Hello there everyone! Been checking out this forum for a while now since I bookmarked it back months ago, and now I just decided to create an account and start posting! Anywho, name's Matt! I'm 19 years old, and just graduated HS this past May and plan on starting school at a community college this Fall (the 26th of August). I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome back in '98 if I recall correctly, and it's hugely impacted my life. I am high-functioning, and have a fair amount of friends. I have only had one girlfriend, but looking back I don't really consider that "count" by itself because it lasted less than a week and she was younger than I so I cut it off. I like video games and anime?full Okatu at heart basically!
I hope to meet new people on here soon!
"My people skills are rusty." ~Castiel
Your Aspie score: 140 of 200
Your Neurotypical score: 103 of 200
You are very likely to be an Aspie!