonderful thing called the interwebs.

Why are you here? I've never known anyone else on the spectrum before, so I thought this forum would be a good way to meet some other people like me.

Diagnosis: Well, I'm diagnosed with Asperger's, but since I did have a pretty big speech delay, I'm leaning a little more towards HFA.

Year/Grade: I'm in the ninth grade.

Favorite music: As weird as this may sound, I'm not really that interested in music. I think a part of it might be that I'm tone deaf, but I think it's just that I've never been much of a music person.

Favorite subject: Anything that isn't too challenging, as I really tend to struggle with school. :?

Books: Basically just anything with a protagonist I can relate to. I'm also a pretty big fan of Sharon Creech.

TV shows/movies: Pokemon, Castle, The Gilmore Girls, and Bones (just recently started watching it.) As far as movies go, I guess Beasts of the Southern Wild and Men in Black would have to be my favorites.

Instrument: My own voice! Though I get strep throat pretty often (like, on and off year-round), so it's a little hard for me to sing. :(

Do you like sports? Nope, not really. Well, not unless you'd consider foosball a sport. :3

Family: My dad, that one crazy lady I call "Mom", two stepparents who I don't see very much, my sister who is currently in college, and two dogs. Most of the time, it feels like just me.

Clothes: Usually just jeans or shorts with a comfy shirt. I also like to put together crazy costumes every once in a while. :lol:

How did you find this website? I stumbled upon this site from a link on TVTropes. (Cool site by the way, check it out if you so choose.) My first thought? "Yayaforumforaspiesmustsignup!" And sign up I did. :D

Job: Too young to get one.

Plans for the future? I really want to become a cartoonist. Other than that, my only goals for the future would be to find my soulmate at some point and move out of my parents' house.

Any comments? Not that I can think of. ^u^

That guy is a dingus.