Any other aspies in their early 20s?
I will be 23 on Friday. I'm attending college for the first time in the Fall.
My husband is 26 and also most likely autistic. He has had his first job since last May. He works at a grocery store. The first store he worked at sucked and gave him just above minimum wage with little hours.
He got a promotion. He has way more stable hours that are almost always full time. He got a low raise recently. He stuck up for himself and the new manager gave him a bigger raise.
My husband also doesn't know what he wants to do. Honestly, he's not good at math or science. He also isn't the best at being social. However...
If I could give you any advice at all, it's that some of us do have an advantage. We may not be good at being social, some of us may only have average or below average IQs, but man, a very big percentage of us WORKS HARD. I mean REALLY, REALLY hard.
Whatever you decide to do, this may also be a trait of yours and can help you.
Tufted Titmouse

Joined: 18 May 2014
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I'm a 22 soon to be 23 year old girl, my name is Susanne by the way not that thats of any importance xD
I've had my own appartment since the day i turned 18, still live there. My education took a while though, had some trouble figuring out which education i wanted (although i knew i wanted to work with people/health.) but in the end i stopped my direction towards hospital nurse, and instead ended up educating myself in child care work. Passed my exams in February this year. Although i do like working in a kindergaarten (its very giving to be able to help shape someone as a person) but i do to some degree find myself thinking that maybe i should have taken that education to become a nurse instead.
Maybe some day i'll find my way to that education, but for now i'm happy enough with the job I've got.
"I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find you're not, i hope you have the strength to start all over again." | F. Scott Fitzgerald
I'm 22. Dropped out of uni, trying out online classes at the local community college this summer, plan on going back to real classes in the fall. I felt the same way, bored with life and everything, until I looked back on my childhood and thought of what I loved the most and did the best. I loved fixing, breaking, and fixing computers. So I plan on going back for computer info systems to become a desktop support tech!
If you're also an aspie in your early 20s I'd be really grateful to hear how things are going for you.
Hello and welcome to WP.
I was where you are at 20; dropped out of college (business management; boring as all f*ck) and had hit rock bottom (again). Maybe this sounds like a cliche, but it gets better. I applied for a new study at college, and I'm soon finished with my degree in computer science.
I would have made an awful accountant, but I do very well at my current study. I've also swapped the drinking for heavy weight lifting, which also helps me let of steam. As of 2014, I even have friends again. Please be aware of the fact that getting your life back on tracks takes time. You won't wake up one day and see everything change for the better. It's also hard work, but the end results are worth it.
Good luck!

“He who controls the spice controls the universe.”
I'm a 24 year old with Aspergers. I dropped out college last semester, and I'm currently situated with my folks. I'm high functioning, but I've been withdrawn from the world. Don't have a whole lot of friends; most of my friends were made through my family. I wish I could say I'm a highly motivated worker, but to be frank I haven't considered myself something to be motivated about for the better part of a decade. I like playing video games, but my hobbies are computers and cooking.
Things have been better recently, but the last couple of months have been a special sort of sadism I chose for myself. Feel like I've processed through a few years of teenage angst that never happened. Actually feel older than 13 for once in my life...which I am sure will help as I begin to try and become self-sufficient. Going to an interview sometime this week, so hopefully I'll be able to get out of my isolation cycle.
I'm 25. I was diagnosed late at 19. I dropped out of college multiple times. Couldn't handle it socially plus I was going through severe depression at the time. Went back to school when I was 22 through a program geared towards AS students. I'm doing a dual-degree program because I did well enough in school and on the GMAT and my major is a 5 year major (Accounting), so I'm like, if I just do my bachelor's I'll be graduating at the same time why the hell not get an MBA as well? I'm done with the undergrad portion of my program and started taking MBA courses.
I still live at home and I while I'm friendly with people I'm generally distant because it's safer for me. I've developed a self-awareness about myself and how my Aspieness affects my interactions with people both personally and professionally. It kinda sucks because I'm constantly second guessing myself and I'm overloaded emotionally very often even though I hide it well. All in all I'm doing well enough right now. My biggest advice is figure out what makes you you. Figure out what your good at and feel like you can make a living off of and try to use your aspieness as an advantage. It's tough but very doable.
I am also in my early 20's I recently achieved a associate degree, it seems like that is not enough. I'm not sure if I want to go back to school or what I want to do. I am also working presently in a market part time.. I am doing a 6 week intern for a cooperation but it seems like they did not put me in the correct department. I feel the same way as you. And to add to it , I feel alone and inferior to others .. Even thou I know I am a decently smart person.. I still feel this way.. I thought If I could get a fulltime job and go back slowly to school.
I'm 24 dropped out of university in first year, only had a few volunteer jobs since. Diagnosed with Asperger's very recently, now I'm finding out more about it and why I struggled I would like to go back to college or uni and try again
Asperger's female, diagnosed at 24.
When I needed a hand, I found your paw. That's why you're so precious to me.
I'm 23 (hence the username), diagnosed in past 6 months.
I graduated from university in 2012, and I've been working full-time in software development since then.
I'm sorry to hear others' experiences with college - I found it to be challenging but the social support / opportunities to meet people are greater, and since people have majors, it's almost like full of psuedo-Aspies. Though I can see this differing depending on school etc.
Hello there, I'm a 22 year old aspie. Went straight to art school age 18 (and pre-diagnosis) after having been extremely successful academically during my school years and subsequently dropped out due to not being able to cope away from home and getting the wrong ideas into my head to switch course (this part is a long story and I'm trying not to give my life story on my first post! In short, I couldn't cope with having been known to be smart to people assuming I wasn't just because I was doing a practical degree.) I then started a psychology degree, realised that the problem was me and not the degree course and moved back home. Now, two years on (and when I would have originally finished my art degree) I am returning to art school after a lot of re-applying. I've had a lot of talking therapy and medications and got my Asperger's diagnosis so I'm hoping that this time around it will work! I'm feeling 'cautiously optimistic', as it were. I live with my fiancé and we've been together since we were 13. We are each other's social life and that suits us just fine. He's my best friend. That's my sum up of my life status currently, as an aspie in her early 20s.
"And when we die, oh will we be that disappointed or sad? If heaven doesn't exist what will we have missed? This life is the best we've ever had."
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 30 Oct 2010
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I'm a few months away from turning 21.
No degree, no job, no driver's license, unlike so many of my peers.
To me, adult life never "started", I never received an indication of "hey, you're an adult now" because I quit school when I was 16.
Unlike others, I didn't suddenly get to graduate college, buy my first car, or have my own appartment, which tends to jumpstart this new life phase.
As Pink Floyd said it:
"No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun"
I don't know when I'm supposed to pick up where I left off and "start" my adulthood. You cannot change overnight, and you can't suddenly learn independence when it was never taught and things were always done for you.
I should attend some adult courses in order to earn a degree, at least, I don't want to be someone who lives off of welfare, I already feel so inept.
I want to feel useful. If I work as a clerk somewhere and I let all my accumulated potential & knowledge go to waste, I'd still feel worthless.
I'm physically clumsy so I have no place in labor work, I'd get in the way. I don't want to do work I'm bad at.
I turn 21 in two months, and I was diagnosed with Asperger's when I was 9.
I'm a senior in college, so now's the time to get my resume/cover letter together and go looking for internships and whatnot. I'm actually required by my major to get an internship before I graduate with my B.S., so I wonder how that's going to work out. By this fall, I'm hoping to find a part time job in my industry of study, construction, and get some relevant work experience and maybe an opportunity to intern or work full time. My dad was a construction manager and a general contractor for 20+ years, so he has helped me out a lot in terms of business sense and educating me on things you just don't learn at school, and God willing, he will continue to help me out in the future.
I live in a house my parents bought for my sisters and me to live in while we're at university, so cooking and cleaning and waking myself up are up to me. I can make it to class on time and get my assignments done, cook myself a decent meal every once and a while, and mostly clean the house when things get dirty.
I have friends at the church I go to, and in the student activist organization I'm a member of, so I can talk and do things with regular people, even if I'm a little awkward at times. I'm single for now, not actively looking for a girl.
That's how I'm doing

Joined: 12 Dec 2013
Age: 31
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No degree, no job, no driver's license, unlike so many of my peers.
To me, adult life never "started", I never received an indication of "hey, you're an adult now" because I quit school when I was 16.
Unlike others, I didn't suddenly get to graduate college, buy my first car, or have my own appartment, which tends to jumpstart this new life phase.
As Pink Floyd said it:
"No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun"
I don't know when I'm supposed to pick up where I left off and "start" my adulthood. You cannot change overnight, and you can't suddenly learn independence when it was never taught and things were always done for you.
I should attend some adult courses in order to earn a degree, at least, I don't want to be someone who lives off of welfare, I already feel so inept.
I want to feel useful. If I work as a clerk somewhere and I let all my accumulated potential & knowledge go to waste, I'd still feel worthless.
I'm physically clumsy so I have no place in labor work, I'd get in the way. I don't want to do work I'm bad at.
I'm in a similar position. I never finished high school, I don't even have a learner's permit, let alone a driver's license, and I'm currently unemployed as I quit my job about 2 weeks ago. That job was the only one I ever had though, and I only had it for a few months, so I'm still relatively inexperienced. My friends are all growing up around me and leaving me in the dust. I only have two or three friends I see on a semi-regular basis now, not counting the one who's family I live with. I almost went on welfare at one point, back when I was living at my father's place and I was really down in the dumps. My pride kept me from going through with it however, as did the fact that I was diagnosed so long ago, it would be hard to get a hold of my papers.
I was fortunate enough to have a friend's family reach out and help, and currently I am living in a spare bedroom of theirs, paying a very, very low rent. This is the only way I can afford working crappy minimum wage jobs. If it weren't for this opportunity, I have no idea where I'd be. I'd probably be fighting with my father trying to convince him to let me stay, or living on welfare, or worse, living on the streets. It's tough when your parents have a hard time understanding and accepting your condition, especially considering that I was diagnosed at such a young age and that you'd think they would be well-versed on it.
People tell me that they had trouble growing up and learning how to be adults too. BS. It's probably at least 10x harder when you're an aspie than it is if you're an NT.
My dream is to work in IT, but to get there I'll probably have to do a bunch of odd jobs and grunt labor. I'm not bad at grunt labor, though it's been a while since I've been in shape. My lack of coordination, coupled with my perfectionist tendencies, can certainly be a pain in the ass though.
To be completely honest, I don't want to be an adult. I want to keep living like a teenager until I'm at least 35 years old. The living situation I'm in right now allows me a sort of "prolonged adolescence", but I have no idea how long it's going to last.
Anyway, I am 22, Dutch and studying Psychology on university. I'm in my masters.
I am not happy with my life. I have no hobbies and two friends that I rarely see. I worry about my future and the problems of society a lot.
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