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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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22 Apr 2014, 9:55 pm

welcome to wp! should i be welcoming people if i just joined? :lol:

i think that's pretty brave of you to post that on facebook, i never have the guts to reach out to people. i have no advice or anything, but i know what it's like to have depression and using mind-altering substances to distract yourself. hope you find some good feelings from this site.


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22 Apr 2014, 11:05 pm

welcome to wp! should i be welcoming people if i just joined?

Sure why not :D and welcome to wp to you too.

I guess it was though i didn't have many friends at the time and was selective on who was able to see it.i have since locked it.I was looking for any input/opinions on my past to find answers from those who knew me most.not that it helped much.the only thing i got was from my first real girlfriend who thought i was held back.nobody really saw it though,cant say that i blame them.most of it was internal and was accepted as quiet and shy.never had anxiety or pressure induced meltdowns in happened twice,once at work in a meeting and blamed it on weed the other was with a doctor who was trying to push antidepressants on me.the others were the big ones lasting a week each and i isolated my self to my room,people just thought i was sick.there i go rambling again,it does come out easier when i type.

And yes this site has helped much and hope it can help you as we'll


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25 Apr 2014, 3:55 pm

I don't mind you asking questions :)

I gave up smoking when I gave up drinking, and I used nicotine lozenges and gum for a week or so just to ease the transition. But really I adhere to Allan Carr's approach, y'know, the guy who wrote the 'easy way to stop smoking permanently' book. He totally changed the way I view addiction and his ideas helped with the drinking too. Well worth checking out.

The vegan thing I did after I got my little dog. I used to be vegetarian when I was a kid and was never a big meat eater and had wanted to turn vegan before but people were dead against it. To be honest giving up drinking gave me a huge amount of confidence to do other things too so I just went for it and it is definitely the best thing I ever did. I lost a ton of weight (well, a stone and a bit) and it gave me a lot more energy which was something I was struggling with before. So yeah, no milk or eggs or any other animal products. I don't buy leather anymore either. It was easy really a lot easier than giving up booze and smoking!

Oh, and being anti medication as I am, I finally went to the docs the other day and he gave me beta-blockers. They are there just in case my anxiety gets really bad. I think my view is changing in this area slightly. I would rather be rational and mentally healthy with medication than anxious and borderline suicidal without it.

How are you doing anyway? x


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25 Apr 2014, 6:21 pm

Ive been pretty good,thanks.still havent smoked even though i smell it all the time and most of the people around me smoke,i went outside to smoke a brother came outside with me to smoke his did smell so good but i didnt give in,he didnt offer and i wouldnt have taken it if he if i can handle that, its going pretty good.

I tried looking for that book.everything i find costs money,book,apps, gonna keep searching though,maybe il go to the library.i dont know if they have an english section i might be lucky if they have it in curious about his techiques.

Ive been biking more often, im trying to lose the final 10pounds of 65 that i gained.i went in the woods to try and take some pictures of nature(ive been wanting to but never did)and was shocked to see the devastation of my favorite could be sunny out and because of the densness and size of the trees it would be pretty dark,there were vines with a trunk the size of my was also home to maybe half a dozen deer and other animals.98% of it is gone to make way for wasnt a huge forest,i figure it lost one square km (apart what was lost in the past few years.i took pictures of it and put them on facebook.

As far as meds, do what you feel you need to do and maybe just having them as a backup can help to ease your mind.just keep them for emegencies though,the possible side effects were kind of scarry.i can relate to dark thoughts (i was staring at mine many years ago on a bridge overlooking a dry creek/river 50-75feet down,i had to think of my family and friends and how it wasnt fair to them,it was the selfish way out)there no fun if i would have given in,i wouldnt be here sending messages back and forth with you.i still have some from time to time and i try just to distract my self with something i like.

Were probably gonna have to continue this conversation through PM's.this thread has turned from an intrduction to a conversation and it may get bumped.

What kind of dog do you have?il try to get a pic of our family dog.she is a verry good friend of mine.i kind of neglected her earlier this month but am getting back in to it.


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26 Apr 2014, 5:24 pm

I sent you a PM :D