Questions about you
My name is: Josie [Basically. I'd rather just go by Laz here. If you insist, you can call me Josie. But it's still not my "real" name]
Age: 31. Until it isn't.
Location: Boston.
Hobbies and Interests: Pretty much anything to do with brains. So... neurology psychology psychiatry, which means any branch off of all those things, in depth. So i don't shut up about anything ever in the world because basically everything ties back into either philosophy, or psychology or some kind of hard science, which all tie back into brains at some level. Or you know, last resort we can ramble on about the human condition for a while.
Yeah, I dig philosophy too.
Why are you here? Life is kind of rough right now. I feel like no one gets it really, and I'm having a lot of health problems. So the normal extra effort [I think?] it takes to engage with the world seems like it's taking about 8000 times more than usual strength, energy and tolerance. I kind of just wanted a place where other people don't make me explain why I'm covering my ears or am prattling on about some random thing like how they just discovered a new tendon in the human knee and why that is so exciting. [No for reals, they did! Isn't that neat?]
When were you diagnosed? Nine-ish with ADD and depression. Then around maybe 16/17 with anxiety, 20-21 there was a reaffirmation of ADD and every kind of anxiety and bipolar added and some talk about PDD but "you are so high functioning" so that was canned [which I found out later]. 23-ish PDD was brought back out, then Asperger's, then HFA and OCD after a couple neuropsych tests and a thorough going over of childhood examinations and records. Then HFA and OCD and the bipolar was reaffirmed. I "check in" about the HFA when we do the neuropsych stuff but that's kind of been the going theme.
Favorite Subjects: Psych, Logic, Bio.
Year/Grade: On leave from school. I have a handful of courses left until I get my BS in psych with minors in art therapy and bio.
Favorite Music: Kind of old schoolish stuff, I guess. I'm not sure what makes me go yay for some things and not for others. if I try to get into it I'll write even more, I think I'm probably already way past the limit.
Books: "good"?
TV Shows/Movies: Anything I have already seen a hundred times.
Instrument: I like to sing and can kind of play guitar, piano. a couple random things.
Do you like sports? I used to be a competitive swimmer and really dug that. Sometimes I like watching baseball, but only at home. And only if it's with a couple people I like and baseball is in the background. And we are making boat drinks.
Family: Yes. I have one.
Clothing: I do on occasion dress myself.
How did you find this website? Originally? I don't really know. I've known about it for a long time and actually been referring people to it for years, just never really got involved with it myself.
Job: A professional hot mess? I don't know. I kind of write. I constantly try to get off of SSDI and fail because of some health disaster or another.
Plans for the Future: I have had like one goal for the past ten years: get my degree. Still a goal. It will be done.
Any comments? Yeah. Me and dairy are in a fight.
I don't know about other people, but when I wake up in the morning and put my shoes on, I think, "Jesus Christ, now what?"
-C. Bukowski
What is your first name?: Well I'm really thinking of changing my name to Lyn because I think that I would rather have a girl name than a boy name.
Age: 28. I'm getting pretty old! But, it's never too late to keep growing and discovering yourself.
Do keep that in mind though that I'm too old to be dating many people here.
Location: United States
Hobbies and Interests: Oh, lots of things! Well, I really like Pokemon. And I really like Nintendo games. I also really like Japanese RPGs and Arcade games and Arcade style games. I like anime and manga, too. Especially Magical Girl and Comedy anime, those are my favourite genres. And I like to draw. Especially cute and manga type things. My favourite genre of music is hardcore, and I've been taking up Ableton Live, I hope maybe I can make hardcore music myself, too. But I like lots of music. And I'm also trying to learn Python, so that maybe hopefully someday I can make my own video games!
Why are you here? Some other forums can be pretty mean. And recently a lot of people on another forum laughed and made fun of me. It felt bad. I thought coming here might cheer me up.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): It's been a long time, so I forgot the exact date, but I think I was around 13.
Favorite subjects: Subjects? You mean like studying? Well, I really like gender studies and sociology. And I really like different languages and linguistics. And psychology a little bit, too. Though some of the things they say in psychology kind of bothers me. Sometimes I want to become a neuroscientist and understand the mind better. But I find a lot of the math and science and physics I would need to do it hard and not very entertaining. I think that math and science are wonderful, but sadly I don't find them very entertaining.
Year/Grade: I'm graduated! But I am thinking about going back to school. Like to become a hair stylist. Or a neuroscientist!
Favorite music: I like a lot of music! But my favourite genre is hardcore! And that means both punk and techno.
And I like a lot of their related genres, too! Like Hardstyle and Psytrance and Twinkle Screamo and all sorts of things!
And in any case, I like happy music. So that means I also like denpa music and ska and all sorts of other things, too. But if I had to choose one word or one genre, it would be hardcore.
I guess if music genres are confusing and you'd rather hear about some of the artists I really like. Some of them would be kors k, Mitchie M, Ryu☆(Nakahara Ryutaro), Silver Forest, Motoi Sakuraba, DJ Shimamura, Tiesto, Grendel, XP8, Amduscia, IOSYS, -45, ZTS, Irus, USAO, DJ SHARPNEL, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, Tempura Kidz, David Tibet, Endzweck, Hollow Jan, Unicorn Kid, Omnipony, Alex S., ElectricMudkip, DJ Gestap, SimGretina, Portraits of Past, Funeral Diner, Anomie, gauge means nothing, DJ Noriken, Blood Stain Child, dBu music, sun3, Storm of Capricorn, Psyborg Corp., Heimataerde, Forseti, Zektbach, :Of the Wand & the Moon:, EastNewSound, Yendri, Blankfield, DJ Genki, RoughSketch, In Gowan Ring, Circle Takes the Square, Nekomata Master, Perfume, Iselia, and about 30,000 more artists that I don't really have time to mention.
Books: Hmmmm, most of my favourite books are non-fiction. But I do like fiction, and I love fairy tales! Fantasy is great but my favourite kind is fairy tale type, really charming fantasy tales. And I like political and educational books.
I read a lot of pop science books. And transhumanist and futurist books. Like Physics of the Future by Michio Kaku, and Future of the Mind. And The Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil, and How to Create a Mind, and Fantastic Voyage. I also read a lot of books about video games, particularly Nintendo. And I read a bunch of LGBT books, especially about bisexuality and transgender issues. And I read a lot of feminist books like Delusions of Gender by Cordelia Fine. And other cultures like the Sami and Japan and Russia and Korea and China and places like that. I really read a lot of non-fiction books. I feel like it would take a long time to mention them all, because I read hundreds of non-fiction books, and it doesn't leave me much time to read fictional novel stuff.
TV shows/Movies: I really like Magical Girl and Comedy anime and manga. And anything cute and girly.
Instrument: I've played a lot of instruments. But right now I'm trying my best on Ableton Live.
Do you like sports? Well not really but kind of. Most popular sports seem to be team sports featuring me. And that doesn't really interest me. But I think that women's sports are great and I like to watch them. I like to cheer on women being amazing athletes. I feel like women's sports deserve support and I love supporting them. It's going against gender stereotypes and is fun to watch. It's girl power and it's wonderful!
Also, I personally enjoy boardsports and almost anything in the water. I love swimming. And I love skateboarding and surfing, and skimboarding, and wakeboarding, and snowboarding and all sorts of things like that. I could swim for 6 hours or more a day. I feel like a paradise would be a happy beach where hardstyle is always playing. With a skatepark and an arcade all sorts of fun things.
Family: They accept me as autistic. But they don't accept be as transgender/genderqueer or bisexual or anything like they. They don't accept my sexuality or my gender expression or anything like that.
Clothing: Well, I like all sorts of clothing! But my favourite sort of fashion is the Candy Kid or Decora fashion. I love bright, girly, childlike imagery! Unfortunately, most jobs aren't okay with that... But I certainly try to express myself this way because I love it!
How did you find this website?: It was Google, hehehe.
Job: I'll keep that one private. But I want to go back to college and get more education and get a better job.
Plans for the future?: To keep living and being happy! But maybe, I think I'd like a lot of surgeries to be more feminine. And there's a lot of things I'd like to do like be a hardstyle DJ, or program video games, or be a neuroscientist, or help cure cancer and aging. I don't know what will happen in the future, I haven't quite decided yet, but I'm always trying new things.
What is your first name? Ronnie
Age: 21
Location: Florida, United States
Hobbies and Interests: Drawing, crafts, sewing/cosplay, video games, web comics
Why are you here? Through researching other things I'm diagnosed with and identify as I kept seeing mentions of Asperger's Syndrome. Therefore, I decided to look into it. As it turned out a lot of what I thought were just weird quirks of mine and me having incredibly bad luck with social situations matched what people with AS deal with as part of the disorder. I did a lot of research and after over a week of this I decided it might be a good thing to talk to people who have it and to share experiences to further confirm or deny what I think I might have.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Seeking diagnosis for Asperger's or low-functioning Autism. Diagnosed when I was 18 with Depression. Social Phobia when 20. Panic Disorder when 21.
Favorite subjects: Digital Media, Studio Arts, Psychology
Year/Grade: Currently on medical leave from University. I have roughly a year left to get my Bachelors in Digital Media once I go back.
Favorite music: Electronic, Instrumental Scores, Video Game Soundtracks, and a dash of Alternative Rock
Books: Anything LGBT or Psychology. I've been more into non-fiction books than not recently.
TV shows/Movies: Ted Talks, Indie Games: The Movie, Anime
Instrument: Piano
Do you like sports? Not particularly.
Family: My parents, a dog, and a betta fish.
Clothing: Casual and comfy.
How did you find this website? I found a link to it when I was researching Asperger's.
Job: Unemployed
Plans for the future? Go back to University.
Any comments?
What is your first name? Elijah
Age: 15
Location: Just outside Portland, Oregon
Hobbies and Interests: Music theory, playing instruments (I'm multi-instrumental), and pretty much anything else having to do with music. Also, I really like hanging out with close friends
Why are you here? Because I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and I was pointed towards this website
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): about 3 years ago
Favorite subjects: Music, English and Psychology
Year/Grade: Sophomore
Favorite music: Elliott Smith, City and Colour, savemoney, Ages and Ages, Just Lions, Smallpools, Locksley, The Weeknd, the list goes on and on haha
Books: Honestly I don't read a lot but I enjoy any classics, Oliver Twist, Through the Looking Glass, The Odyssey, etc.
TV shows/Movies: Warehouse 13, Moneyball, The Butler, Adventure Time, The Tonight Show
Instrument: Guitar, Piano (hardly any), Trumpet, Baritone, Trombone, Violin (hardly any also), Percussion and a drum machine
Do you like sports? Yes, I like football and basketball, more so watching than playing haha
Family: Two legal guardians, a roommate and two tenants
Clothing: I'm a pretty consistent person. I always wear a sweater or sweatshirt whatever weather it may be, and a hat, usually my favorite one with the Batman symbol on it
How did you find this website?
The person who diagnosed me told me about it
Don't have one, but I want to be a musician or work in radio
Plans for the future?
I want to be able to live on my own with a wife and a kid or a couple of kids
Any comments?
I wanna say thanks to the person who invented this website! It was a great idea
*What is your first name: Everyone calls me Giddie.
*Age: 30
*Location: Michigan
*Hobbies and Interests: Art, writing, drawing, sculpting, sewing, cooking, baking...
*Why are you here: I'm tired of having nobody who understands to relate with.
*Favorite subjects: Baking, coffee, LGBT
*Favorite music: A lot of indie/folk stuff.
*Books: My 2 favorite books of all time are actually children's books... the first is "The Phantom Tollbooth" and the other is "Jennifer Murdley's toad". But I am a huge fan of Stephen king and the Dark Tower series was by far my favorite obsession for a while.
*TV shows/Movies: Doctor Who, lots of science fiction, etc.
*Family: I was disowned by my entire family and spent most of the last 7 years homeless.
*Clothing: Because being naked is illegal <Insert crickets here>
I like a lot of different styles and if its clean its wearable.
*How did you find this website: Google searched for support
*Job: I run a crafting business making plushies and messenger bags.
*Plans for the future: I am currently amassing my bucket list for completion in the next few years.
You're never too old to be young at heart.
What is your first name? Jessie
Age: 16
Location: United States
Hobbies and Interests: Welcome to Night Vale, drawing, and watching an excessive amount of Youtube videos
Why are you here? I have nothing better to do I suppose.
When were you diagnosed? (skip if you don't have a disorder): 6th grade, or some time around then.
Favorite subjects: Sometimes science, but I really don't like school in general. I used to be super into English until it turned into pure literature analysis.
Year/Grade: Almost finished with 10th grade
Favorite music: Tally Hall, P!ATD, Twenty One Pilots
Books: The Hunger Games, Divergent, anything by John Green
TV shows/Movies: Sherlock, Doctor Who, Adventure Time
Instrument: I tried piano but had to stop because of an overuse problem in my hands. I want to get back into it soon though!
Do you like sports? Hahahahaha no.
Family: I have a mother, father, a sister that's 2 years older than me, and a couple of pets
Clothing: T-shirts and jeans, every day.
How did you find this website? My mom found it and keeps bringing it up.
Job: Student
Plans for the future? No clue.
Any comments? This website looks like it hasn't been touched since the early 2000s. Definitely needs a bit of a graphics update.
What is your first name? Declan
Age: 17
Location: United States
Hobbies and Interests: listening to/playing music, talking
Why are you here? I'm interested in meeting other people with Aspergers.
When were you diagnosed? (skip if you don't have a disorder): Elementary School
Favorite subjects: None
Year/Grade: 12
Favorite music: Steely Dan, Buffalo Springfield, Love, The Move, The Zombies, Badfinger, Manfred Mann, Dire Straits, Pearls Before Swine
Books: Stephen King, Norman Mailer, Salman Rushdie, Upton Sinclair, Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, Mark Twain, J.D. Salinger, David Foster Wallace, Charles Bukowski, John Cheever, Chinua Achebe
TV shows/Movies: Unforgiven, Fearless, The Aviator, It's A Wonderful Life, The Conversation, Primer, Unbreakable
Instrument: Percussion, Piano, Guitar
Do you like sports? Yes!
Family: My parents are divorced.
How did you find out about this website? I read about it in a book on Aspergers.
Plans for the future: I will be attending college in January. I want to get a job so I have some money saved up before I go. I also want to get my license.
What is your first name? Pixi
Age: Older than most here, younger than a few.
Location: Goldfields, Victoria, Australia
Hobbies and Interests: Prospecting & Geology, House pets, Permaculture, Writing, Spirituality, Paranormal, Art & Music. Loves horses and all animals.
Why are you here? Asperger's Syndrome (both me & my husband)
When were you diagnosed? Currently undiagnosed but clearly in the autistic spectrum entire lives. Not sure any point in being dx'd at our ages as managed this far with no help. Misdiagnosed with depression and anxiety for years. Not accurate at all!
Favorite subjects: English, Social studies, biology, history, theology, drama, art, music
Year/Grade: 11 plus some tertiary certs. Was classed as remedial in school as cannot count/tell time but went on to run my own company in the funeral profession for 10 years.
Favorite music: Blues, Rock, Christian Rock, Metal, Classical, World music
Books: Text books mainly, medical science, autobiographies, spiritual, Bible etc.
TV shows/Movies: McLeod's Daughter's, Gold Rush Alaska, Ever After, Titanic,
Instrument: Learning guitar slowly (husband is a guitarist & singer)
Do you like sports? Not really but I can watch sailing or skiing & horses sometimes.
Family: The PTEN genetic defect is in my family. We have some with ADHD & Autism spectrum disorders.
Clothing: Country attire mainly (yeeha), Gypsy, Goth or Quaker/Plain, depends on moods/quirks.
How did you find this website? Googling about Asperger's Syndrome.
Job: Mortician (retired), now mainly admin on FB groups as disabled by advanced osteoporosis (spinal injury), often bedbound with ME and I have brain lesions but no MS dx yet. I have bouts of paralysis and severe pain.
Plans for the future? One day at a time. Would like to plant an organic food garden to feed the local community in these tough times. To find a big gold nugget and to write a few songs. Maybe start a blog etc.
Any comments? Recently married my gothrocker legend WhiteWolf who also has Asperger's. We are learning all we can about it, whether to seek a formal dx and making the relationship work considering our differing traits are not so easy to deal with. It's early days.
Followed my bliss by GPS...
Look where it got me.

Joined: 19 May 2014
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Posts: 15
Location: Rural Central Minnesota
What is your first name? Justin.
Age: 24
Location: Central Rural Minnesota
Hobbies and Interests: Tabletop Games, Backyard Wrestling, Singing Classic Rock tunes, FIRE
Why are you here? I need help. I deal with a lot of issues, and I want some advice on how people deal with WORSE issues, so that I can construct my own solutions. Or this, at least until I can go see a doctor about it. Plus, meeting like minded people is always fun.
When were you diagnosed? (skip if you don't have a disorder): Middle School.
Favorite subjects: Music, History, Literature.
Year/Grade: High School Graduate, class of 2008.
Favorite music: Blue Oyster Cult, Metallica, Santana, Yes, Thin Lizzy, Iron Maiden, all of your other Classic Rock heroes, Insane Clown Posse (and friends), Aesop Rock, Tech N9ne, Cage Kennylz, Daft Punk, Justice, Michael Jackson.
Books: Traditional? Mary Shelly's Frankenstein. Anything else? Manga and comic books.
TV shows/Movies: TV shows... Not a lot of those anymore. Anime in general. Miyazaki films. Old Samurai flicks. Movies? Clockwork Orange, Caveman's Valentine, Dark World, Jacob's Ladder, Full Metal Jacket
Instrument: My voice.
Do you like sports? I like flying several feet above ground and crashing through bits of plywood, glass, thumbtacks and people. YAY BACKYARD WRESTLING~
Family: My Father died in '07 when I was 16. My Mom is still around, though I don't live with her at the moment. I have two Dogs and two cats back there that I consider family. No siblings by blood, but two guys I've adopted as brothers.
How did you find out about this website? I had a bad night and googled 'Aspergers Support'. This looked like the most legit listing on page one.
Plans for the future: Find permanent living space, fix brain. Attend college, make creative stuff, or find a good job. A girlfriend would be nice. I don't bet on it, though.
What is your first name? Michelle
Age: 23
Location: AZ
Hobbies and Interests: art, philosophy, religious studies (atheist, however), knitting, reading.
Why are you here? I am certain that I have aspergers. I have been heavily researching the disorder for a long time now. However, I do not believe that I want to get a diagnosis. I have been to therapy in and out of my early adulthood for "anxiety". I was always intimidated by psychologists and it never helped me because I couldn't open up to them. I'm also here to see if aspergers is truly something that I can "relate" too. I'm honestly kind of lost right now.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I haven't been diagnosed. See previous question.
Favorite subjects: Religion,
Favorite music: I love vocally talented musicians, singer-songwriters: Jason Mraz, Sam Smith, Queen, Florence and the Machine, Ellie Goulding.
Books: The God Delusion
TV shows/Movies: Documentaries. I like old sitcoms like Freaks and Geeks, Roseanne, Full house.
Instrument: No... I wish
Do you like sports? No way.
Family: I have parents and sister.
Clothing: Whatever I would like to wear
How did you find this website? Google. That's pretty much the only way, i think
Job: Works for a very large large company getting paid very little.
Plans for the future? Hopefully To graduate college and get out of poverty. Trying to make a change in the world by trying a different approach.
Any comments? I usually don't do the whole Discussion form thing because I never am really understood by the majority of people... so I'm a little apprehensive and nervous going into this. However, I really do need to talk to other people like me. I don't even feel like more of "me" exist lol.
What is your first name? William
Age: 23
Location: London. Born in Yorkshire.
Why are you here? To feel less alone, and less socially inadequate.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): At the age of 22.
Year/Grade: BA (Hons) Philosophy and Psychology
Favorite music: My username is Jijifranko. Visit my page.
TV shows/Movies: Game of Thrones, Hannibal.
Instrument: Piano, violin and guitar.
Do you like sports? Yes. Rugby, cricket and football.
Family: A mother, father and brother. Cousins on both sides. An extensive Irish family.
Clothing: I'm not as self-consciously dandy as I would like to be.
How did you find this website? Via a video on YouTube.
Plans for the future? Further study. More books.
What is your first name? J
Age: 17
Location: Australia.
Hobbies and Interests: Writing, drawing, music, sleeping, modern history and urban exploration (even though I live in the countryside)
Why are you here? To compare my thoughts and opinions with everybody else's.
When were you diagnosed?: My parents knew I had Asperger's from an early age but I've never been officially diagnosed or anything.
Favorite subjects: English and Art
Year/Grade: 12
Favorite music: Genre doesn't matter to me much. As long as it sounds good, I'll take it. I'm more into indie stuff than mainstream, though.
Books: Catch-22, The Catcher in the Rye, The Disaster Artist, Lord of the Rings and any mystery/horror story.
TV shows/Movies: Top Gear, Mythbusters, Red Dwarf, Mystery Science Theater 3000, The Walking Dead, Pulp Fiction, Rushmore, Saw, Roger & Me, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Casablanca, The Big Lebowski... you're never going to hear the end of this one. I'll shut up.
Instrument: Guitar, sometimes I sing. I'd like to learn clarinet someday.
Do you like sports? I'm not too into sports, but I'm cool with them. I like motorsport the most.
Family: A mother and father just like anybody else. I also have a younger brother (15). My dad and brother have Aspergers.
Clothing: Nothing in particular because I don't have much. I pay some degree of attention to my appearance, though.
How did you find this website? Heard about it from time to time.
Job: Student. Not getting a job until after I finish school.
Plans for the future? Start and manage my own business. It'll probably be either a guitar shop or a bookstore. I'll probably busk on the odd occasion, too.
Any comments? You're adopted.
What is your first name? Kristine
Age: 22
Location: Canada
Hobbies and Interests: That's a hard question. I have many.
Why are you here? To learn.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): SKIP
Favorite subjects: History, Science, Art
Year/Grade: Drop Out
Favorite music: If it sounds good.
Books: I haven't read anything recently
TV shows/Movies: Game of Thrones. Waiting for the next Hobbit movie to come out.
Instrument: Pen
Do you like sports? I did.
Family: I have a daughter and a fiance
Clothing: What ever I like...
How did you find this website? Wikipedia
Job: Unemployed
Plans for the future? I want to go camping and to the lake this summer. Also I hope to fix up my house and sell it in a few years.
Any comments? Short answers...
What is your first name? Alexander.
Age: 18.
Location: USA.
Hobbies and Interests: chess, listening to music, reading, watching movies and shows, practicing martial arts (wing chun, primarily), being a tobacco connoisseur.
Why are you here? To receive support and advice from others and give it where I can.
When were you diagnosed? (skip if you don't have a disorder): elementary school.
Favorite subjects: physics and philosophy.
Year/Grade: college freshman.
Favorite music: metal. Favorite bands include Esoteric, God Dethroned, Skeletonwitch, Eluveitie, In Flames, Cattle Decapitation and My Dying Bride. I also like some lighter stuff, like Linkin Park, Breaking Benjamin, The Bunny The Bear and Deftones.
Books: Stephen King, Orson Scott Card, Kurt Vonnegut, Isaac Asimov. King is probably my favorite. The Stand and The Green Mile are the two best books I've ever read.
TV shows/Movies: Live action dramas and anime, mostly. Very rarely, I'll see a sitcom that I actually enjoy.
Instrument: saxophone, piano and metal vocals (harsh and clean, but I prefer harsh).
Do you like sports? No.
Family: mother, step father and my faithful hound; my "furbaby", as people have taken to calling them, whom I wouldn't trade for the world.
Clothing: I dress strangely. I have a propensity for strange hats, ranging from berets to beanies to top hats. I also have a thing for trench coats and fingerless gloves. If you saw me on the street, you'd probably think I was a drug dealer.
How did you find out about this website? Wikipedia.
Plans for the future: my only plans are the pursuit of truth and the pursuit of happiness. The search for truth has lead me to science and to philosophy; at present, I am anticipating double majoring in physics and philosophy. I also anticipate going to grad school for physics. The pursuit of happiness, on the other hand, is more complicated than truth could ever be. It's not simple mathematics and I can't solve it like a puzzle. I'm still trying to determine what it is and how one goes about attaining it.
Anyway...that's me.
What is your first name? 12341234
Age: 26
Location: UK
Hobbies and Interests: I spend inordinate amounts of time gluing Frostie boxes
Why are you here?: Found it post-diagnosis
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): A number of provisional diagnosis for ASC in Oct 2008, Jul 2010, Nov 2010, Aug 2011, May 2012, and the confirmed one in Jan 2013
Favorite subjects: English; IT
Year/Grade: Left school 10 years' ago
Favorite music: Indie; classical.
Books: The Guardian & The Telegraph
TV shows/Movies: Radio 4
Instrument: I would like to learn to play the piano
Do you like sports?: No
Family: Most of them are deceased
Clothing: Easy-fitting
How did you find this website?: See previous similar question
Job: Receive disability benefits, however, volunteer; see above
Plans for the future?: See what happens
Any comments?
Last edited by 12341234 on 28 May 2014, 3:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
What is your first name? christian
Age: 30
Location: Germany, Munich area
Hobbies and Interests: films, drawing/animation. science, non-fiction books
Why are you here? failed to cope, looking for community
When were you diagnosed? (skip if you don't have a disorder): first time informally in 2008 by a befriended doctor, not a psychiatrist. Diagnosis for adult asperger's is uncommon in germany
Favorite subjects: used to love chemistry and art, have a Masters in Animation from the Royal college of Art in London
Year/Grade: Diploma in graphics design, MA in Animation
Favorite music: arhythmic, experimental, and leonard cohen, Velvet underground
Books: The log from the sea of cortez, the peregrine, the inner fish
TV shows/Movies: Stalker, My neighbour totoro, Tekkon Kinkreet and a lot of obscure things, like russian war films from the sevnties, a lot of japanese films ....
Instrument: - no sense of rhythm whatsoever
Do you like sports? watching? under no circumstances, practicing- rarely
Family: two brothers, one NT, the other slightly aspergian. The aspergian one has a wife and 2 year old son. Father, yes, mother died of cancer when I was 17. large extended family. all of them NT.
Clothing: 'like a banker, who just received a call that something terrible has ahappened and hurried home' was the latest comment
How did you find this website? looking for advice on life
Job: Animator/director by heart, storyboard artist/illustrator for the money
Plans for the future? make films, which I'm quite good at, but I still haven't figured out how to get them funded... so... being a starving, lonely artist, I guess
I can read facial expressions. I did the test.