Well, I joined and this forum said to come in and introduce myself and I am a good listener, so here I am
I guess the best place to start is answering these questions:
What is your first name?
Age: Meg
Location: So-Cal
Hobbies and Interests: Music (I'm a classical Musician), Education (I'm also a teacher)
Why are you here? I'm in love with an Aspie
Favorite subjects: I've always loved history.
Year/Grade: I have a BA and MM in music and am currently working on my Credential/Master for Special Ed
Favorite music: Classical... Opera to be very specific
Books: Where do I start?
Instrument: Voice
Do you like sports? Eh, not really
Family: Love them
Clothing: Wear it
How did you find this website? Google... I started looking for support groups.
Job: Teacher/Opera Singer
Plans for the future? So many, but mainly just being content wherever I end up
Any comments? I would love to get to know more people in NT/Aspie relationships. I think me and my man fit so well together, but he constantly says it takes a special NT to love an Aspie. I don't think he is hard to love, but why not find more people like us?
Also, I would love any resources (good books, movies...etc) to help me get a better peak into AS. I've been focused on it for my research for my credential (hours and hours of research articles...), but after watching Adam with my BF, I realized I still knew so little. Watching a "generic Aspie" (as my BF referred to Adam) gave me more insight then all the research studies I've read.