Questions about you
What is your first name? Jennifer
Age: 30
Location: Nevada (no, not Vegas)
Hobbies and Interests: weightlifting, reading, herpetology
Why are you here? Why not?
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Recently
Favorite subjects: Science
Favorite music: All of it
Books: Too many to list
Do you like sports? Not particularly
Family: Parents. 2 older brothers. One 10 year old son. Niece and nephews.
Clothing: Comfortable but fitted. Jeans or shorts and t shirts. Or gym leggings and tank tops.
How did you find this website? Um. Google.
Job: Warehouse picker/packer
Plans for the future? Several...
Any comments? Not yet.
Name: James/Glenn (I have constantly been asked which of these I prefer and I constantly answer I could care less since I answer to either. Ironically the name my close friends call me is "Commander", but that's another story for another post)
Age: 19
Location: Southern North Carolina (relatively less than a half hour away from Charlotte)
Hobbies and Interest: History, Writing, RTS and Turn Based Strategy games
Why are you here? Curious
When were you diagnosed? Toward the end of last year
Favorite Subjects; History and Business
Favorite music: classic rock and classical, with some mixes of country and steampunk/techno
Books: many novels and other historic books
Do you like sports? Not my cup of tea
Family? Mother, father, a sister, and one of the world's strangest dogs (also a story for another post)
Clothing? usual black coat and pants with shirts of varying color and fashion, very comfortable
How did you find this website? Wikipedia while rereading the information on Aspies
Job: Nothing official yet, simply help those who in need
Plans for the future? Living preferably
Any comments? I am a YardBird (yet another story for yet another post, or pm if curiosity gets the better of you )
Stay classy WrongPlanet
What is your first name? Toby
Age: 19
Location: England
Hobbies and Interests: I like playing games and watching movies/TV
Why are you here? I have Autism
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I don't remember if I was 5 or 6 around 2000 to 2002
Favorite subjects: DT, Math, PE before my leg and spine injury.
Year/Grade: don't go
Favorite music: Rock, Indie, Blues
Books: Game Of Thrones (I know there called A song of fire and Ice) and Discworld
TV shows/Movies: At the moment I'm really liking X files, Smallville, and Game of Thrones
Instrument: I don't anymo but I use to play the keyboard
Do you like sports? I enjoy Golf
Family: A mum, dad, and a younger brother with Aspergers
Clothing: Anything in the wardrobe.
How did you find this website? By looking for forums with people who have autism
Job: unemployed
Plans for the future? In the next 5 years I want a job and somewhere to live
What is your first name? Marty
Age: 47
Location: San Antonio, TX, for as little time as is practically possible
Hobbies and Interests: common practise music, furry animals, guys
Why are you here? Can't connect with people any more on any level
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Have attempted the diagnosis about 20 times in my life but have never followed through. It's always progressed to severity and I don't know if I want to know.
Favorite subjects: common practise music, furry animals, guys
Year/Grade: adult now
Favorite music: Aaron Copland, George Crumb, Iannis Xenakis, Reynaldo Hahn, John Ireland
Books: don't read books
TV shows/Movies: don't watch them.
Instrument: piano, but haven't touched one in 15 years
Do you like sports? No.
Family: None.
Clothing: as non-descript as possible. Absolutely no adverts
How did you find this website? trying to find some way to connect with people as Facebook isn't working.
Job: call centre
Plans for the future? Wake up.
Any comments? Haven't I enough?
What is your first name? Shannon (guy though!)
Age: Mid 40's
Location: Upstate, SC
Hobbies and Interests: Mechanical watches, mechanical keyboards, RC planes, outdoors, cars
Why are you here? Wanted to connect with others
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Last summer ('14)
Favorite subjects: Science, learning anything new really
Year/Grade: Adult
Favorite music: Pretty much anything, love music. Dont like Rap very much or trad country.
Books: Used to be big into Initial D (anime), now I read occasionally
TV shows/Movies: Big Bang, Shawshank, Star Wars, The Middle, it varies with mood
Instrument: Drums, been playing off and on over a couple decades
Do you like sports? Some - snowboarding, skiing, skating, college FB, sometimes golf, auto racing (NOT NASCAR)
Family: Lots. At home - wife, 3 kids, 2 big dogs (Mastiff mutt and English Bully)
Clothing: - Anything comfy! Prefer no tags. T-shirts, shorts, Sanuks all summer. Add in jeans for winter. Super picky about fit and shoes.
How did you find this website? searched for forums for like minded individuals
Job: work from home, VP of a small metals company, mainly internet based
Plans for the future? - No clue, get my kids the help they need and keep on supporting the fam I guess!
Any comments? Looking forward to checking the site out
What is your first name? aeri
Age: 42
Location: tampa, florida
Hobbies and Interests: makeup, fashion, goth, music, the occult, reading, writing, fandom, rp, video games, true crime, relaxation stuffs, body mods, eft, google, youtube.
Why are you here? as, c-ptsd, gad, panic disorder, emetophobia, ocd
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): anxiety/emet stuff in 1984, ptsd in 2005, as in 2003
Favorite music: ethereal, indie, darkwave, old school goth, triphop, neofolk, ambient, new age, shoegaze.
Books: tanith lee's retold fairytales (dreams of dark and light, tales of sisters grimmer), disco bloodbath, asoiaf, the shining, the night circus, caitlin kiernan stuff, kushiel series, reading terrible stuff on purpose, true crime, fantasy low & high, ya fic, historical fic, books on period fashion, books on makeup idek, some manga, harry potter, morbid and random nonfiction.
TV shows/Movies: game of thrones, btvs, angel, penny dreadful, lost, six feet under, weeds, hannibal, madmen, deadwood, carnivale, spartacus, plunkett and macleane, anything with a fop in it, legend, the last unicorn, fullmetal alchemist, stuff i probably cannot even name
Do you like sports? maybe if it's quidditch.
Family: all deceased. am about to be married, though so i guess that will count!
Clothing: fandom tees, flower crowns, hats, vintage, fetish, cosplay-as-real-life, gothy, witchy/occult, mori, distressed, too much black.
How did you find this website? i read things here sometimes, mostly from endless googlesearching.
Job: csr type thing
Plans for the future? marriage, probably moving, possibly the end of being employed (which is not really awesome but eh).
OK, let's see here... :-
Name, Mark or almost universally known as 'Zed'
Age : 43 (internal age about 15)
Location : Hastings UK
Hobbies: Cars & Trains & Boats & Planes
Why am I here?: Just for the Craic & a bit of advice
Diagnosed: August 2010 & never looked back!
Favourite Subjects: Finding out what's REALLY going on out there, otherwise drinking & swearing
Year/Grade: lots
Music: What you got?
Books: Ditto, I'm a published novelist & journalist
TV: don't get time
Instrument: Bass Guitar
Sports: If its got wheels, I'm in!
Family : Middle of 3...but we don't talk about them, they're odd!
Clothing: nothing but the best
How did I find the site?: Tooling about on various forums & the name kept popping up.
Job?: Yep, freight logistics manager
Plans for the future?: Many...
Comments?:I'm still finding my feet with all this, but loving being an Aspie since I learned to drive it...
What is your first name?: Chris
Age: 22
Location: Usually the Northeastern USA, but sometimes other places
Hobbies and Interests: Philosophy, Literature, History, Music, Art, Radical Politics, Queer Culture, Religion, Anthropology (Really, just the Humanities as a whole)
Why are you here?: Diagnosed Aspergers
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): a few years back, 8th grade or so
Favorite subjects: See "Interests" above
Year/Grade: College drop-out
Favorite music: Punk, Post-Punk, Goth/Deathrock, Alternative Rock (including shoegaze and the like), Garage Rock, Noise Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop, Folk, Classical, Electronic. Favorite band is probably The Smiths.
Books: Aristotle, Descartes, Spinoza, Hegel, Marx, Freud, Marcuse, Sartre, Benjamin, Beauvoir; Oscar Wilde, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Franz Kafka, Jeffrey Eugenides, Samuel Beckett, James Joyce, Sylvia Plath, Arthur Rimbaud, Shelagh Delaney, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Charles Bukowski, Charles Baudelaire
TV shows/Movies: Favorite director is Ingmar Bergman, but I like plenty of films and TV shows. Persona, Through a Glass Darkly, The Seventh Seal, Mulholland Drive, Thelma & Louise, Liquid Sky, Dr. Strangelove, My Own Private Idaho, Mysterious Skin, Female Trouble, Pink Flamingos, The Graduate, Pulp Fiction, Waking Life, 28 Days Later, The Living End
Instrument: Never had the patience to learn an instrument. Maybe that'll change one day.
Do you like sports? No.
Family: Not great
Clothing: been called "grungy" in more ways than one.
How did you find this website? Google
Job: Unemployed
Plans for the future? None.
Age: 45
Location: London, UK
Hobbies and Interests: my dog, my work, my voluntary work
Why are you here? Not sure, if I'm honest.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 3 years ago
Favorite subjects: Mathematics, physics
Year/Grade: N/A
Favorite music: Barenaked Ladies, Crash Test Dummies, Spin Doctors, Runrig, Capercaillie
Books: My bookshelf at home has five shelves: four are filled with stuff either I've written or have read for work
TV shows/Movies: Documentaries and news
Instrument: N/A
Do you like sports? Yes: rugby (not playing any more), scuba diving
Family: N/A
Clothing: Normal - whatever that means.
How did you find this website? Google
Job: Company director, statistical modelling for finance businesses
Plans for the future? None
Any comments?
What is your first name? Stephen
Age: 45
Location: Kentucky
Hobbies and Interests: Parenting, Computers, Video Games, D&D, and many others...
Why are you here? I seem to have several of the Asperger's characteristics, but I'm not ready to pursue an official diagnosis (yet). I'm here to connect with an Aspie community and learn more about it before deciding further.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Not diagnosed officially yet, but so far a few self-assessments strongly indicate it's likely.
Favorite subjects: Math, Applied Sciences, History
Year/Grade: A.A.S. in Computers & Electronics Technology, B.S. in Computer Information Technology
Favorite music: 80's Rock bands. First memory I have of an Aspie trait (or Special Interest) was the compelling need to memorize every Van Halen song ever that upon hearing part of one of their songs, I could instantly recite the band name, song title, album title, which track on the album it was located, the year the album came out, and (in later years) who was in the band.
Books: "The Deed of Paksenarrion" by Elizabeth Moon, all of the J.R.R. Tolkien books, and others...
TV shows/Movies: CSI (Miami and NY), Criminal Minds, NCIS (Original), X-Files, and other Sci-Fi shows/movies
Instrument: Trumpet & guitar
Do you like sports? Other than Track & Field in High School, no...I don't do sports.
Family: Wife and 5 children, ages range from 9 to 25
Clothing: Casual while at home, Business Casual while at work
How did you find this website? Internet search for "Aspergers Forums"
Job: I.T. Specialist....currently working in a Data Center
Plans for the future? Raise my kids successfully & learn better how to minimize these Aspergers side-effects
Any comments? It's nice to know I'm not alone....that there's others with similar quirks as me...and that there's a valid term for it "Aspergers". Yay!
What is your first name?
Hobbies and Interests:
Occupational Therapy, Pianting/Crafting, guitar, comedy, music/movies, cooking.
Why are you here?
To gain more information and learn about myself.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
Currently trying to decide if an official diagnosis is what I want.
Favorite subjects:
1st Year Masters of Science Graduate Student of Occupational Therapy
Favorite music:
Indie Pop/Rock/Punk
Mostly Text Books right now!
TV shows/Movies:
The Office, Sunny in Philly, Game of Thrones
Do you like sports?
I like to ride my bicycle! Is that a sport?
No kids, don't really think I want them. At least not now.
Polka Dots, Chevron, Floral Print, Frilly/Lacey things.
How did you find this website?
I work full time in a group home through an agency for people with disabilities.
Plans for the future?
To become an Occupational Therapist and move to Georgia, where my boyfriend's friends and family are.
Any comments?
I'm happy to be here!
What is your first name?
Hobbies and Interests:
hiking, biking, skiing, photography, crocheting, sustainable homesteading
Why are you here?
Still trying to figure out "what is wrong with me" and if this is "my tribe"
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
ADHD at age 45, recently self-administered online assessment for ASD had meaningful score result
Favorite subjects:
geometry, art, music
done with formal education long long ago, thank you
Favorite music:
blues, bluegrass, classic rock (um, yes, I am that old)
The Freedom Manifesto
TV shows/Movies:
Big Bang Theory, Oh Brother Where Art Thou
Do you like sports?
I like to do them (hike, bike, ski), not particularly spectate except for skiing(!) and maybe dog agility or something like that...animals doing their thing, impressively. Horses running.
M, F, nephew
Funky, comfortable, fun
How did you find this website?
Reading a blog by a homeless guy (Kevin) in San Diego led me to take the assessment (link above) and that led to the ASD entry in Wikipedia and from there to WP I had been here before, but had got distracted
and wandered off.
I was a computer programmer
Plans for the future?
To keep feeding my critters and maybe become an art therapist?
Any comments?
It would be welcome to find others similar to myself to relate to. This has been a long strange (and lonely) road so far.
What is your first name? Russell
Age: 29
Location: North Bend, WA
Hobbies and Interests: I like cats, my bird, roleplaying games, Star Wars, Star Trek, Women and the Female Body, Science Fiction, Fantasy, computer games, reading, writing, and relaxing. I like studying about the wide variety of Women and ways to please them in relationships. I am also interested in becoming able to have a wife and marriage with a place to live.
Why are you here? I don't really know, maybe because I don't much going on and not having work stresses me out more than working usually ever does.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Recently, in 2006-2007
Favorite subjects: Women, Cats, Star Wars, Stars and the exploration of space
Year/Grade: I have a college degree, an AAS, and a certificate
Favorite music: Rock, Classic rock, heavy metal, movie/videogame/tv-show soundtracks, nearly everything but most country and most rap/hip-hop music
Books: Star Wars, Star Trek, Science Fiction, Fantasy, History, some others. Listing each individual book I like or author would take a while
TV shows/Movies: Star Wars, Star Trek, White Collar, Burn Notice, Sci-fi ones, Fantasy ones, a few others, nothing horror though since I don't like scaring myself and never saw the appeal
Instrument: Played piano, played Trumpet then Trombone, nothing now
Do you like sports? Baseball I like, but I prefer swimming to any sports
Family: 5 siblings, of which all but one is married or going to be soon, plus parents who are married, I have a niece and nephew
Clothing: I wear what is comfortable and I feel like wearing
How did you find this website? Searching for info about Autistic relationships I think. Been a while and don't remember what I was looking into when I found the website listed in results.
Job: In between jobs, which stresses me out
Plans for the future? Get job, save money, get place/new car, meet women, get wife, save money to buy objects I want, write my story ideas into books, maybe have kids or not since I am open to either way
Any comments? None, besides the fact I like this website.
What is your first name? Harrison
Age: 18
Location: northern part of south carolina
Hobbies and Interests: Programing, reading, Discrete mathematics, games, dyi computers
Why are you here? Looked interesting or at least to be a decent enough distraction
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Recently
Favorite subjects: CompSci, Discrete math, Virology/MicroBio
Year/Grade: year one
Favorite music: Fall Out Boy, Electronica
Books: Many, Currently The Laundry Files
TV shows/Movies: Quite a few, Currently watching House
Instrument: I run sound tech
Do you like sports? Can't say that I do
Family: Mother, Father, Sister, Dog
Clothing: Hoodie (not MicroFiber can't stand the stuff) and pants, usually loose fiting, usually with many pockets
How did you find this website? A friend
Job: I work as a sound tech and intern at a Scuba shop
What is your first name? Daniel
Age: 31
Location: Norway
Hobbies and Interests: Art, furries, anime, scify, fantasy, horror, roleplaying.
Why are you here? Looking for answers and friendship
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 12. 05. 2015
Favorite subjects: History, sociology, Psychology, archeology, parapsychology.
Year/Grade: 08
Favorite music: Metal
Books: Lotr, Redwall, Clive Barker. Kyel Gold
TV shows/Movies: Lotr, The Hobbit, Startrek, Star wars, Alien, Hellraiser, Terminaror, He-man, Transformers, Thundercats, Swatcats. Robotech, Tmnt, Family guy, South Park, Documentaries.
Instrument: 10 shots of Tequila and a kareoke machine
Do you like sports? If I can watch people beat the crap out of eachother sure.
Family: Divorced
Clothing: Black leather, spikes, chains, boots,
How did you find this website? Google
Job: Graphic artist
Plans for the future? Get an apartment, move in with my gf/bf. Sell art, get a dog, Murder my ex-wife.
Any comments: I also on occasion dress up as a cartoon animal.
What is your first name? Kasey
Location:Maine, US
Hobbies and Interests:Animals, Disney
Why are you here? Looking for friendship
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):I was diagnosed with aspergers when I was 14
Favorite subjects:Psychology, sociology
Year/Grade: Graduated high school, some college
Favorite music: Billy Joel is my favorite
Books: Any books written by todd strasser and Steven King
TV shows/Movies:T.V Bobs burgers, South park. Favotire movie is Patch Adams
Instrument: I used to play the flute
Do you like sports? No
Family:Mom, dad 2 brothers. I'm married and have in laws
Clothing: Jeans and a t-shirt
How did you find this website? Google
Job: Just started as a house keeper
Plans for the future? Wish i had some
Any comments?